Facebook is at it again. Big tech and all the leading digital platforms are out of control with their overt censorship of conservatives and their Orwellian push to silence dissenting opinion. By claiming the “misinformation” is some kind of digital cancer, Facebook and the other big tech companies are shutting down free speech.
Facebook recently prohibited a pro-police post from being boosted, because Facebook said the post was political and dealt with “sensitive social issues.” The post focused on neither. What can be done about big tech?
Republican Adam Kinzinger says there are Americans and then Trump supporters. Plus, the Senate prepares to vote on a new infrastructure bill that no one has read.
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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Mark Zuckerberg is a communist, thus censorship is practiced. Need I say more?
In Communist societies the police stand down, while the criminals clean out and take over the private businesses. Anyone up for a march on Facebook Headquarters,,,,communist style?
How’s about we take a page out o the commie playbook, and SEIZE HIS COMPANY! Then break it apart!
the Senate prepares to vote on a new infrastructure bill that no one has read.????
And WE the PEOPLE are suppose to TRUST these Congressional Traitors? š š š
“WE have to pass it, to find out what’s in it!”
Mr Zuckerberg has become successful beyond his ability to handle it—as is true with other Social Media moguls. Perhaps a good hard fall from grace is in order. Stop using them, people—they are not a life requirement.
Republican Adam Kinzinger says there are Americans and then Trump supporters.
Mr Kinzinger there are Republicans and there are Human Excrement. Guess which you are.
There are rabid traitors, and there are patriots. KINZINGER IS most assuredly the FORMER.
What’s Facebook?
I’ve given up ALL of these (so-called) “Social Media” platforms!
They’re just extensions of the PROPAGANDA wing of the Democrat (Socialist/Marxist/Communist) Party!
Marxist media platforms!
Because they are constantly on the attack to destroy conservatives, while protecting democrat/socialists, they should be made to register as a political arm of the democrat party. Until they apply politics evenly and without bias, their aid should be treated as a monetary contribution. If they did not censor conservatives, but just openly supported the Marxists that would be just expressing their opinion. By crossing over with punitive action against the conservatives in direct support of the Marxists they are in effect providing assistance which has the same effect as a direct monetary contribution and should be treated the same way.