(The Center Square) – A 16-state coalition led by Texas has sued the Biden administration to stop a widespread amnesty plan from going into effect.
They did so two months after President Joe Biden announced the plan designed to fast track a path to citizenship for hundreds of thousands of foreign nationals who’ve been living in the country illegally for more than 10 years and who are married to a U.S. citizen.
Part of his plan was implemented by the Department of Homeland Security this week through its “Implementation of Keeping Families Together” program. It enables federal agents to “process for certain noncitizen spouses and stepchildren of U.S. citizens who are present in the United States without admission or parole,” meaning they are in the country illegally, “to request parole in place” status.
Granting a PIP status “will achieve the significant public benefit of promoting the unity and stability of families, increasing the economic prosperity of American communities, strengthening diplomatic relationships with partner countries in the region, reducing strain on limited U.S. government resources, and furthering national security, public safety, and border security objectives,” DHS says.
By doing so, the Biden-Harris administration did “an end-around the law” by ignoring the Constitution, violating the Administrative Procedure Act, and contravening existing federal law, the coalition argues.
They sued in the U.S. District Court Eastern District of Texas Tyler Division and asked the court to grant injunctive relief to prevent DHS from implementing it.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and their respective heads, are named as defendants.
“Federal statute prohibits illegal aliens from obtaining most immigration benefits, such as permanent resident status, without first leaving the country and being admitted to re-enter and reside in the country lawfully,” the coalition said. Instead of following current federal law, the program “effectively provides a new pathway to a green card and eventual citizenship,” the coalition added, because it allows “more than 1.3 million aliens who are unlawfully present in the United States to circumvent the processes established by Congress to apply for permanent residency – an opportunity that is not legally available to those present in the country unlawfully.”
Similar to the more than a dozen parole programs DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas created to expand illegal entry into the country, critics argue, the PIP is also only supposed to be used “for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit,” not en masse, according to federal law the brief cites.
“Under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, the federal government is actively working to turn the United States into a nation without borders and a country without laws. I will not let this happen,” Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said. “Biden’s new parole workaround unilaterally grants the opportunity for citizenship to unvetted aliens whose first act on American soil was to break our laws. This violates the Constitution and actively worsens the illegal immigration disaster that is hurting Texas and our country.”
Joining Texas are the attorneys general of Idaho, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, North Dakota, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee and Wyoming.
Each of the states says they will be “irreparably harmed by the PIP program,” citing estimated costs to taxpayers who fund a range of subsidized services that illegal foreign nationals receive. They include Medicaid, CHIP, TANF, uncompensated healthcare costs, law enforcement costs due to crime, public education, “unemployment, environmental harm and social disorder due to illegal immigration.”
“As the number of paroled and illegal aliens” in these states increase, the brief argues, “the number of paroled and illegal aliens receiving” subsidized services will also increase.
The complaint also lists an estimated number of foreign nationals illegally living in each of the plaintiff states who are married to a U.S. citizen and may qualify for the PIP program. Texas has the most of an estimated 204,000; Florida has the second greatest number of 93,000, followed by Georgia’s 34,000, according to Migration Policy Institute data cited.
The next greatest number is 14,000 in Ohio, 12,000 in Tennessee, 9,000 each in Kansas and Missouri, 7,000 each in Alabama and Louisiana, 6,000 each in Arkansas and Iowa, and 4,000 in Idaho. An unknown number are cited for the states of North and South Dakota and Wyoming.
DHS said the process began on Aug. 19 and the “family unity is a bedrock objective of the U.S. immigration system.”
“Under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, the federal government is actively working to turn the United States into a nation without borders and a country without laws.”
And this traitorous, self-righteous, self-serving, Kamala Harris is who the treasonous, destructive, dishonest, unethical, lying, woke, DEI, socialist Democrat Party wants to manipulate into the White House.
I am convinced that Democrats have a mental disorder and are disciples of Satan.
If Brandon is mentally incompetent to run, how is he then still in office ?!?
I would not be surprised that Joe actually grants blanket pardons to all illegal aliens about 3 days before the election or maybe leaving office. The operable question is, can a duly elected opposition party President that follows, REVOKE both pardons and amnesties once the offending President leaves office? Surely if they were issued in bad faith, especially for quid quo pro for illegal services rendered by a “non compus mentus” fool of a President. I know in most states that Pardoned Criminals can have their pardons revoked by the governor for reason, is it the same for Federal presidential pardons and declarations of Amnesty? Hunter’s pardon should be the first revoked for a return to jail free card, followed by about 20 million illegal border jumpers.
AND IF he’s so mentally incompetent, HOW THEN CAN HE MAKE NEW Executive orders and the like!?
“…foreign nationals who’ve been living in the country illegally for more than 10 years and who are married to a U.S. citizen.”
Homeland Insecurity will interpret this as “about 10 years and/or who are married to a U.S. citizen.”
Unfortunately, one of the most un-fortuitous results of overseas wars is the return of our lonely passion entrapped troops with foreign wives with foreign ideas, some socialist entitlement and dependency oriented, some that might end up beheading you in your sleep. Like the drugs and drug cultures they come from, they can debilitate you to the point of addiction and end you up living under a bridge or in a California cardboard castle tent city, hooked on drugs and too debilitated to enjoy the original sexual pleasures any more that first and foremost entrapped you. Like drug using Willie Nelson whose drug abuse made him regret it, when he could not believe he actually out-lived his Willie with a drug idea to use it, but caused his Willie to lose it.
Never in the course of human history has so much power and national wealth been socially redistributed to people of foreign origin.
WHat gets me is i’ve known MANY FOLK in the military who got married, and the sheer # of hoops they had to jump through, to marry a foreigner..
SO HOW In gods green earth, can folks LEGALLY MARRY SOMEONE Illegally in the US and it be valid?
Say what you want about Bill CLinton, but all we had to worry about with Bill is his pardoning of up close and personal Hard-ons. Joe has a hard-on to pardon anything that illegally moves into the country capable of manufacturaing a Democrat party vote.