The Biden administration is scrambling to shelter thousands of unaccompanied minors crossing the southern border from Central America. The media are declaring the crush at the border a “crisis.”
Truth is, this crisis could be heading to your school district. If your kids are in public school or you pay school taxes, you need to know the facts.
The media show photos of young migrant children. Don’t fall for that. Three-quarters of these unaccompanied minors are young men ages 15 to 17. Think tattoos, not teddy bears.
These teens are carrying the name and phone number of a relative in the U.S. who will sponsor them. A few weeks after surrendering to border officials, they’ll board buses to Los Angeles, Houston or New York City — the three most frequent destinations — or elsewhere in the U.S. where their sponsor lives.
It’s the beginning of a hard road. The law requires them to go to school. But they’ve endured trauma on their trek and missed months or years of schooling. Few speak English, and many don’t know Spanish, only Mayan.
Their education will cost thousands of dollars a year more than for the average student because they’ll need linguistic experts, tutors, psychological counseling, vaccinations and other support.
They also consume most of a classroom teacher’s attention, leaving the rest of the class to make do with less.
Even so, only 66% of students without English skills ever graduate.
They will struggle, but so will our own kids. This migration wave is hitting schools just as they’re reopening after the pandemic. Students have missed an entire year of school activities.
For school districts with tight budgets, the added costs of educating these young newcomers will mean an end to art classes, band and orchestra, and other enrichment activities.
School districts in four states will likely be most affected — Florida, California, Texas and New York. But Connecticut also has Central American communities and will likely be receiving minors.
In 2014, New York City schools rolled out the red carpet for 1,662 migrants from Central America, committing a whopping $50 million for special programs. At the time, parents asked the question they should be asking again now: Why is the federal government allowing this influx of needy students when New York City already has challenges? Over half of city students read below grade level.
President Joe Biden seems oblivious. Last week, he announced a program to enable Central American children to apply for admission to the United States from their home country. That would spare them the dangerous trek. But it doesn’t alleviate the strain on our schools.
The Democratic Party pays lip service to reducing economic inequality. But their open border policy is doing the opposite — fostering a permanent underclass working for low wages.
In the Chicago suburbs, these young teens labor nights in meatpacking plants and auto parts plants, come home at 6 a.m. when their shift ends, and then go to school two hours later on almost no sleep, according to a ProPublica expose. No wonder they fall asleep in class and age out of high school before getting a diploma. The Dickensian era of child labor is being resurrected in our country today, thanks to open borders.
Teens who fail to get a diploma are almost doomed to poverty. Nearly half the Central American adult migrants in the U.S. don’t have a high school diploma. Their education levels are lower than other immigrants or the U.S.-born population. And no surprise, they are also poorer.
Worst of all, allowing this wave of migration to continue now will cripple our public schools and further set back our kids, just when they’re struggling to get back on the learning track.
Message to Biden: close the border, protect our schools, and put our own kids first.
Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and author of “The Next Pandemic,” available at Contact her at [email protected] or on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey. To find out more about Betsy McCaughey and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at
Ah, put illegal aliens on welfare, make them perpetually dependent on the Government. These illegal aliens will vote for the communist Democrats. Like Barack said, “change”. Yep “change” to a communist system, change to one party running our Country. Our nation is becoming the California “model”, the “model” of a cesspool, with one party communist rule. I am sure Dr. Fauci can talk about “models”, the communist “model”!!!!!!
Beijing Biden and his lunatic HHS director has invited these illegal aliens here.. the idiot told the parents in the other countries, ‘send your kids to our country and we will take care of them” this is insane.. THEY ARE NOT OUR RESPONSIBILITY!!! next they will say they have to bring in the parents so they can unite the families.. when Trump was in office the democRATS constantly attacked Trump on separating kids from their families.. yet is ok for them to encourage the separation telling them to send their kids and we will take care of them… the American people are going to be burdened with this insanity .. more and more Billions of our tax dollars will be used to take care illegal aliens… this is wrong!!! They are stabbing the American people in the back as they cater to and coddle the illegal aliens.. holding them above the laws and above the citizens…
More and more drugs are also flooding into the country but Beijing Biden and his nightmare of an administration don’t care.. they have done NOTHING to stop this insanity.. PUT TRUMP’S POLICIES BACK IN PLACE…
THAT is their goal..
I wish the republicans would grow a spine and legally Challenge Biden from giving illegals any free benefits. The constitution says only citizens are entitled to Privileges and Responsibilities. Privileges, to me , can mean free education ,free welfare and free food stamps. Free housing.
THEY should have grown a spine, YEARS BACK.. Preferably before obama even GOT into office.. Maybe then we’d not have had the 8 years OF HIS Disasterous bills..
#1. Just Why do you think that this Socialist Democrat Party is Encouraging, Welcoming, Supporting and Protecting these Multi-Million Illegal Immigrants shutting down oil production and increasing taxes and the cost of living?
#2. It is all about Power. To gain complete control of our country and our citizens.
#3. If the Socialist Democrat Party destroy our economy and we are forced to depend on the Socialist Democrat Party to live.
Then they got us. We are then servants, subjects and wards of the Socialist Democrat Party. We only receive what the Socialist Democrat Party decides to give us. We will have NO RIGHTS. 🙁 🙁 🙁
I am shocked MORE AMERICAN PARENTS are not outraged at this, where we STILL SEE american kids being DENIED schooling, cause of the damnable teacher unions, but ILLEGAL INVADER Kids, get in to the schools?? THAT WE PAY FOR!?!?!?
the idiot over HHS has told parents in the other countries.. send your kids to our country and we will take care of them…they are pushing for the family breakup.. then they will say that the parents need to be let in because they want to reunite the family… THIS IS INSANE!!!! WE HAVE A CRISES AT THE BORDER CREATED BY BEIJING BIDEN!!!! now they want to fly some of these illegal aliens to the northern border to help process them into our country faster….. we WILL be forced to take care of them with OUR tax dollars… more and more this is going to cost the American people.. Fema now wants to use stimulus money to take care of these illegal aliens entering our country.. Per an illegal alien that they questioned at the border, “This will never end!” Are they trying to get the entire country of Honduras or Guatelmala or El Salvador up here into our country??? sure looks like it… Trump got control of the border with the help of Mexico and that lunatic Beijing Biden cancelled it all out and now they are invading our country looking for their handouts… GOD HELP OUR COUNTRY BEFORE WE HAVE NO COUNTRY!!!!
While the whole “in your face “ grouping of the Biden/Harris outrageously inept attempt at governing hits the fan, they still try to lie their way out of it, and as always, blaming conservatives and Trump. They have unleashed the true animosity the Chinese have for this Country, while snidely pretending the real issue is someone stating how the pandemic came about, and where it came from. That sort of weaseling seems to be backfiring as their snitches and hate mongers are starting to go after each other, especially school board members. Biden and Harris, Obama, and in particular Soros created this cruel episode, should be made to pick up the check, and deliver these children to their home Countries. These children supposedly have family member phone numbers” which are probably bogus, which should be checked before the taxpayers get the bill for the vile assault on this Country, and the angst they are surely causing the really young ones. They should immediately deport all the young men who claim they are in the 15 and up age groups. In another front, don’t know if any is keeping count, but every year approx. 40,000 pregnant Chinese women fly into California, give birth, and return home with their recently birthed American citizens. Multiply that by voting age of 18, and at some point those non-patriots could populate their own State….they wouldn’t have to invade.
Coming to Your Kids’ School
I believe past tense is more accurate, they’re already here.
They’ve been here for decades. PARENTS didn’t push back, when this hoopla started!
Typical Dem Prez – make a mess, then spread it around to voters who didn’t vote for the mess. And why are foreign offspring called “dreamers” when they cost American kids THEIR dreams? Young illegals are an expensive NIGHTMARE for taxpayers.
ALL Illegal invaders are a nightmare for US Citizens.
Yet the “compassionate” bishops in the USCCB continue to rank immigration as their fondest goals for the US. We see their horse manure in our church bulletin every week…
Maybe the parrishioners, need to TELL THOSE bishops, to Shut the hell up, VIA CEASING TO TITHE/Donate…