WASHINGTON – Former House Speaker Paul Ryan excoriated fellow Republicans Sunday in a rare statement that called planned GOP efforts to challenge President-elect Joe Biden’s win “anti-democratic and anti-conservative.”
Ryan, a Republican from Wisconsin who served as House Speaker from 2015 to 2019, has seldom weighed in on events since leaving office, but issued a lengthy statement decrying Republican plans to object to certifying the Electoral College results in a joint session of Congress on Wednesday. Twelve incoming and sitting Republican senators and dozens of GOP House members plan to object to the count over President Donald Trump’s baseless claims of widespread voter fraud.
“Efforts to reject the votes of the Electoral College and sow doubt about Joe Biden’s victory strike at the foundation of our republic,” Ryan said in a statement. “It is difficult to conceive of a more anti-democratic and anti-conservative act than a federal intervention to overturn the results of state-certified elections and disenfranchise millions of Americans. The fact that this effort will fail does not mean it will not do significant damage to American democracy.”
Ryan asked fellow conservatives to think about the “precedent that it would set” and noted the Trump campaign’s failed efforts in the court to challenge election results in a number of states.
“The Trump campaign had ample opportunity to challenge election results, and those efforts failed from lack of evidence. The legal process was exhausted, and the results were decisively confirmed,” he added. “The Department of Justice, too, found no basis for overturning the result. If states wish to reform their processes for future elections, that is their prerogative. But Joe Biden’s victory is entirely legitimate.”
Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., was the first senator to announce plans to object to the electoral vote count. Since then, 11 GOP senators joined in a similar effort, vowing to object to the certification of Biden’s win when Congress meets in a joint session on Wednesday if an election commission was not formed to investigate the election and claims of fraud.
Objections will launch a lengthy process that includes two hours of debate and a vote in each chamber for each state that is challenged.
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So Paul Ryan outs himself as a large piece of **** floated out of the swamp,
may his rotten self be forever forgotten and purged from patriot history.
What a rat………..William
Paiul was NEVER part of the swamp resistance,,,,just the path of least resistence, hence his pathetic performance while Speaker.
From every thing I read, I had high hope for Ryan when he was first elected. Sadly, he decided he liked the stench in the swamp and became one of the swamp creatures.
ya know i stepped in a pile of ryan the other day.
I’ve never been a ryan fan, but this solidifies my opinion of him, as a BACKSTABBING traitor, who should be kicked out, permanently from the conservative party.
When you think of the 2012 Republican ticket, Romney and Ryan, the 2 most notorious deep state RINOs out there, and how many conservatives supported them, it brings to light how much Trump has done to enlighten us on what’s really going on with the swamp that we were unaware of.
There should be some mechanism for Trump’s Republican Party to eject leftist saboteurs that posed as conservatives to get elected, then turn around and undermine every conservative principle.
I am sick i ever voted, for those 2 hacks…
He’s nothing more than a sack of squirm
At least cow pat, is USEFUL, for fertilizer. RYAN isn’t useful for anything!
More nonsensical establishment oxymoronic doublespeak by Ryan, designed to keep the establishment in power. So just how can you be BOTH “anti-democratic and anti-conservative?” all at the same time. How can you be two sides of the most opposite political poles? The answer is only if you are an establishment sell-out who plays both sides of the field to keep the people who steal, then sit on our power, in place, who change the names of the parties and the faces of the leaders each election to fool THE PEOPLE not to discover it is the same organization of self-rewarding internationalists who are bent on redistributing American wealth and power world-wide while at the same time demanding their cut of the profits which they use to remain in power! ! ! Shame on you Paul Ryan. I’m ashamed of myself for EVER sending you money to get re-elected back when, before Trump outed your kind who slam the enlightened GOP, then get Trump slammed back in spades.
“The Trump campaign had ample opportunity to challenge election results, and those efforts failed from lack of evidence…” Was it lack of evidence or the unwillingness of the courts to even allow him to present the evidence?
It was definitely NOT LACK of evidence, but lack of it being GIVEN ITS DUE TIME In court.
The Republic is seeing first hand the snake pit our president is surrounded by
And don’t forget anti communist, anti ccp and anti deep state. Ryan is a RINO and has not been missed, just one more conservative traitor and deep state pawn.
What I wanna’ know is… what moron put a microphone up this chunk of excrement’s mouth for comment. Who cares what he thinks… no one cared when he played the useless do nothing speaker then … and they don’t care now. He needs to just shut up and cower in the corner like the sniveling little pathetic feces he is and count his ill gotten financial gains by selling out the country to the rest of the world.
Paul Ryan, we had such high hopes for you, then you turned out to be a swamp-ridden deep-state POS…. such a disappointment..
Paul Ryan, a never Trumper, who gave Trump no money for the border wall and he would not allow the freedom caucus to issue subpoenas in the phony Russia collusion fiasco. A failed Vice Presidential candidate, with Mitt running for President. That says it all, doesn’t it Paul?
No, Mr. Ryan, it is NOT “anti-democratic and anti-conservative” to object to the apparent FRAUDULENT votes which appear to have STOLEN the election from President Trump.
What it IS, clearly, is “anti-RINO”!
YOU have proven yourself to be among the MANY WORTHLESS Republicans who LIED their way into public office!
IF anything, those FAILING TO protest the fraud, imo are the ones being anti-democratic/anti constitutional, etc..
Paul Ryan is a RINO Republican who lacked the courage to stand up for his convictions. Paul Ryan was a GOP US Representative who would much rather abdicate his responsibilities to Democrats every time there was a difference of opinion or policy. Paul Ryan is one of the reasons tens of millions of Americans voted for President Donald Trump. I for one and tired of appeasement. It is beyond time for Republicans to stand up and fight for what we believe is right and good.
ANd too that, i am adding Sen Portman (Ohio).. He’s so far, shown he cares NOT that the fraud went on, as he’s so far, not called any of it out.
Perhaps there should be a closer look to see what connection Paul Ryan has with the CCP – we all know there are more connected to the Chinese Communist Party than just the Bidens. What a shame for our nation that we have leaders who care more about their own greed than the soul of America and where that places the rest of us. God bless America and pray that His people will step up and that we all will do what we can to save our freedoms and our nation. I pray for the rally tomorrow in DC – may thousands upon thousands attend and show a physical presence of support for President Trump and a demand for a righteous election.
Does anyone care about what Paul Ryan has to say anymore except Paul Ryan? The same man that has a six-foot stone wall encircling his Wisconsin mansion. And let’s not forget he’s on the Board of Directors at Fox News Corp, which has decidedly taken a significant downturn in viewership since the election.
and those efforts failed from lack of evidence. The legal process was exhausted, and the results were decisively confirmed
There has been nothing but a flood of evidence that the Courts and the JD have all but ignored.
Pablo the Open Borders RINO is and has been nothing but an embarrassment to Conservative Americans.
Ryan is a full-blooded RINO who gave Pres. Trump nothing but grief in Congress.. Who cares what he thinks? His opinions are totally irrelevant.
The only opinion i care about, is whether he wants a blind fold or not, for his firing squad.
“Ryan asked fellow CONSERVATIVES”..???…. what’s next is Biden going to tell fellow CATHOLICS that murdering infants is doing the Lords work?
Don’t be shocked, if he does say something like that. And Mitt or paul agree with it.
On Wednesday January 6th Congress following guidelines and directives set in the Constitution will not sow doubt in Biden’s victory.
a Dozen Senators and 140 congressmen debating, and revealing evidence will not sow doubt in Biden’s victory.
What has sown doubt in Biden’s victory has been 7 Governors appointing Electors in violation of the Constitution rules mandating the selection of Electors to state legislatures that is what has thrown doubt in Biden’s victory.
Governors, secretaries of State and AG’s in 7 states who illegally circumvented the Constitution is what has sown indelible doubt in Biden’s victory.
Only Paul Ryan a former speaker of the house, a deep stater incapable of telling the truth would pretend the 2020 election was not stolen and that supporting election theft somehow maintains confidence in the election process.
SOWING doubt, won’t matter, if it does NOTHING To overturn the steal!