A new GOP candidate has jumped into the race to take on President Trump, and his platform is “strangely” similar to what the leftwing media are spreading. Ilhan Omar is back at it with more inflammatory comments, and Joe Biden makes a classic firearms gaffe.
Former GOP Congressman Joe Walsh announced on Sunday that he will be challenging President Trump for the Republican nomination. Walsh made the announcement on ABC’s “This Week” program and said that “Trump is nuts!” His entire interview was based on leftwing talking points about the president’s “fitness” for office.
And speaking of leftwing talking points, on CNN, the topic of discussion was President Trump’s mental fitness, and one guest actually said that President Trump will be responsible for millions more deaths than Stalin and Hitler.
Ilhan Omar took time to attack Republican Mo Brooks, because he pointed out that the Democrats’ attitudes toward Israel will continue to change if more people like Omar are elected to Congress. He’s right, of course, but Omar doesn’t care about right or wrong. She just wants to attack.
Finally, Joe Biden, along with most of the media, can’t get a thing right about firearms. In a recent speech, Biden couldn’t tell the difference between a clip and a magazine. Check out today’s show for all the details.
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