(EFE) – The president of the United States on Wednesday announced initial new measures to address gun violence in the country, spurred by the recent shootings in Atlanta and Colorado, as well as by the inaction of Congress.
Video of annoucement added
Among the six initiatives announced by Joe Biden is that within 30 days, the Justice Department will issue a proposed rule to prevent the spread of “ghost guns,” according to the White House in a statement.
Ghost guns are assembled from kits and are unable to be traced due to the lack of a serial number.
“We are experiencing a growing problem: criminals are buying kits containing nearly all of the components and directions for finishing a firearm within as little as 30 minutes and using these firearms to commit crimes,” the statement said.
The DoJ within 60 days will also issue a proposed rule to regulate stabilizing “arm braces” that, for example, when coupled with a pistol, essentially converts them into rifles, increasing their accuracy.
The alleged perpetrator of the Colorado supermarket shooting that left 10 dead two weeks ago used one of these devices in the massacre, it said.
Biden will also promote three other measures, including “red flag” laws allowing family or law enforcement to take away firearms from people if they present a danger to themselves or others, investing in community violence interventions, and issuing an annual report on firearms trafficking.
The president will also nominate David Chipman, a gun control advocate and former federal agent, as director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.
Chipman’s confirmation will depend on the Senate, where the weapons debate is always heated and where Democrats have a slim majority. The Senate has not authorized the appointment of any ATF head since 2013.
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Biden also called for Congress to pass legislation to reduce gun violence (although Republicans in the Senate have blocked most of the Democratic legislative agenda) including by closing “boyfriend” and stalking loopholes, banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and repealing gun manufacturers’ immunity from liability. EFE
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The Anti-White tyranny is not against guns. They are against White people owning them.
Not in white brain age depleted Joe’s case. It’s past time his family took away the car keys, but more important, it’s long past time to take away his access to his guns, or ability to dictate to people of integrity how to use theirs. When a President cannot remember the names of his cabinet members, or even find his own way home or to the whitehouse bathroom his guns could actually discharge the next time he stumbles up the stairs.
They took the keys away and locked Joe’s Corvette up years ago. What does that tell you?
HIS family is too busy ENJOYING the trappings of power, to “Take the keys” away..
The only way to stop gun violence is to change the heart of the person holding the gun by the saving grace of the Blood of Jesus Christ!!
Biden fears Ghost guns about as much as we fear Ghost Presidents. Ghost Biden, known to haunt basements and girl’s hair salons, just like the Ghost guns, is put together with various political party body parts, most illegal and unregistered. He’s the Boris Karloff of the American political theater. Like Karloff, the best cure to stop him from haunting are peasants with pitchforks, or in America’s case, citizen soldiers with guns. You can bet those unregistered gun kits were made and shipped in by Joe’s Good Old Chinese Military social puppeteer disrupters, soon to be reflected in Joe’s newly reorganized DOJ that soon be morphed into his own personal Chinese Dojo with lots of kicking and screaming, but nothing of importance other than more criminal empowerment and social division accomplished. End result again will be only the criminals and law breakers have the guns, and those honest defenders of freedom still owning guns will have no ammunition.
COMMENTHave you noticedthat when TRUMP was in office the incidence of mass shootings were way down, and almost not even mentioned on the news, but when quid-pro-joe got into office those incidence of mass shootings went way up and are now a serious national security risk making it that guns have to be removed from the publics hands right away? Funny when we have a republican president things for the most part settle down and run like a well oiled machine, yeah the satan worshipping DEMONcrats are just a machine full of sand and grit. That quid-pro-joe is going to cause so much damage to this country by not only attacking the 2nd Amendment but by attacking the country itself. First thing right off the bat he killed how many jobs that were good paying and put how many to work? But he did not stop there the idiot is going after every sector of the jobs market forcing hard working MEN and WOMEN to not only having to change jobs but to work in fields that he wants people to work in. This country does not have a working president! What we do have is a tyrant that wants to destroy this NATIONS economy and the livelihoods of every hard working person out there. The is coming when men of good character will have to stand up and fight for the nation.
I commented on that last year.. That ‘we’ve not seen much on mass shootings with trump in office, and covid locking everything down. BUT JUST YOU WAIT, once he leaves or gets voted out, you can EXPECT THEM TO come back with a fury, just so the left can use them to PUSH TO TAKE everyone’s guns.’
Actually most of the items I have seen advertised as 80% parts have been US made. As for kits, I have seen zero complete kits, just parts. It really is a moot point. Exactly zero people have been killed with anything which could be called a ghost gun. One of the reasons is that if you were to total up the cost of parts to make a complete gun, it costs more than to just shop for a good buy and buy a factory produced gun from a dealer. Most of the bad guys will buy a used one on the black market for less, and as it is not a registered sale, who gives a rats behind what the serial number is. I think some people just get satisfaction out of building their own. Most of these 80% receivers require semi precision machining and a well equipped shop. Most of the criminals don’t have the skill or access to build one, even if they were willing to buy all the parts.
The cretins in charge, don’t CARE if crooks don’t use them.. THEY WANT them banned, cause they want YET MORE control over us
Since when do executive orders overrule the Constitution?
They don’t, but don’t tell Biden, he thinks he’s doing something presidential. His EO will be no more effective than any of the multitude of gun laws already on the books. People that want guns will still be able to get them because they don’t care about any gun laws.
They don’t but they do apply to government agencies such as the ATF of which he is appointing the anti-gunner Chipman.
Lets just hope the cowards in the Supreme Court, don’t just roll over for a belly rub. It seems that they are trying very hard to put an end to the Supreme Court as well as the Constitution. I wonder if any of them can make a really good submarine sandwich? It seems like he’s not happy with the dead bodies at the border, now he wants blood on his hands from civil war that they will most definitely loose, there will be more bloodshed than anyone can handle. I just wonder if the Supreme Court can live the consequences.
Unfortunately, i fear they WILL ROLL over. Or like always, just refuse to hear any cases and ‘kick the can down the road’, like they have been doing for decades..
These jackasses can pass, sign bills, propagandize, lie, sign executive orders, projectile vomit feelgood accomplishments all they want… but… in the end… good luck enforcing any of it. I personally know over a dozen people/families that WILL NOT abide by any of it. They will go to their death… taking dozens of the communist occupiers and their enforcers with them. It’s gonna be a blood bath.
This is a fact,executive orders are unconsttional but that isn’t stopping the Democratic party leaders. This stupid leg. on firearms and just that. A tool is just that and no more all this smoke is just that. ole Biden is just following what his handlers want done. It is Obama, Schumer and to some extent Pelosi, these people should be prosacuted.
TELL that to the cowards on the Scotus, who for YEARS< keep refusing to take cases about antigun laws…
Apparently that started when Trump issued his first one. I don’t recall them being “unconstitutional” before that (there was some mumbling about when W. Bush issued a few but that died down real quick when BHO took over). Now that Big Joe from Pennsylvania is in the driver’s seat (metaphorically speaking; Jill has firm control of the car keys) they’re perfectly constitutional again. And you’re a filthy racist if you say otherwise…
Exactly.. IF WE conservatives do it, they are bad/wrong/evil.
IF democrats do them, they are good/right/just..
November 3, 2020
“We are experiencing a growing problem: criminals are buying kits containing nearly all of the components and directions for finishing a firearm within as little as 30 minutes and using these firearms to commit crimes,”
This puppet fool biden does not comprehend that Criminals DO NOT follow laws.
That is what makes them criminals!
And this is just the first step in the attempt of Socialist Democrat Party Dictatorship. 🙁 🙁 🙁
You hit the nail right on the head; Xiden is trying to pass laws with EO’s in order to force good law abiding people to go rouge and charge them with felonies in order to disarm them! Make good people part of the system!
BAN GUNS and only criminals will have them!
I can see it now….a criminal is ready to shoot up a store and then, realizing that it is illegal to buy a gun kit, decides to not buy the kit because it is illegal. Why is it so hard for liberals to realize that criminals don’t care about laws?
That’s why their called CRIMINALs!
THEY ARE THEMSELVES crooks, so obey no laws.. SO why would they expect anyone else to?
Ok i can see it now. John has a gun; John’s brother is against guns, right? So? John’s brother calls the law and says, ” John is dangerous go take his guns.” No “proof” Just the brother’s word? Right? So now? criminals can go to John’s house to commit crimes and Joe, either being stripped of his constitutional rights or even in a 72 hour hold cannot protect his wife and children?? Will the brother be convicted of the crime of ‘lying’ and getting someone killed?? WELL??? WILL HE?? BETTER RETHINK THAT LITTLE THING CAUSE I CAN SEE SOME MASSIVE LAWSUITS COMING OUT OF IT.
As with COVID families will be driven even further apart. That is part of the plan. This is a real 2fer.
Unfortunately as it stands, NO “John’s bother’ would not even be CHARGED with lying to the cops, let alone convicted of anything…
“Kits containing NEARLY all of the components.” The “component” these kits DO NOT CONTAIN is the RECEIVER, without which, you CAN NOT build an actual working gun. All firearm RECEIVERS are REQUIRED BY LAW to have a serial number manufactured into them. That serial number is provided to the BATF, and kept in perpetuity.
This executive order is all for show to the ignorant masses and the MSM. It means NOTHING, and WILL DO NOTHING. All of the other parts contained in these “kits” are readily available from a number of manufacturers, and can be obtained through the mail.
This is slo joe the demented flexing muscles he does not have.
WHICH IS par for the course..
NAME ME ONE gun law, the dems have ever pushed through, that stopped EVEN ONE mass shooting!
You can buy a partially completed receiver which has no serial number as it is not considered a firearm by the ATF, because it can not be assembled into a working firearm. With the proper equipment the machining can then be completed so that the internal parts (fire control group) may be installed making it a working firearm by ATF definition. It still is not a complete working firearm. At this point it still has no barrel and a whole bunch of related and often expensive parts. Sometimes all of the parts needed to turn that now working receiver into a complete firearm can be found in a “kit”. Otherwise you must shop around and find them individually. So called ghost guns take money, skill, and time. In the end, you have a working firearm, which costs more than a new factory gun, but you do have the satisfaction of building your own. At the end of the day, zero people have been killed using a so called ghost gun.
EO doesn’t do anything to stop a criminal, but it causes law abiding people to become criminals.
“Reduce gun violence”?????? The Democrats never punish felons and thus they are running around on the streets. Criminals will not be able to obtain guns? Hey Joe Criminal, are you the Joker from Batman? Joe, sign an Executive Order to ban yourself and all Democrats from the United States. That way gun violence will be reduced 99%.
I agree. SINCE practically evey gang is leftist leaning, and all mass shooters have been leftists. BAN LEFTISTS from owning guns!
Anyone want to bet senile Joe is really signing a blank sheet of paper only to be filled out by his politboro behind the scenes?
Gun control works! 6 million plus Jews killed by the Germans, 40 plus million Russian citizens terminated by the communists, and countless more millions “corrected” by regimes throughout history with NO RESISTANCE due to disarming the citizenry is something the democrat party in this nation has learned a lesson from.
I wonder who wrote the orders for Biden? He isn’t capable of writing them himself.
Harris, or obama most likely.
Harris DID manage to slip a “Do Not Recuscitate” order into the stack of bills he was signing… Biden is tailor-made for the 25th Amendment…
I just wondering, WHY SHE has not already Tried to invoke that..
That image of Joe and his security blanket of his corona-condom mask. So merrily signing executive orders his marrionette obama has prepared for him. After the pandemic is “over” and Joe has to abandon his mask, will he return to his preferred face covering of Obama’s colostomy bag?
The Pandemic and Vaccines will never end, neither will gun control laws and the green new deal, welcome to the new normal!! The DemonRats accomplished what they wanted get the “Bad Orange Man” out of office and proceed, “Wash and Rinse and Repeat” This is the Obummer Hildabeast administration 2.0!!
IF the left gets their way, no covid won’t end.
The last thing that we need in this country is more government control. The last time I checked, there were already laws against shooting people, but if law enforcement is prevented from jailing people who violate the existing laws, why would we think that new laws and regulations will make us any safer?
All for show – like the virtue-signaling by commie libtards.
AND that’s the problem.. WHY MAKE NEW LAWS, when the existing ones, just DON’T GET ENFORCED?!??!
“We are experiencing a growing problem: criminals are buying kits containing nearly all of the components and directions for finishing a firearm within as little as 30 minutes and using these firearms to commit crimes,” the statement said.”
The only part of an AR-15 that is actually considered to be a “gun” is the lower receiver which houses the trigger / hammer assembly and accepts the magazine. A “ghost” or un-serialized gun is created when someone does the machine work to convert an 80% complete lower receiver into a functioning lower receiver by milling out the trigger/hammer pocket. About 5 years ago before I moved out of Kommiefornia, I decided to make my own as Kommiefornia was in the process of enacting a whole bunch of new, un-Constitutional anti 2nd Amendment laws. I purchased several 80% lower receivers and a jig to assist in the operation. I guarantee from personal experience that it is impossible to turn an 80% receiver into a functioning one in 30 minutes as most people use a drill press and possibly a small router to do the job. I doubt you could complete one in 30 minutes on a CNC milling machine. I do have functioning AR-15s, but the quality of the finished machine work is toward the crude side. I am now in Arizona where my weapons are perfectly legal.
As others have noted, this isn’t about crime or anything other than control. I will not voluntarily surrender my weapons.
In AZ we passed a bill to uphold the constitution against this kind of executive order.
In this order, Joe Blow wants to create a red flag protocol. so family members can declare when someone in the family is dangerous,
and his weapons can be confiscated. Can you imagine how that will play out in divorces, cheating spouses, or siblings that just
hate each other, or when the will is read.
More employment opportunities for the lawyer class that heavily supports the Democrat Party with their checkbooks.
I believe the “legal” class is totally corrupt. They allow these unconstitutional edicts to go forward in order to create litigation from which they make tons of money. They couldn’t care less about your rights.
Libertarian, that’s one reason i would LOVE TO SEE it, that no lawyer can run for office, and all PACs get shut down..
We’ve already seen issues with women being WILLINGLY ENCOURAGED To lie in divorces. SO YES i can easily see them doing this, to punish their ex.
THAT alone makes me NEVER EVER Want to support red-flag laws.
It’s Not just women who lie in divorce cases!!!! Believe me….my Xh lied so much he couldn’t keep all his lies straight and his lies were caught!!!
True, some men do.. BUT the vast majority of times, i’ve heard about lying in divorces, it was always the women doing it, JUST TO GET a leg up on their ex hubby, with the jury/judges.. AND IN A # of cases, THEIR LAWYERS were the ones coaching them TO DO THE LYING… Cause the lawyers knew, that NO CHARGES would ever get filed against the lies..
We still await a piece of legislation that addresses harsher punishment for criminals who use firearms in the commission of a crime. To reduce crime, politicians try to restrict legal firearms ownership by non-criminals. And why does this article refer to an AR as an “assault” rifle? That is simply a term applied by liberals and the media to demonize rifles.
How’s about ‘use a gun in the commission of a crime” and its instant death penalty, VIA FIRING squad live on the 10pm news.
Anyone Missing President Trump Yet?
Yes yes we had 4 years of law and order, now it just plain stupidity.
Well, except for damn near ALL of last year, where trump seemed to WIMP OUT in using the FULL WEIGHT of the national guard and DoJ, to stop any of those riots.
It would be interesting to see how many actual crimes are committed with these “ghost guns”. Probably just a made up number sort of like the number of actual deaths from COVID.
Only two little problems with Biden’s plan:
Article One, Section One of the Constitution gives Congress EXCLUSIVE power to make law.
The Second Amendment clearly prohibits “gun control” by the government.
what makes you think the constitution matters to these demons?
ITS NOT mattered any time before..
Just another gun-grabbing scheme from the DemoSocialists. You can be sure that the organized crime drug cartels will approve of this.
“Inaction” by congress does not authorize the “president” to violate the Constitution or our rights. None of these orders are legally binding on anyone. It’s just the act of a tyrant. And since when does the “Justice” department create law??
SINCE it morphed into the INJUSTICE dept.
We now have a demented idiot issuing executive orders.Traitor Joe needs to be forced to take a mental evaluation now.
When will they start taking crimials away?
THE DNC are the criminals, so about never…
First the so called ghost guns. There would not be a United States of America if the colonists had not produced their own guns. Ordinary people have been inventing and building firearms from the very first one ever made. You take materials and work them into the parts, eventually producing a firearm. At what point does a block of plastic, aluminum, or steel become a firearm? Well the ATF decided that once you could install the basic parts to fire it, that part became a fire arm. It makes sense, if it is unable to be fired, that is ignite the gun powder, it is a block of what ever material. So at what point does this would be dictator forbid a citizen from owning materials which could be made into a firearm? Do I recycle all the 2″ aluminum plate in my shop? How about plastic? I have steel tubing which just needs some holes to make the base for a sub-machine gun action? Those have been illegal for almost 100 years. Here I have been holding it in my material rack, soon to be in violation of the presidential edict? Then there is the awkward little detail of the Constitution. He has gone on record saying that no-amendment-is-absolute. The whole Constitution is absolute. We do not have a sort of constitution, making us a sort of constitutional sort of republic. What a stupid statement. Yet this is what the socialists think of that great document. It is just a suggestion, not really a meaningful anything. This insanity needs to stop now!
PITY WE lack a scotus that will SMACK HIM DOWN for saying that.