The executive committee of the Arizona Democratic Party (ADP) formally censured U.S. Senator Kyrsten Sinema over her vote against changing rules in the chamber to steer through voting rights legislation, the state party said on Saturday.
Sinema was one of two Democratic senators who joined with Republicans to vote against lowering the Senate’s 60-vote threshold to 50 so that the Senate could pass voting rights bill without bipartisan support.
The censure is mostly a symbolic move, but it does highlight criticism that Sinema has faced from members of her own party, with polling indicating that Sinema is facing a rising amount of backlash from Democratic voters.
Raquel Teran, the state party’s chair, said in a Saturday statement they supported Sinema’s votes to pass legislation to provide more coronavirus relief and to improve the nation’s infrastructure.
‘However, we are also here to advocate for our constituents and the ramifications of failing to pass federal legislation that protects their right to vote are too large and far-reaching,’ Teran said.
‘While we take no pleasure in this announcement, the ADP Executive Board has decided to formally censure Senator Sinema as a result of her failure to do whatever it takes to ensure the health of our democracy,’ Teran added.
The failure to pass the legislation was a major blow to President Joe Biden’s legislative agenda and for voting rights groups, which had been fighting a slate of laws passed in Republican-controlled states that election experts have said were designed to suppress voting, especially among Black, Hispanic and poor voters.
Experts and voting rights advocates say the states have passed the legislation largely to back former President Donald Trump’s false claims that the 2020 election was marred by rampant fraud.
In Sinema’s home state of Arizona, state Senate Republicans contracted a private company called Cyber Ninjas to perform a so-called ‘audit’ of the 2020 election. Election officials discredited the probe, with Arizona’s Secretary of State issuing a report saying the election was secure and accurate and calling the review ‘secretive and disorganized.’ read more
The company has since shut down after a judge ordered it to pay $50,0000 a day in fines, according to media reports.
Sinema co-sponsored the Senate version of election overhaul legislation, but has publicly stated repeatedly she opposed changing filibuster rules.
Sinema’s office shrugged off the censure in a statement.
‘During three terms in the U.S. House, and now in the Senate, Kyrsten has always promised Arizonans she would be an independent voice for the state – not for either political party.
‘She’s delivered for Arizonans and has always been honest about where she stands,’ a spokesperson said.
It has to be a real blow to the Dems when one of their own actually stands up and does the right thing for the country and its citizens.
It just goes to show just how pathetically vindictive and petty the Dim Dems truly are, to censure one of their own for the criminal act of betrayal, because she thought for herself and for what she felt was better for her constituents.
It’s just so shocking, and must be made an example of, to prevent others from thinking for themselves and their constituents.
They can’t have that now, can they? Where would that lead them?
To maybe having to actually work for the people? Or even worse, actually being answerable to the people.
They certainly can’t have that now, can they?
As i have often said, YOU MUST follow the collective, or else…
So according to the unconstitutional Democrats, where the 17th Amendment states “The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by THE PEOPLE thereof,”,,,to represent THE PEOPLE, the Democrat party posits that it is the will and interests of THE PARTY, not THE PEOPLE that must be obeyed at all times or get censured. This power grab has nothing to do about suppressing the votes of Hispanics, Blacks, or poor voters who have every access to the polling booths that anyone else has. It’s about suppressing the LEGAL voters by cancelling their valid vote with a stolen one made by a person unable or criminally unwilling to produce a valid ID to prove who he is, or a mail-in vote ditto copied en masse with personal information and signature copies gleaned from government records, or stolen credit bureau files. Another example of the Democrat party’s criminal mentality and intent to take, not earn, their votes.
That’s how they have believed, for YEARS imo.
She should consider it a badge of honor for being a true Democrat representing her constituanys rather then being one of the ‘woke’ lemmings headed for the cliff!
Perhaps she needs to switch parties LIKE MANCHIN!
“Arizona Democratic Party (ADP) Executive Board has decided to formally censure Senator Sinema as a result of her failure to do whatever it takes to ensure the health of our democracy,’ Teran added.”
#1. How does allowing only one political party the ability to make any law they want to ” ensure the health of our democracy”??
Just more Lies and Deceptions from the treasonous Democrat Party.
This isn’t just trying to destroy the filibuster. It is about making the U.S. voting system to be controlled by the federal government. ONE non-elected/appointed person. Appointed by the Democrat Party. This isn’t about Democracy, It is about POWER. Power to keep the treasonous Democrat Party in controll of our government, our citizens and our country. 🙁 🙁 🙁
“‘However, we are also here to advocate for our constituents and the ramifications of failing to pass federal legislation that protects their right to vote are too large and far-reaching,’ Teran said”. Yep Raquel Teran, voter fraud, which you support in this bill, certainly protects the right to vote, doesn’t it?????? Raquel, you should be thrown in prison for supporting voter fraud, which is a fraud on the American people.