An Air Force veteran killed inside the Capitol building during Wednesday’s chaos in D.C. was “gushing blood” after being shot, an eyewitness told a Massachusetts man outside the scene.
“I had no idea who they were,” Robert Burke, 65, of Milton told the Herald Thursday about two men he videotaped who claimed they saw Ashli Babbitt of San Diego get shot.
The 35-year-old Babbitt, whose husband has ties to Attleboro, was one of the four fatalities from the protest that spilled into the halls of Congress. D.C. police have since arrested 68 people and Capitol police arrested another 14, according to published reports.
One of those arrested was a Massachusetts man. David Ross, 33, is facing charges for unlawful entry and curfew violation, police said.
Babbitt was among fellow Trump supporters when she was shot while attempting to climb through a broken window into another section of the hallways inside Congress, multiple reports and videos show.
Burke, who traveled to Washington to videotape the rally, came upon two men outside after the shooting and began to record them.
“They shot her and then they turned around and screamed ‘Do you want to be next?'” one of the alleged eyewitnesses says on the tape. “That’s when the rest of the Capitol Police came storming in and pushed us all out.”
“When she got hit, she was gushing blood out of her mouth,” another eyewitness added.
“One shot and they got her,” the first man then stated.
U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund announced Thursday night he will resign.
Burke said the rally-turned-riot seemed to unfold in three stages: Trump’s speech, people heading to Congress and then “bull(expletive)” that occurred in the halls.
“It was like a Cecil B. DeMille movie,” Burke said. “Most of the people you saw up there were your mother, father and grandfather. They just wanted their voices heard.”
He added he ran into people from Oklahoma, Kansas and Minnesota looking to take part in the rally. The rush on the Electoral College process, he added, came late and went out of control.
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GRAPHIC FOOTAGE: Police fatally shoot a Trump supporter inside the Capitol building. This is a sickening crime that should be prosecuted as such.
— Dan Cohen (@dancohen3000) January 7, 2021
The man who shot this woman should be convicted of first degree murder with malice aforethought. His boss, and his bosses boss should face the same charges. He wasn’t “defending” himself. He took aim and murdered this unarmed woman. This is something you would expect to see in red china, not the USA.
I agree baitfish…..But i fear this is not the USA anymore.
ITS more likely he’ll get awarded for “Valiantly defending the capital’, while SHE and everyone else involved, will be the ones drug through the mud…
I don’t think that pre-meditation can be proven, bur 2nd degree may be quite possible. Just like proving that Trump “incited” the riot. Did he intend this result? I doubt it, but he does have some degree of responsibility.
Well, if HE has ‘some degree of responsibility’, THEN WHY DID NO ONE GIVE any responsibility or accountability to Mad maxine, or the others, for inciting the violence that LED TO dozens of cops being assassinated, or trump supporters being killed??
Sadly, I fear that this was the first version of OUR “Tiananmen Square”.
Tiananmen Square, was a WIN for the people over govt though. THIS IS ALREADY Showing itself, to be a win for the GOVT over the people.
We have been sold out and marginalized by the Republican Establishment. There will be no calls for investigation into the murder of this air-force veteran. There will be no outrage nor protests from Republican congressmen or senators. There will only be more attacks on Trump and his supporters. Unlike black rioters, looters and arsonists who burned cities to the ground and took over police precincts this veteran and her fellow protesters will be vilified and dismissed. Had she been black, had she been a radical flag burning leftist she would be hailed as a hero and the officer who shot her would be hung out to dry.
This is what our country has become by giving the disgraceful, dishonorable, dishonest, destructive, unethical , immoral, demonic Democrats the power to Rule and Ruin our U.S.A.. We have become the Un-United States.
Scruffy, you said a mouthful, and you are 100% correct ! We have allowed an EVIL group of people ( Democrats) the power to basically RUIN this great Country ! This is a very sad situation that we are in at this time.
AND THE COWARDLY GOP is the one responsible for it all… THEY KEPT refusing to fight for not just us, but this nation. I HOPE to hell, not a single bloody one of them, EVER EXPECTS us to ever vote for a single one of them, back into office, after this travesty!
We didn’t GIVE them the power; they STOLE it! And the Republicans (most) and SCOTUS were too cowardly to challenge it. So much for “Rule of Law”. Now that they have complete power, (Congress, W.H., media) the rules (if they mean anything to the Dems) will be changed so that the Republicans/Conservatives will never be able to regain power (not that they knew what to do with when they had it). The “swamp” is being enlarged, refilled, and restocked with Dems and RINOs, with an abundance of lobbyists to feed them. Socialism is the new agenda. Welcome to Venezuella!
Patriot, she was shot by one of 2 men, NOT by the Police. The Antifa thugs made sure to come to this protest, and THEY were the ones causing the violence, confusion, and mayhem, NOT the Trump supporters !
The black suited guy came out of the door on the other side of the glass doors and pulled the trigger as on the video. When did antifa start wearing suits? Your right it wasn’t a Trump supporter
AND how is it, after she got shot, NOT ONE OF THOSE AROUND, tried to help her???
I thought they identifired the cop that shot her and that he is now under suspension. A cop was killed also. I find it hard to believe that was done by a Trump supporter. How serious of an investigation might there be since they can pin this all on Trump?
Honestly i doubt there even WILL be an investigation into that murder…
Have ANY of the rioters, arsonists, murderers or looters, from Antifa, BLM, etc. been arrested been indited or tried in court {and not been immediately just set free}?
From all i’ve seen, that’s a HELL NO…
There will be a massive coverup of this murder. Was it Antifa or the Capitol police?
At this point is there any difference ? Congress has proved once and for all they could care less about the people’s voice.
And those who, for months said “WE need to keep having faith in our boys in blue/the military.. THIS IS THE RESULT of that ‘blind faith’ in them..
Capitol hill police have put the shooter on leave!
Paid leave, or unpaid leave?
From this video it appears what I have heard from the media is untrue. I didn’t see her trying to climb trough a broken window when shot! This shooting appears more like an execution rather than law enforcement trying to stop a criminal. The doors were obviously locked with small safety glass windows with multiple fractures but still intact (no one could clime through them). There were armed officers (i guess) in riot gear on the same side of the door as the woman who was shot through the locked doors. Did she see something that somebody didn’t want her to see? Or was the shooting from a firearm pointed with finger on the trigger that shouldn’t have been fired? The individual who fired that gun was not in any immediate danger.
I will not try to defend the woman who was with the crowd of people who had gained entry into the Capital building illegally and should not have been there! She was unarmed and not immediately threatening to do harm to anyone so if arrested for what and where she was I don’t think her penalty would be death. I do believe she was a Trump supporter who was in the Capital with a group of Antifa members trying to appear to be Trump supporters. This needs to be investigated!!!
You can bet, the ONLY Investigations that will be done, ARE TO FIND, and bugger over, every trump supporter there. NOT A DAMN THING WILL happen to a single cop, or antifa member that was there…
Yeah, look at the other people walking down the corridor where the shooter was. They are NOT moving quickly, they are NOT hiding or trying to get out of view, they are NOT exhibiting any sense of speed or fear. The guy toward the back of the hallway is walking along as if he’s on the way to his office after grabbing a coffee.
This was a cold blooded murder.
YET the shooter, got celebrated, on the news… Sickening.
She was shot in cold blood. There was no reason to pull that trigger. The shooter wasn’t in immediate danger, the victim hadn’t entered the hallway, and there was a whole lot of armed security outside in the stairwell where she was that could stop her. That person needs to be found and prosecuted.
It was stated on Wednesday that the shooter of the woman in the Capitol was a cop of some sort.
There were multiple services in involved, not just Capitol police. There were also Secret Service, FBI, and armed members of Congress in the building.
It seems obvious to me that there is a major coverup underway. No one in the media seems a damn bit interested in finding out who shot this veteran who served her country before she asked it to explain a stolen election.
MORE like they don’t CARE, cause she was a ‘evil trump supporter, who deserved being shot’.
It looks to me like there were a bunch of Antifa, BLM, and any other terrorists Soros and his ilk could assemble who triggered the Capitol break in and riot. But then it looks like an essentially mob mentality took over, and many of those who followed in were not necessarily among the instigators. Big mistake. Anyone who follows a mob literally takes their life in their hands. If only the perpetrators are present, it removes any confusion about who is responsible and may give law enforcement a little more of a fighting chance. In this case, however, it appears to me that the Capitol police were set up well in advance, and it may be that their resources were inadequate from the start.
Why is it that they will not release the cops name that murdered Ashli but yet freely put out the names of the rioters and the cities where they are from????
The whole thing makes me sick. I watched a video of the police removing the barricades to allow people through, I watch another video where you can here a guy controlling the flow of people inside the capital saying “here is the senate, they want everyone to go in there”…
That’s what i wanna know too.. WHEN THE RIOTS blm and antifa started, were going on, WE on the right, kept DEMANDING TO KNOW WHo those perps were, but never ever got told names..
YET THIS “Riot”, not only do we get names, but WE SEE SWIFT and unending punishments coming to those who were there…
The officer murdered her. She was not a threat to anyone. She was standing in the window without any weapons, surrounded by officers with rifles. The room was relatively calm.