Wow! Just when Barack Obama and all the left-wing moonbats are trying to pivot away from their dismal record on the economy, jobs, and the debt by portraying themselves as “the party of women,” the Democratic National Convention has announced that all children, including nursing babies, will be banned from the convention floor. Does this sound like a party looking out for moms around the country?

As reported by, the convention rule that the Democrats plan to implement will “bar children, including breastfeeding babies, from entering the event without being credentialed.”

Critics say that officials for the event slated to begin Sept. 4 in Charlotte make it difficult for moms to credential their children, leaving delegate moms at a loss as to how to provide for their tots.

And if the ruling isn’t ridiculous enough for Obama to have to defend (and hopefully the media will question him on it), he will also be taking heat from feminist groups blasting the DNC on its policy against moms with children.

The Charlotte Observer includes a statement by feminist Gloria Steinem in which she says: “Women are the key to a Democratic victory, and sometimes, children are the key to women. It’s both right and smart for the Democratic Convention to behave as if children exist.”

Lindsey Horvath, president of the Hollywood NOW chapter, said the convention policy “creates an insurmountable barrier for mothers … to participate in the process of choosing a presidential candidate.”

The rules for the Republican National Convention put no such limitation on moms who are attending as delegates.

So the Democrats are the party of women, eh? If even feminist groups like NOW are protesting, then Barack Obama and the Democrats really have it bad.

To tell moms that they need not apply to be a delegate, because their children will not be welcome, is a slap in the face to any mom out there. How about if these moms support a party that doesn’t try to single them out for political gain, but rather look at them along with all other Americans as important?

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