Eyewitnesses continue to come forward with examples of massive voter fraud during the 2020 election in key battleground states. During a press conference organized by the Amistad Project, truck driver Jesse Morgan described how his trailer of 200,000 ballots just disappeared over night. Ethan Pease told of plans to take 100,000 illegal votes and backdate them to make them legal. How many more eyewitnesses will be ignored?

President Trump has claimed the 2020 election has been filled with fraud. To date, hundreds of witnesses have come forward in sworn affidavits to provide the proof. Will states such as Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan take action?

Joe Biden’s pick for the Office of Management and Budget is going on an epic Twitter purge. Plus, leftwing columnist Paul Krugman fears Joe Biden might be considered illegitimate.

Check out today’s show for all the details.

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