Dr. Anthony Fauci Tuesday warned that COVID-19 could mutate into an even more virulent “monster variant” if the pandemic is not stamped out with mass vaccination.
The pandemic expert agreed with MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski when she suggested that a new “monster” stain could make the delta variant look like child’s play.
“There’s always a risk of, as you get more circulation of the virus in the community, that you’ll get enough accumulation of new mutations to get a variant substantially different than the ones we’re seeing now,” Fauci said on the Morning Joe show.
Fauci said one of the most important reasons to get an overwhelming number of people vaccinated is to prevent the COVID-19 virus from mutating into new variants as it spreads.
“You’re vaccinating now to prevent the next mutant coming, the next variant from coming,” Fauci said.
He suggested that future variants might even be resistant to the vaccines that have so far proven very effective in protecting people against even the virulent delta variant.
“Then it would in many respects negate some of the very positive protection that you get from the vaccines,” Fauci said.
Public health experts like Fauci have been dismayed by the significant resistance to the COVID vaccines. Tens of millions of eligible Americans have so far refused to get the lifesaving shots, and a big chunk of them say they will not get inoculated.
After months of pleading with Americans to do the right thing, President Biden last week announced an aggressive new policy of vaccine mandates to cajole anti-vaxxers to get their shots.
But Fauci warned that an even more dire result of a failure to get an overwhelming number of people vaccinated is that it allows the virus to continue to spread widely enough to create even nastier new strains.
“Viruses will not mutate if they don’t have the opportunity to spread and replicate,” he said. “So the more dynamics of viral activity you have in the community, the greater opportunity you give to the virus to mutate.”
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“We have not let it leak from the lab yet, but it’s coming!”
My thought exactly. There is no way we can know that these “variants” weren’t created in the Wuhan lab and intentionally released. I believe Fauci knows and it is intentional.
those variants are the result of a vaccine that is not 100% effectivre, which means the virus learned how to change so it survives . Then it gets to other people and infects them with the new variant. You can’t compare a vaccine that is 100% effective or a vaccine given when there is no virus infection going around with a vaccine that is NOT 100% effective and thus can escape with knowledge on how to circumvent the vaccine. In times of a pandemic vaccinated with a vaccine that does not totally kill every bit of that virus SHED that bit of a fitter virus to others. Fauci is going to blame the unvaccinated when it is really the vaccinated who unknowingly have spread mutations.
HELL< how do we know that the VACCINES ARE NOT ALREADY CONTAINING those variants!
Fauci is just getting ahead of the story that the vaccinated are factories for the development of these mutations. He knows that is true, so he has to spin it so the experimental jab doesn’t get blamed.
We sane ones know they have to make a new flu vaccine for each year’s new flu virus strain and Covid will be no different. So it is more BS to get the current dangerous vaccines to prevent getting a new one. How else will they gain total domination over the world population without releasing a new strain of Covid on us to make us bow to their demands. Sue and fight back now before it is too late. WAKE UP AMERICA.
IF they get their way, JUST like the common yearly flu, WE WILL BE FOREVER MORE required to get our covid yearly booster shots..
Fear mongering for the sake of the 2022 election.
They have to keep the fear of the “pandemic” going to keep in place the methods they used to steal the last election, and to add any other they can conceive for next year’s.
Mr Fauxchi (I refuse to call him doctor ever again) wants a total elimination of Covid before he’ll release the Country from the various states of lock down. That’s an impossible goal. Like so many flu viruses, variations of it will continue to live on. That’s a given.
And it kills me that there are so many out there only just realizing Mr Fauxchi and the CCD have been cooking the numbers of infections and deaths from Covid. If you can find them, the true numbers of deaths last year from Covid was 9-10% of the reported numbers.
If Mr Fauxchi really wanted to protect us from Covid, he shouldn’t have allowed it to be developed and released in the first place.
What irks me is how many americans, are STILL FALLING for their fearmongering.
Dr. Anthony Fauci has proven to be an opportunist, non-credible and a liar. So why should we believe anything he says??
WE should not ! They just NEVER stop with the fear propaganda! How do they explain the high number of deaths in the past from the ordinary FLU that occurs every year but the last 18 months?
By calling it covid if you were sick with anything.
HAS anyone here, believed a single thing he has EVER SAID, since last march?!
What needs to be ‘Stamped Out’ are the lying criminals in charge, and the Trajectory to Tyranny that we are currently on.
The only mutation we will see are the democrats mutating into even more sadistic entities then they presently are. God help us!!!!
Sure Fauci is scared because he sees what is happening in Britain. The fully vaccinated are now dying at nearly 10 times the rate then the same time last year. He is trying to justify what could start happening here and pre-blaming a Super Virus to cover his butt. This is why it normally requires years to get FDA approval to be able to study for negative long term effects.
Britain has pursued a mass vaccination strategy as aggressively as any country. It approved Pfizer’s vaccine even before the FDA. More than 80% of Britons are now fully vaccinated.
But Britain is in far worse shape than it was at this time last year, when no one was vaccinated. It is now averaging about 140 deaths a day, roughly 10 times as many as mid-September 2020. And hospitalizations and deaths continue to rise.
Unvaccinated people who have had a mild case of COVID-19 are left with long-term antibody protection against future disease, according to a study from researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.
brilliantly said. In fact dr Bauer from the London Crick institute (comparable to Fort Detrick) stated months ago that the vaccine destroys your immune system and that soon people -especially the old- would need a booster and then another booster. He might as well have ended with “until the virus has adapted so strongly that no booster will be able to stop it”
BTW, Bauer is a virologist who presently works with these vaccines!!!
A conspiracy theory here. Americans are ordered to get the shot but who isn’t getting them? People of color. One or two years hence white folk are dropping like flies, fulfilling part of Biblical end time prophecy in the process.
Conspiracy theory, is just something that has YET TO BE proven to be fact.
Fauci makes millions on these vaccines, so he wants you to take them forever ! They will keep on coming out of that lab in Wuhan, until he decides that he is rich enough !
And, nobody is ever rich enough!
Not to the millionaires and billionaires that make up the Commucrat party, there’s nothing as ‘being rich enough”
Fauci is simply a front man for Gates and Soros. Gates has already made well over $50 billion on his injection scam.
fauci, maybe you shouldn’t have created this virus if you truly feel that way.
Without a Covid shot you take on all the risk not only of getting it but spreading it to your friends and family.
What science do you base your negative remarks. President Biden does not make money on the shots and this is a serious disease and not a political stunt. What will it take to make you a believer in the vaccine ? Maybe the death of a family member or getting it yourself.
With the shot, you take on the risk of spreading the virus without knowing it because you think you are now immune when you are not. I might become a believer if the people telling me what to do could keep their story straight for more than a few weeks. “6 weeks to slow the spread.” “Just flatten the curve.” “Two masks are better than one.” “no need to mask if you are vaccinated.” “Mask up, even if you are vaccinated.” “The virus spreads on surfaces – even stainless steel.”
When will the CDC, Fauci, et al publish the data on all the side effects from the “vaccine”?
When will they publish the data on the effective treatment options – remdisevir, hydroxycloroquinone, ivermectin, mono-clonal antibodies?
Maybe then we can make informed decisions instead of having any statement that doesn’t toe the current party line labeled as misinformation.
MANY WHO HAVE GOTTEN THE SHOTS ARE STILL Catching and spreading covid..
SO IF you are able to catch and spread it, VACCINATED OR NOT.
What the hell is the point in GETTING the so-calld vaccine?!?!?
There is none.
And, BTW, none of our “leaders” including fauci, are afraid of catching this virus. They party, and party, without ceasing. Why is that?
Because the deadly virus is called democratitis and it only affects those who disagree with their stay home, mask up, get jabbed and vote for the demon-rats. Of course the dems would be immune to a phony ramped up virus scare tactic. Strange how the flu was completely eradicated last flu season. I guess people who think they are in charge of the weather also have the power to destroy the lives of those who employ them.
WOW – What a “coincidence” that this fear tactic from Fauci comes right on the heels of Biden’s unconstitutional vaccine mandates!!
The truth is that your immune system will have less ability to fight off future virus attacks if you compromise it by taking these MRNA type Covid vaccinations. Fauci will not look out for your best health interests, so we have to do it for ourselves. He has proven he is a compromised liar, otherwise he wouldn’t be trying to force people who already have natural immunity / antibodies, to inject themselves with an experimental vaccine!!
oh ye! Just like Geert van den Bossche predicted. This virologist -months ago- worried stiff that the vaccine which is NOT 100% effective could learn to resist the vaccine and escape =new mutant, which could be milder or more virulent. He clearly stated that you cannot compare a vaccine given when there is no virus around (eg the vaccines given to kids) with a vaccine given when there are loads of virus circulating around (pandemic). He warned that eventually these virus escapes from the vaccines (mutations) could well lead to total ineffectiveness of any vaccine just like what is now happening with failed antibiotics. Botch Fauci I bet you knew this was a possibility and now you pretend this would be a totally unexpected outcome. What a criminal! I think Geert vd Bossche even wrote to you months ago about this!
Only 1 “vaccine” has full FDA approval – Pfizer’s. The one that works better on the delta variant, Moderna’s, is not approved by the FDA. So far, a lot of warnings about the mu variant and now the monster variant, but no data to show which vaccine works best against these. And, are they really vaccines if you have to get a booster every 8 months or so? I have yet to get a booster for my polio vaccine. My Tetanus shot lasts 10 years. I never had to get a booster for my small pox vaccine. Who is trying to blow smoke up whose skirts here?
And now O’Biden tells us to do it “because I said so”?!? Those are the words of a dictator or man with an indefensible position – in this case, maybe both!
“Because I said so” sounds a lot like “We won, John!” Barry Seotoreo
How many people believe that Slo Joe (who can’t find his way into his own house without three handlers) had all those executive orders on his mind during the campaign? We’ve seen him. He lacks any capacity to ponder facts and come to a conclusion on his own.
THE PERFECT THIRD OBAMA TERM candidate. Totally compromised, no morals and senile. (Reminds me of another third term Democrat F.D.R. giving away the world in Potsdam.)
How about his “Six Step Plan”? If anyone believes that Joe had anything to do with that I have some waterfront property in Death valley to sell you.
Obama and Soros set Joe up to be their puppet for years. Entice him and his whole family to steal millions as VP and then hold it over his head to make him a puppet to keep from having the whole Biden gang jailed and disgraced.
I care not if every damn one of them gets FDA ‘approval’. IT MEANS about as much as a teacher putting a gold star on it.. JACK diddly squat!
The 2022 midterm elections are approaching, and the Marxist Communists are running scared. They know they will not be able to repeat their Fraudulent election of 2020 without the help of a “Deadly” virus!!
I certainly HOPE they can’t repeat their fraud of 2020. BUT SEEING HOW they ‘easily’ won the newsom recall, i fear they will.
And little green men are coming!
And yet they turn loose hundreds of thousands of unvaccinated invaders from our Southern border. The people who run this country have zero credibility. Sharpen the pitchforks.
Oh here it comes!!! The MOTHER of all variants. Yep, gotta “start the conversation” ahead of when the horrific long term vax injuries start showing up–autoimmune disease, neurological disease, heart attacks, cancer, just to name a few, and the death tolls can no longer be hidden. NONE of the media are talking about that issue except OAN and the CEO of Reuters is going after them tooth & nail. The CEO happens to be on the board of Pfizer–funny that!! Now that millions of “woke” CEO’s are whining and crying that they’re losing their work forces by 20-30% of those that refuse the experimental gene therapy that has NOT been approved, are worried and they should be as those diminishing work forces INCLUDE hospitals. Not going to be pretty follks.
And the sickening things, is because of how those vaccines came about, no one who DOES have any of those severe side effects, can SUE because of them.
I can understand how they allow cretins like Fauci run around loose without a keeper but I just don’t understand why anyone in their right mind would give him a platform from which to spead his vile excrement.
Meet Captain Trips. The “Flu” from The Stand.
Fauci should look in a mirror. He looks like a miniature Frankenstein’s Monster. And the vaccine shouldn’t be called a vaccine, because it’s not a true vaccine. I had a vaccine for Polio and Small Pox and I never had either one of those diseases and no one else has either that I know of. Yet, even covid vaccinated people are still at risk of getting covid, and now the risk is greater with the new strain of covid.
Deranged meglomanical globalist quack – Working with the Chinese communists Fraudci helped create the damn thing with our tax money!!
Dr. Josef Mengele 2.0
Which is why i feel ALL OF these new ‘variants’ are not NATURE working, but LABS working!
Fauci took your tax money and gave it to the Chinese communists to develop a super-poweref virus to thin out the human population in an effort to stop Global Warming and otherwise appease extreme liberal agenda goals. He is the proverbial fox guarding the henhouse. He is likely heavily invested in Big Phama as he works to guarantee enormous profits for years to come, “fighting” the problem that he himself created.
In short, Fauci is a mass murderers who is making huge personal profits upon the graves of our friends and relatives.