Former Attorney General Eric Holder has urged Democrats to pack the Supreme Court to seize full control of U.S. politics.
While speaking at the Brookings Institute on Monday, the Obama-era official claimed the high court is not liberal enough and said it may block Democrat policies from moving forward.
Holder went on to accuse the Supreme Court of being hostile to the ideals of the Democrat Party due to a conservative majority on its bench. The former attorney general is known for weaponizing the IRS against conservative groups and for his role in the failed Operation Fast and Furious.
Read more at One America News
Eric Holder, responsible for Border Security officer Brian Terry’s death, through “fast and furious”. Another race baiter / criminal who should be tried for Brian Terry’s death, tried for murder, of a United States citizen and hero. Give me an airsick bag, because you, Eric are disgusting and you make me sick!
More proof, they wanna turn the US, just into another version of China/russia…
They are turning the USA into the American version of China, North Korea
Example how corrupt and dishonorable Democrat Former Attorney General Eric Holder is.
And another attempt at making the U.S. into a Socialist Democrat Party Dictator State.
The soon to be vice president Nazi Nancy Pelosi has stated her objectives.
The Democrat Party political officers and Gestapo are just getting started controlling what you say, what you hear and what you see. Only the State propaganda is allowed.
You will be loyal and support the Democrat Party State or you will be classified as
“Enemies of the State”.
24 Aug. 2020 – Monday on MSNBC’s “Live,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
referred to President Donald Trump and his Republican allies as “enemies of the state.”
Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, labeled US President Donald Trump and the Republican Party “domestic enemies” and “enemies of the state.”
Pelosi represents a greater danger to this country than any foreign enemy. If left wing criminals like Holder joins forces with Pelosi and Harris this country will be torn even further apart than it is now. They may be responsible for the start of that second American Revolution that has been talked about for years now. Our best hope is when the socialists/democrats start their unconstitutional policies that our military leaders will follow their oath of office and defend the constitution of the United States of America against these domestic enemies. If they back the socialists democrats then we are doomed to lose all rights and freedoms our constitution grants us.
Do you really trust those politically-correct, brown-nosing cats in the Pentagon to protect your Constitution and your rights when they are sleeping with the Lefties??
Not just no, but OH HELL NO.
They are all corrupt and dishonest.. This is nothing new. The Democrats AND their lying smear merchants a.k.a. the media have called every Republican president since Ronald Regan a racist, a bigot and homophobe. I’m not exactly sure when the Democrats and the Media smear machine started branding all Republicans white supremacists. I believe it was GW. Now all Republicans are also unjustly called traitors and domestic terrorists. A lie repeated often enough becomes the truth in the minds of the uninformed,, misinformed and ignorant masses the Democrats pander too. Coupled with censorship, McCarthy type boycotting and shaming is a recipe for tyranny on the scale of Russia and Red China
I do remember, even as a kid, starting to hear the bigot/racist mantra hurled around, at conservatives, but i don’t think it started with Reagan, it started with bush.
Everyone forgets about poor Nixon. Look at his record. He wasn’t a bad president and a damn sight better than any dem pres ever. But he proves the axiom, “Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you.” And boy were the dems and their lap dogs in the media out to get him, and every Republican president since. It’s disgusting.
Why not pack the courts, they packed the ballot box and got away with it.
I am not sure that you understand what Packing the Supreme Court means.
Right now there are 9 Supreme Court judges and there are more conservative judges than liberal judges. The dishonorable Democrat Party want to add NINE more judges liberal judges with the total of 16 judges. Thus packing the Supreme Court with Liberal Judges.
If this happens, we will definitely be under the control of the Liberal Socialist Democrat Party State Dictatorship………. Comrade. 🙁 🙁 🙁
Eric Holder is a thug, a crook, and was an incompetent Attorney General. He should actually be in jail.
The Supreme Court has had 9 Justices throughout its history and is fine just the way it is.
Holder and his cronies want to pack the Court so that there is no chance that questions involving the
Constitution would be upheld in favor of the intended purpose of the law.
Have you checked the Supreme Court’s record Scruffy? The Conservative majority have become liberal, even the three that Trump put in. There may as well be 900 justices. They’re not gonna save us my friend.
Are you sure there are more than two conservatives in SC, Alito and Thomas??
I am not sure that you understand what Packing the Supreme Court means.
Yes Scruffy of course I do, I was just being sarcastic. Since the Radical Left seems to get away with what ever they damn well please why not change the make up of the SCOTUS. Obviously no one is going to try to stop them. (looking at you GOP)
That said, considering the way the SC has ruled as of late I wouldn’t consider them ‘more conservative than liberal’. Frankly the way these clowns have ruled I’d say why bother packing the court, the Radicals already have what they want.
BASED On their recent decisions (OR LACK THERE OF), are you SURE THERE ARE ‘conservatives’ still on the Scotus? CAUSE ALL THREE Trump put there, certainly are not SEEMING TO be conservatives..
DemocRATS have been getting away with Criminal activity for a very long time. Hussein’s 8 years Honed it almost to perfection. He and his comrades in arms are responsible for terrible race relations we have today. You are correct in your analogy of the US Supreme Court going part and parcel with the Fraudulent election. There will be no recourse to any of their future Communistic endeavors.
The Republicans have the opportunity to do it but don’t even talk about it and the Dems howl about the injustice of the mere thought. One vote count later and oila! They have every right to do it themselves and it is magically the right thing to do.
They had an organized coupe for 4.5 years and got away with it. Wasn’t Barr wonderful? He was so measured and fair to the seditionists so the country could heal. What a pathetic excuse for a defender of the Constitution. Too bad he wasn’t more like Holder. You can always count on the Republican turning tail and running. If Barr had prosecuted some of these ******** and McConnell had actually done something other than letting Trump twist in wind we wouldn’t be in this mess.
Getting their just deserts, in hell, can’t come soon enough for these scumbags.
Why isn’t think criminal been arrested for selling gun to Mexico drug cartel? One of the biggest criminal to come out of Obama administration. Too bad our FBI and DOJ are so corrupt. A piece of trash.
IT’s because for DECADES< DEMS have never ever, been held to account, no MATTER WHAT CRIMES they do..
COMMENTAnother perfect example of ‘if you cannot win fairly, change the rules.’ This man should be banned from every holding any public office again. Talk about ‘deplorable!’
AND change those rules, so ONLY THEY EVER win any election ever, afterwards.
You know, Eric…
The SCOTUS won’t block LIBERAL policies… They will block UNCONSTITUTIONAL policies!
Unless, of course, you are ADMITTING that Liberal Policies ARE UNCONSTITUTIONAL!
THEN WHY the hell, did they kick out the Trump case, against all that election fraud?? IF THEY “Upheld the constitution”?? OR ARE You saying, election fraud IS constitutional??
Former disgraced AG Eric Holder, Mr. Democrap lying, corruption hisself!
Former disgraced AG Eric Holder, Mr. corrupt lying Democrap himself, should be behind bars!
Should have been put in a cage years ago, but the spineless Republicans and the corrupt Deep Staters in DoJ, FBI, etc. probably send Holder Christmas cards and bottles of fine wine paid for by the taxpayers. Think I’m crazy? Just the tip of the iceberg of government corruption.
I know the Marxists at the top realize that SCOTUS was also hostile to the ideals of the Republican Party due to a leftist majority on its bench, until that changed recently, but they never suggested packing the courts with conservatives to compensate.
Anyone who weaponizes the organs of government against a private citizen or political opponent should be tried for Treason, as doing so is anathema to the Founding principle of protecting the individual from depredations of the State.
Any judge who upholds and believes in the Constitution is characterized as a right wing extremist with an agenda. Yeah an agenda to uphold the law and be faithful to the Constitution. Anyone not corrupt is branded an extremist partisan..
PERHAPS the GOP should have pushed to PACK the court with conservatives..
Shenanigans beget shenanigans, which beget more shenanigans, which beget even more shenanigans…
Holder, Rice, Harris, Hillary, and all those ex-Obama people should all be in prison.
WHY waste the money on keeping these traitors in prison?
I don’t remember his comment verbatim, but Holder once, while serving under Obama, Holder said he would not prosecute black on white crimes. For the head justice dept. officer to say that, and with Obama not even blinking an eye to rein him in, I figured his tenure would be bigoted and racist, the accusations that only white people can be racist and or bigoted is a con job spread by “woke” progressives. Seeing him as a SCOTUS Justice would be a crime against the constitution. He would be the black incarnation of Dred Scot Justice Tandy.
Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. You can’t get a more perfect example of this with the liberals.
Republicans had to tolerate judicial activism and obstructionism in the past. Democrats should take judicial adversity it like a trannie. Grow hair on half your chest and stay conflicted.
Eric holder is a lying traitor and should have been thrown in prison long ago! He should be very happy that I am not the attorney general! His *** would be grass and I would be the lawn mower!
Obama’s third term in office, with his operatives, like Holder and Harris, paving the way for a Socialist America, which he couldn’t achieve while he was in office. If the Court packing comes to fruition, God forbid, watch for Obama to get a seat on the Supreme Court, notably as Chief Justice, because the Dems will send Roberts packing. They probably unearthed plenty of skeletons in his closet, hence, his vote on Obamacare and his unwillingness to hear any 2020 election cases.