Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said “there’s no question” he could have more effectively communicated the purpose of his newly-created “disinformation” board after critics framed it as a crackdown on free speech.
Mayorkas said on “Fox News Sunday” that the Biden administration “could have done a better job in communicating what it does.”
Read more at Fox News
Share your thoughts. Mayorkas said he “could have done a better job in communicating what it does.” Did he do a better job of explaining his ‘disinformation’ board this time?
Mayorkas also answered questions about the open border.
What about the interviewer? Did he ask the questions you want answered?
No—he just BS’d more people on national TV.
IT matters not HOW He ‘phrased it’. THE ENTIRE IDEA of the Govt, getting to decide what is and isn;t “Disinformation”, is making me want to PUKE…
Those who fail to learn from history are Condemned to repeat it.
Censorship was rampant throughout Nazi Germany. Censorship ensured that Germans could only see what the Nazi hierarchy wanted people to see, hear what they wanted them to hear and read only what the Nazis deemed acceptable. The Nazi police dealt with anyone who went outside of these boundaries. Censorship dominated the lives of the ordinary citizen in Nazi Germany.
The reign of the Socialist Democrat Party State Dictatorship is just getting started.
The “Socialist Democrat Party State” political officers, Gestapo, Woke and Cancel Culture are just getting started.
You will obey, be loyal and support the policies of the “Socialist Democrat Party State” or you will be classified as “Enemies of the State” and “Domestic Terrorists”.
Time for Civil War 2 is coming fast.
People have been predicting it for years.
This is beyond anything I know or understand. Anyone alive during the period 1946 through 1990 has to understand how utterly ridiculous is this “disinformation” government monitoring notion or be totally brain dead. I cannot believe people who were adults after this period could be be so ignorant and unaware of the world around them. This little commie SOB Mayorkas is enough to make anyone with any brains puke. Who could imagine anyone supporting the right of the government to determine “truth” in the public information arena. Do any of these morons understand the first priority of any tyrannical government is to control information? Joey Stalin and Dolph Hitler would be proud.
Especially when a good chunk of what, SEVERAL GOVT agencies have done, since their formation, WAS SOWING DISINFORMATION ELSEWHERE (The CIA!)
ITS laughable now, that they think THEY are the ‘best experts’ to define what is and isn’t…
Does this mean the government, the Biden administration, officially recognizes that what it disseminates is disinformation?
TO BIDEN and co, what ever they say, “is the truth”..
This man is one of many of Biden’s freak shows in his cabinet. Biden searched for the lowest of the low to implement his Commie/Nazi orders. The dregs of society, all of them, just like 30’s Germany. Soon they will all be wearing their uniforms. Perhaps more colorful than drab Nazi brown, such as rainbow colors?? Some people may be fooled by this, like the media, but the rest of us know exactly what this is.
seig heil seig heil
Question would be: of all those that get here what % are returned back to their country? Bet it is l;ess than 1%
Most just get returned to Mexico.. NOT their home nations.
You know, taking the whole outrage over an Office of Disinformation itself aside, for a Department whose function is supposedly to disseminate and communicate “proper information” properly, and determine disinformation, much like every other office in the Biden Administration, they are already having “problems” communicating their message.
How many times since Biden assumed office has one of his underlings or Department heads had to come and redefine or “clear up” something Biden or someone else has had to say?
To me, “We could have said that better…” seems to have been said a lot, way more than I every remember happening before.
If a big part of their jobs are good communications of their ideas and policies and stuff to the public, why do they have so much trouble communicating good?
And how many times do you have to redefine a lie before it gets accepted?
Not just that, but when BIDEN Says something, then the white house/DHS etc, says “that’s not what he really said”, WHO ARE WE TO BELIEVE is in charge?