President Biden warned Americans to brace for a summer of violence as this year’s pandemic reopening would exaggerate the usual seasonal increase in attacks as he on Wednesday laid out plans to tackle the country’s ‘epidemic’ of violent crime.
But his proposals to focus on dealers rather than criminals and his mockery for gun advocates brought a rapid backlash from Republicans who accused him of bowing to his parties radical wing.
He promised ‘zero tolerance’ for dealers who break the rules but also mocked Americans who believe they need firearms to protect their rights from the government.
‘If you want to think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons,’ he said.
– Read more at the Daily Mail
Biden’s gun crime prevention speech was equal parts ludicrous and scary
With murder rates skyrocketing in major American cities, Joe Biden announced his “gun crime prevention strategy.” Because Democrats are opposed to punishments for crime, Biden was reduced to maligning the Second Amendment. Thankfully, he lacks the authority to grab our guns, but he managed a few chilling statements.
Violent crime has dramatically escalated in Democrat-run states and/or cities, where Democrats have released violent prisoners; defunded, hamstrung, and demoralized the police; decreased or done away with bail; and elected Soros-funded prosecutors who refuse to prosecute potential Democrat voters.
As a Democrat, Biden was could not promote stiffer prison penalties, meaningful bail, and aggressive prosecution. However, he did concede that police make a difference:
– Read more at the American Thinker
Is no one going to mention how confusing and out of it Biden was?
President Biden’s topic was one of utmost importance Wednesday — crime and gun violence. But you wouldn’t know it from the way he spoke.
He slurred his words. He called the ATF “the AFT.” At one point, he talked about the history of the Second Amendment and “the blood of patriots” before concluding that someone would need nuclear weapons to take down the government. If you weren’t confused, you were horrified.
Biden was obviously tired, speaking in barely a monotone. He couldn’t pronounce “cognitive.”
– Read more at the NY Post
BIDEN: "Those who say the blood of Patriots, you know, and all the stuff about how we’re gonna have to move against the government.”
"If you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons."
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) June 23, 2021
Here’s the entire speech.
He couldn’t pronounce “cognitive”—Joe’s problems aside, cognition isn’t a Liberal trait—its like it is from a foreign language.
But, Joe—be careful what you ask for and what you threaten. Its getting really restless out here in America—but you wouldn’t have a clue.
HOWS about he go AFTER THE CRIMINALS, for once in his damn life.. SEND the FBI and ATF to go after the bloody GANGS…
AND the da’s and state AGs, who REFUSE to prosecute the criminals! MAYBE THEN WE might have a chance of reigning in all of these crime rates spiking
If senile Joe was going to go after the criminals, he’d have to start with himself.
Especially his own son!
Heard Glen Beck imitating senile Joe’s speech on the radio, today. It was really very funny and sounded just like the stupid senile old manure pile.
Talk about ” Not being able to see the Forest for the Trees, ” The Marxist Democrat elite, Democrat party President Joe Biden and equally blind ,vice can’t ” See the Forest for the Trees, ” not do they want to recognise the problem that their party created. If, for example there is more murders and other crimes, you don’t call and demand , ” REFUNd THE POLICE. ” No one would unless they were part of the Marxist Democrat party.
The D refund The Police is CAlled for, ” Can’t See The Forest for The Trees, ” Marxist Democrat Party…
England had Richard The Lion Heart.
We have been saddled with Joseph The Lyin’ F*rt.
The only reason Joe is warning the public to brace for violence this summer is because he and his party have embraced the anarchists and are in their lap and confidence, thicker than thieves. His proposals to focus on prosecuting gun dealers who vote against he who would disarm us, is in stark contrast to his support of the Mexican drug dealers who never get prosecuted, lest the Biden crime family 10% kickback get shut down, the party campaign contributions get cut off, and Joe loses access to the drugs that keep Hunter under his thumb and control.
‘If you want to think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons,’ he said.”?????,,,,,,,Tell it to the Taliban and ISIS who managed to cost thousands of lives, and defund America trillions of dollars, which the Democrat party enemy of the state is attempting to do now in Congress. They accomplish through abortion and uneeded taxes what the Taliban and ISIS do with automatic weapons.
Not just embraced, but FUNDED.. This is why for the past 15 months, ive been saying ANTIFA AND BLM are the DNC’s militant wing.
And I believe all those Obama Youth are still active. But they are mostly peaceful.
Just like al those arsons, were mostly fire-free..
Those peaceful protesters used the light from those burning businesses to guide them safely along their way. ” Like the say, ” Its a I’ll wind that doesn’t blow some one some good .”….
Antifa, the Media,Holly Wood elite, The friend of Brack H. obams, Professor Gates who Democrat Barack H. Obama said of the Police, ” That the Police After Stupidly , ” When he heard that the police had arrested his professor friend, Bansbridge Professor, Gates.. Why, anybody could see this was another case of the Racist Police picking on a Black Man….
Joe Biden, a demented pro crime anti Conservative anti Constitution communist.
EVERYONE in the bloody entire DNC is a crime loving, ANTI-Constitution traitor.
It – not every one but the (very) few who aren’t are as hard to identify as the (alleged) lone straight barista in san fransicko………………
Reply to ” Backpacker ” Democrat Markisr, President Joe Biden, is busily passing Laws that are supposed to stop the Violence since the Marxist Democrat party wanted to act concerned about all the rise in violent crime in communities some they called for ” Refunding the Police. So What to do, said Democrat President Joe Biden, Well I will passa pass against “Inimate objects, Guns, that will stop all the violent crimes. instead of taking repeat offenders off our communities streets, Joe Biden attacks Inanimate objects by Legislation against ” Inanimate Objects.. “
This is no surprise. Just look at Biden’s long political career and you can see that he virtually always does the wrong thing for the people of the Unit3ed States, but always somehow makes a lot of money doing it. The level of corruption in the Biden family is ridiculous. But, Sleepy Creepy Joe is NOT stupid, he has always benefited from every wrong thing he has done. The man is actually brilliant, Joe’s story is actually amazing. How many people can do virtually everything wrong and get so powerful and wealthy?
It makes you wonder, WHICH is worse. The Clinton crime family, or the BIDEN crime family!
it – at this point I’d give the ccc (clinton crime cartel) the ‘nod’ – after all, afaik there isn’t a body count out of the bcc – yet – how many victims of arkancide are there now?
Who knows, these days…
my comments in response to ITuser, I have noticed that, like Bill & Hillary CLinton Foundation, all the Foundation s were Kleenex by wealthy people which made me think ” Tax Shelter. ” Of course I thought of Hillary Clinton’s famous words,she once spoke after our Ambassador and Embassy were destroyed., Hillary CLinton said, ” At This Point, What Difference does.It Make.. “
There is NO COMPARISON of the Clinton family to the Biden family! The Bidens are light years behind the Clintons as far as corruption and the enormous amount of money the Clintons have received from their influence peddling. Plus, I am pretty sure Sleepy Creepy hasn’t been a sexual predator. IMHO
Somebody bring in the Clowns, Never mind, they’re already here . ” Chime d in Vice Presid, Kamala Harris…..
Mag911 My comments, Like all Marxist Democrat party elite, those like Socialist, Bernie Sanders, have joined with the Marxist Democrat elite and although Burnie Sanders claims to be against the Wealthy ,Greedy b White business man, He himself, has become a Millionaire, One Of Those he claims to be against and for the little people. , On well, Burnie came to Washington to do good and Stayed to do Well. ” for himself….
The U.S. has allowed ENEMIES that have an objective to destroy the U.S.A.. The corrupt, demented Betrayal Biden and his Flossie giggles Harris are nothing but puppets to our ENEMIES.
Just look at the deliberate damage and destruction that Biden and Harris have done to our country in just 7 months.
The Dishonorable, Socialist Democrat Party game plan is to lie, cheat and steal elections in order to take total control of the American people, increase Taxes on everything and bring American commerce and economy to its knees.
Then access power and retain it by any means available –
no matter the costs to the people, the government or the nation.
” When the government fears the people there is Liberty, When the People fear the Government, there is Anarchy. “. He were of the Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and their Marxist Government they are establishing right now while America Was Asleep…
Unless inanimate weapons are actually doing violence on their own there wasn’t much about crime prevention. Nothing about catching criminals, keeping them in jail instead of releasing them, pressing charges instead of dismissing them, enforcing the laws on the books instead of passing new ones which won’t be enforced either. They were words to mollify and not those of serious action.
With dems, there never IS anything about actual Crime prevention or elimination, ITS ALWAYS “lets ban guns” with them…
BUT THEY NEVER EVER do a damn thing to actually GET GUNS OUT of the hands of the CROOKS repeatedly doing these crimes.
it – yep – it’s not like there are some 20,000 (plus or minus) currently existing “gun control” already on the books. Nah much easier to 1) demonize inanimate objects – to take away the responsibility away from those who misuse/abuse those tools and 2) seek to punish Law Abiding Citizens for those criminal.
I forgot what site it was, but it (back in 2009 iirc) HAD a full listing of EVERY firearm law, federal, state, and even county (and in over 2 dozen cases, even CITY) level.. There was as of the printing for that site, just OVER 400 all told.
That # has more than likely gone up to around 600 by now.
The Dotard probably has little awareness or understanding of what he is saying, and what we are hearing is the kind of talk going on within the chambers of the illegitimate puppet regime. The Marxist Muslim from Mombasa and his tranny consort, together with their grand vizier and Hezbollah controller Jarrett, are probably running things behind the scene and are itching to impose now the state of emergency and “fundamental transformation” that they had planned between 2009 and 2016 but had not quite been able to pull off. A government that reacts to the words of Thomas Jefferson by threatening the abrogation of the Constitution and the use of fighter jets and nuclear weapons on its own citizens is a government that needs to be removed. Down with the dictatorship! Biden and his planned crackdown delenda est!
This would be funny if it weren’t all about taking everyday, law abiding American’s 2nd Amendment rights away. It was this pile of excrement, Biden, that was part of the O bummer administration that brought us Operation Fast and Furious where their ATF not only allowed but condoned and encouraged illegal gun purchases to be made from these very same gun dealers with the sole purpose of creating an excuse for more 2nd Amendment restriction to be enacted. Never forget border patrol agent Brian Terry that was murdered by an illegal alien using one of those guns.
The left would LOVE IT if we forgot about that Debacle, THAT SAW NO ONE GO TO jail over…
Assuming Dem run govt use of nuclear weapons & F15’s depends on who is trying to take on the govt.
So far: we have suffered invasion by millions of foreign illegal aliens, China has unleashed biological warfare on us in the form of the Wigan virus, violent criminals & activists are dictating how & what laws may be enforced & the unelected Soros, Corp, tech & media billionaire globalists & profiteers now control our speech, our elections & run our govt all without a shot fired or a whimper from elected officials or courts.
It is clear that the only people in the entire world who are in danger of being confronted with US military & their WMD are those millions of US citizens who oppose the above listed govt inflicted abuses & those millions of citizens who dare show support for Trump ‘s common sense & desperately needed policies for America’s survival as a safe, prosperous & free nation with a justice system that punishes criminal behavior in all its forms without fear or favor & demands adherence to law & order from everyone.
With how crime has risen like hell, CAUSE OF THE DEMS, THOSE WHO Feel “americans don’t need guns’, need to get to the nearest hospial, TO GET AN MRI, cause its obvious they have no brain!
One need look no further than the string of liberal victories with respect to national and local decrees. No 10 Commandments in public places, no Christmas nativity scenes, elimination of national pride, the elimination of God in almost every public venue. And as replacements we have the contempt with life called “choice”, the restricted discipline parents can use, the concept of “self esteem” over guilt and right from wrong, the glamorization and glorification of gun violence by left wing Hollywood, the attacks against law enforcement and military, and the propping up of criminals with skin color as an entitlement to wreak havoc and violence. Bravo liberals—YOU own this systemic (you like that buzz word, right?) demise of society and America.
OF course they own it.. THIS IS WHAT THEY WANT to happen!
The Marxist Democrat party never intended to reduce crime, No, their only desire was to take away the citizens right to own guns needed by them to defend themselves against the criminal thugs whom the Democrat Marxists were pretending that they, alone were the great defenders of the disadvantaged that the ” Greedy White Race had held down for so long…
He slurfully said…. “and the CARTERS supplying weapons . . . ” ! Poor Jimma and Rosalyn !
When he made it clear that there would be a good deal of violence this summer and that they were only cracking down on drug dealers he, along with his administration, made it clear that they don’t care about the average people (of all colors of skin).
They are hoping that the civil unrest they are fomenting will be a good smoke screen for the actual work they are hoping to do in undermining our country physically (open border), economically (high inflation and food shortages), spiritually (keeping churches closed or making it harder for them to do their work), and mentally (people living in fear of illness and crime). They will continue to create racial tensions and divides to further undermine the greatest strength of our nation which is its opportunity and diversity.
They are setting us up people. Sadly, most will either ignore it or worse fall into their plans.
They certainly follow the mantra of “RULE OR RUIN!”
The Marxist Democrat party is hoping that they have caused enough disorder in this country that it will be only a matter of time before neighbor turns against neighbor and religion has became tolerant and accepting of deviant behavior that it no longer has the moral discipline to earn the respect of the citizens and thus the country is divided as never before in this countries History. The thug roams the streets terrorizing the common citizen because of a constant attack upon the Police which were considered a defense against invasion and rape of the middle class, the “basket full of deplorable as Hillary Clinton of as Democrat Marxist President referred to the citizen living in ” Fly-Over Country , ” The Dreggs of Society. The invading hire of illegal immigrants flooding across America’s borders have overwhelmed the authorities and now the border patrol doesn’t even attempt to stop the immigrants because they know that government isn’t serious about enforcing our immigration laws any more. This countries citizens feel overwhelmed by the sea changes taking place and they’re beginning to wonder if the world they once knew will be no more, and they puzzle over what changes will come next…
democrats are all traitors and should be dealt with accordingly.
‘If you want to think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons,’ he said.
Probably not a bad idea Joe. It’s not a matter of what someone wants to think. It’s a case of their awareness of present reality.
If one ever wondered what this Leftist administration’s reaction to patriotic resistance of government tyranny would be, now you know.
slow joe needs (yet again) a lesson in history. Americans – who were then still British Subjects (NOT yet Citizens) did indeed have all sorts of ‘arms’ – up to and including cannons as well as such nefarious devices as Puckle guns and punt guns – as well as other more ‘standard’ arms such as swords and muskets and long rifles. And armed merchant vessels – there were pirates to contend with after all. That little bit of ‘insurrection’ at Lexington and Concord was because the crown (its minions anyway) decided to illegally seize a store of those arms lawfully owned by private persons.
All i know, is if/when the ATF/FBI sends agents to start TRYING To confiscate folks weapons, there’s gonna be a lot of bodies hitting the floor…
OR at least there BETTER damn well be.