Greetings to all. I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays. Was Santa good to you, or did you get a lump of coal? Looks like I got enough to run my barbeque pit, but that’s an improvement!
We have spent a lot of time getting the GOPUSA web site ready for the new year. We hope you enjoy it. Although you may think it looks the same, there are many enhancements and improvements. Comments are laid out much nicer than before, and they can be nested, meaning you can comment on a post or you can comment on someone else’s comment. Both posts and comments can be rated too.
Each post has easy-to-access buttons for printer-friendly versions, e-mailing a friend, sending a letter to the editor, or sharing on Facebook. You can adjust the text size of what you are reading as well.
And there is more to come. We are bringing back the Forum so that you can start your own discussions. State News will be back as well as our Online Activist section so that you can brush up on bills and contact your legislators.
Please let me know what you think. We’ll roll out more features soon. Spread the word, and tell your friends about GOPUSA.
Happy New Year to all!
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