Joe Biden’s approval ratings keep sinking, and Americans’ sentiments about the direction of the country are falling as well. A new poll shows for the first time, more Americans are not proud of their country. What can be done to turn things around?
With inflation, gas prices, the border crisis, rising crime, Joe Biden has shown he can’t lead. The woke radical left are trying to drive this country into the ground. We now see their idea of “build back better,” and the American people don’t want any part of it.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez goes off on Justice Clarence Thomas and the filibuster. Plus, the Supreme Court had an incredible week.
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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I’m proud of America and proud to be an American.
Babbling Biden’s America??
Hell, no.
I do not believe that the members of the Democrat Party, their Operatives,, the Propaganda Press and the Useful Idiots that vote for them are Americans! They are, in fact, Subversives and the Enemy of America and Prove it Everyday! It is obvious that they are following the methods spelled out in the Marxist Communist Playbook on How to Take Over a Country….Ours! Crisis after Crisis with No End in Sight, the “list” is long and disgusting. They have No Redeeming Qualities and must never again be in “control” of Our Government.
“The democrat, Socialist/Communist party of America have the best media that money can buy.
I do wonder, if they asked the poll “ARE you proud of america, and where our govt is TAKING IT”, vice just “are you proud of america”, what the difference in answers would have been.
If American pride go’eth before the fall, Democrats are ripe for a beating.
I am proud of America.
I have nothing but contempt for Biden and his entire administration. Getting every last one of them out of office is exactly what this country needs right now.
I am proud of America and being a American.
I am not very proud of some of our citizens character, But we do live in a free country.
“I have nothing but contempt for Biden and his entire administration.
Getting every last one of them out of office is exactly what this country needs right now.”
This treasonous, hateful, destructive, immoral, socialist Democrat Party and their corrupt, demented puppet president has become our country’s most destructive and deadliest ENEMY!
You are correct when you say this country’s most dangerous enemies are Biden, Pelosi, and the rest of the left wing liberal democrats. If we don’t rid our government starting this November then we may not get the chance to do it in November 2024. I’m proud to be an American, that’s why I gave 26 years of my life to the military, to help make our country better. Serving in both the Korean war, along with 2 tours in Nam, was not a picnic, but we felt it was something that needed to be done at the time. Now with the way the democrats are destroying this country it makes me feel like I served no purpose toward our freedom.
Responce to Gus Richards on July 7, 2022
I’m an American and like you i too served during the Korean war but i was on an Aircraft carrier, The INTREPRET-CVA-11. I have always been proud of being an American but I’m not proud of the way Joe Biden and the democrat party are destroying this country. THEIR policies are destroying America as we once knew this country with their Apologies to the rest of the world and our open borders allowing immigrants from all over to come to America for welfare but asking nothing from them in return.
I have nothing but utter contempt, not just for biden and everyone in his admin, but all those Courts, who LEFT US WITH HIM, by refusing to see any of the OBVIOUS EVIDENCE of voter fraud.
The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities, an intricate knot of German-Americans, Irish-Americans, English- Americans, French-Americans, Scandinavian- Americans, or Italian-Americans, each preserving its separate nationality, each at heart feeling more sympathy with Europeans of that nationality than with the other citizens of the American Republic…”
democrat former president, Barack H. Obama once said, ” America is, and always will be, a land of Immigrants…” but Barack H. Obama forgot to mention, what do the immigrants have to contribute to America except another addition to the welfare rolls.
Are you proud of Biden’s America?
Brandon’s communism has nothing to do with America.
With the liberal media Rowling up the Natives with anti cop stories. What do you Expect. Police just shot back at a 13% with a gun and the liberal media keep saying unarmed black man killed. I used to believe in the power of the press ,now I don’t.
The press used to be good.. Now days they are just as corrupt and rotten, as the govt is.