Chris Christie, the former New Jersey Governor and Republican contender for the White House, hit back at former President Trump following inflammatory comments about his poll numbers.
“Everybody remembers that Chris left New Jersey with a less than 9% approval rating,” snarked the former president.
Christie Drops Out of Presidential Race After New Hampshire Defeat in 2016
In an interview with Axios, Christie taunted the twice-impeachment president. “When I ran for reelection in 2013, I got 60 percent of the vote. When he ran for reelection, he lost to Joe Biden.”
“I’m happy to stand up that comparison because that’s the one that really matters,” Christie added.
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The counterpunch came a few days after the once and maybe future Republican presidential candidate told a Jewish GOP gathering that the party should focus on attacking Biden and not the “grievances of the past.”
That was a not-too-subtle shot at Trump’s Big Lie campaign about the 2020 election.
“I’ve made the conscious decision that I’m going to spend my time pointing to the failures of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and helping Republicans win governorships, the House and Senate in 2022,” Christie said. “This is not an argument that I’ll walk away from.”
The new confrontation comes as Christie works to solidify his status as a leader in the non-Trump wing of the GOP ahead of the midterms and perhaps the 2024 presidential election.
Unlike some other GOP wannabe White House candidates, Christie has pointedly said that he may run even if Trump as expected seeks another presidential term.
Republican critics of Trump are isolated within the party. But some see Virginia Gov.-elect Glenn Youngkin’s surprising win in a blue-trending state as a blueprint for keeping Trump at arm’s length without angering him or his army of loyal supporters.
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This is one guy I am really tired of. He is nothing but a Media celebrity and he will say anything to garner attention.
I can’t remember ONE THING he did right, other than NOT KISSING obama’s butt, after a hurricane.. EVERYTHING else about Chris, is utterly wrong.
You got to admit he never fails to measure up, just put a tape measure around his waist.
but at least he did not kiss obamas $$$ after the hurricane hit.
I had almost forgotten about Christie doing that. Here’s a link.
I thought it was awful at the time but now I realize he wasn’t just hurting a fellow RINO and not a real conservative.
EVEN a broke clock is right, twice a day. DOESN’T MEAN you want to keep the broke clock around.
Chris= Trump do not lose to biden. America had President Trump stolen from them in a fraudulent election. Better to be thought a loser then like you to actually be one!
How’d YOU do in the 2016 primaries Beluga Boy? More or less popular than Kamala Harris?
This guy is at best a useful idiot. He’s not a RINO but he can’t help trying to self-promote himself. If Trump decides to run – anyone’s only shot in the GOP would be to be his VP selection if he didn’t retain Pence, which is a possibility if Pence decides to run, the only one that might draw some interest from voters at large. Compared to Trump, they are all wimps. To defeat and harness the corrupt and evil left these days, you need a specific being and Trump just happens to be the only one at hand. Prayerfully the huge 2022 Red Wave in Congress will prepare the way so the demons will be defanged going in. Special Place in Hell – Reserved Seats up close to the flames for so many of today’s far left trying to overthrow our country. And toss in a few RINOs as well.
TRUMP would be an UTTER FOOL, to try to retain Pence as a VP.. AN UTTER FOOL i say.
People around where I live have their Trump / Pence signs out with Pence’s name spray painted out.
I’ve only seen TWO pence/trump signs still up.. BOth are in open fields…
Since the election was at best stacked against Trump, and more likely actually stolen from him, I’d be careful how much I attacked him for losing to Biden. Anyone who leaves office with a 9% approval rating would do well to keep their mouth shut. Christie might actually do worse than Harris did in the primaries (oh wait, she didn’t even make it to a primary did she?).
This Jackass is a fool… President Trump didn’t loose… It was pure fraud… and Christe knows it. He’s just one of the cesspool / swamp scum that continues to play the game… in hopes that it will bestow political gain (which amount to financial gain) for him. Just …ANOTHER… chunk of excrement.
Christie doesn’t know we are in a real, full-blown war and he has chosen the wrong side. Trump is such a good, decent, all-American man with so many good qualities and a great wife and family. He’s not perfect, of course, but I love him, nevertheless. I don’t understand the hatred someone like Christie has toward Trump. Just what kind of America do these never-Trumpers want to live in? They’re not Republicans and they’re not claiming to be demonrats, so just what are they? Losers.
They might as well ALL COME OUT as commucrats.. FOR that is what they are!
Well, Donald Trump did NOT lose to Joe Biden.
Remind me again, who did Christie defeat in a presidential election….ever?