Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) on Wednesday criticized US President Joe Biden and accused him of “taking the side of occupation” in the tensions between Israel and Gaza, The Hill reports.
Her comments came shortly after Biden spoke with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and told him that “Israel has a right to defend itself when you have thousands of rockets flying into your territory.”
Ocasio-Cortez said in response that Biden’s remarks do not recognize that the events that led to the latest round of rocket attacks dehumanize Palestinians and imply that “the US will look the other way at human rights violations.”
“Blanket statements like these [with] little context or acknowledgement of what precipitated this cycle of violence – namely, the expulsions of Palestinians and attacks on Al Aqsa – dehumanize Palestinians & imply the US will look the other way at human rights violations. It’s wrong,” she tweeted.
“By only stepping in to name Hamas’ actions – which are condemnable – & refusing to acknowledge the rights of Palestinians, Biden reinforces the false idea that Palestinians instigated this cycle of violence. This is not neutral language. It takes a side – the side of occupation,” continued Ocasio-Cortez.
Ocasio-Cortez criticized Israel several days ago in response to the Muslim Arab riots and violence against Jewish civilians in Jerusalem.
“We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian residents of Sheikh Jarrah in East Jerusalem. Israeli forces are forcing families from their homes during Ramadan and inflicting violence. It is inhumane and the US must show leadership in safeguarding the human rights of Palestinians,” she tweeted at the time.
“From the paramilitary violence in Colombia and Shiekh Jarrah, to the detention of children on our own border and the militarization of US police departments, the United States must seriously assess its role in state violence and condition aid,” she added.
Ocasio-Cortez has come under fire for several controversial statements involving Israel.
In 2019, the freshman Congresswoman criticized Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in an interview with Israel’s Channel 12 News while arguing that criticizing Israel’s policies is not being anti-Semitic.
In a previous radio interview, Ocasio-Cortez said that Israel is “criminal” in its treatment of Palestinian Arabs, whom she said have no other choice but to “riot” against the Jewish state.
Before that, she said that cutting military and economic aid to Israel as a way to signal opposition to Israeli policies should be “on the table.”
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AOC, I have a great idea, why don’t you admit you are a terrorist, join Hamas and move to Lebanon.
AND never come back! OH and take Talib and omar with ya!
And grow out her Che moustache.
Come on, AOC, don’t be bashing your Boy—he’s in there pushing all the insanity and idiot ideas that you people can come up with. Just think—if there was a shred of honesty and decency with you people, that mean ol’ Orange Man would still be President. And I wish to God he was!!!!!!!
What a dim bulb. A true product of our education (spelled indoctrination) system. The only ones dumber are those that keep voting for her
I have been saying for quite some time that AOC sounds very predictably like the angry campus communists from my college days in the 1980s. I just learned recently that highly influential Marxist Herbert Marcuse was a prof at my school not long before I studied there. So apparently it isn’t a coincidence that Marxists like AOC sound just like the angry campus communists of my college days. They likely shared an ideological philosopher king in Herbert Marcuse.
Well said Deacon..
these liberal socialist fools are going to burn for eternity.
They can’t go to hell, SOON ENOUGH for my liking..
Sender her to Palestine so she can go to the border and implore that Israel put their guns down. Give her a rock with a piece of paper tied to it and tell her this is the treaty Israel must sign and then throw it over the border. tee hee….
The Palestines want all Americans dead so excuse me if I stand with our ALLY over our ENEMY !
“…Biden reinforces the false idea that Palestinians instigated this cycle of violence.”
Just goes to show how utterly dim she is. The Palestinians have instigated the cycle of violence for decades.
Exactly. EVERY TIME israel has signed a peace treaty or a cease fire agreement with the Palestinians, THE PALESTINIANS HAVE BEEN THE ONE TO BREAK IT..
The problem with AOC is that she has no knowledge or facts behind anything she opens her big mouth about. She doesn’t know history behind the issues in the Middle East, has never been in the Middle East, knows nothing about socialism/communism and has never been to a country with those failed governments. She listens to the two terrorists in her **** Squad and takes it as gospel. I wish she could see what I see in my brain from personal experiences of being in and fighting in the countries with her ideas that they’re perfect. I’ve been to Iran and spent a great deal of time in the Middle East, Central and South America, China and all over Asia. She is so far off on her thought process of the way the world works I laugh every time she says these far fetched BS. She needs to study history of Israel and the entire Middle East in fact. She also needs to read the Bible where everything she preaches is spelled out clearly in the Bible of things that have happened and will happen. It’s clear and concise. Everything happening right now in the Middle East was foretold in the Bible thousands of years ago. Yes, I can be a warrior who has taken Lives in combat and be a Christian and know the Bible.
I doubt she’d have the BALLS to actually travel to a TRUE communist nation, or to a mideast nation, WITHOUT a few dozen armed guards at least.
We can only hope that Biden’s endorsed/enabled Iran nuclear weapons program will be utilized in the big city nests of these democrat elected terrorists.
IF we could ensure all the radiation fallout, STAYS IN THOSE cities, i say ok.. BUT SINCE WE can’t, i would rather NOT RUIN the rest of the nation.
The bronx moron displays her terminal stupidity AGAIN.
IMO it would be news, if she DIDN’T put her foot in that.
The only illegitimate occupation going on is the militant Marxist terrorist occupation in the halls of US Congress via the Dem Party.
There is no such thing as Palestinians.
Palestine is a geographical area populated by Arab Jews 1600 years before Islam raised its ugly head & where some barbaric Muslim Arabs now have created hell on earth for everyone, including their own children, & whose only goal in life is to annihilate Israel & Jews everywhere from the face of the earth along with anyone who would support or defend them.
It is not Jew or Israel that threaten & endanger the world, it is militant Islam with a death wish & the morally corrupt degenerates who support them including the criminally seditious power mongers in our own govt.
To begin with, Israeli Jews are Palistinians too, they have lived in Palestine for about three thousand years. The people who identify as Palestinians are not a particular race or ethnic group but an amalgamation of over two thousand years of conquests by Medes, Persians, Greeks, Romans who became Byzantines, Muslim hordes, Turks, to end up a British Protectorate after WW I. The Jews remained in spite of the atrocities inflicted on them by all the above, especially the Muslims who wanted to convert them or kill them. After WW II the United Nations created the state of Israel out the area once know as Israel and Judah, the divided kingdom of David and Solomon except with wildly gerrymandered borders that were ludicrous from the beginning. Then the Arab countries decided they wanted it all back again and waged war to get it back. Six days later they not only lost the was but the territory made Israel vulnerable from the very beginning. After that Yasir Arafat was all about liberating the Palestinian people as if they were an indigenous group apart from the Israelis.
What makes claims from AOC, Tlaib, and Omar nonsense was after the partition Jews accepted Arabs as part of the new country, the Muslim countries did not.