A Universal Theme Park actor was fired for making the OK symbol during a photograph. President Trump has one of his messages removed from Twitter and YouTube, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is offered a new solution to the “climate crisis” at her own town hall meeting.

The left is freaking out about the “ok” hand gesture. Apparently it is yet another symbol that the politically correct crowd is calling “offensive.” In fact, an actor at Universal theme park was fired because he make the “ok” gesture during a photograph.

President Trump had a video taken down from both YouTube and Twitter for “copyright” violations. The video was a parody using the Nickelback song “Photograph” in which the picture of Joe Biden, his son, and a Ukrainian executive were show together playing golf.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had a surprise visitor at her Thursday town hall meeting. During the question and answer session, a woman offered a new idea for AOC in order to fight the “climate crisis.” She proposed that “bombing Russia” wouldn’t be enough, and the only solution is for people to start eating babies. Yep, that’s what she said! Check out today’s show for all the details.

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