As we draw close to the pivotal 2022 midterm election in November, many are discussing the electoral trend of the Hispanic community away from the Democrat, progressive socialist party. When I was Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas, I assessed that the reason why the Rio Grande Valley was blue was because we had not engaged with them. I remember being in Del Rio, Texas, at a Hispanic church for a showing of the documentary “Uncle Tom.” There were those who asked, “Why show a documentary about black conservatism in the RGV?” The answer was simple — to show the Hispanic community what the Democrat Party had done to the Black community and let them know that if not careful, the same would happen to the Hispanic community.
Today we are witnessing a modern-day enslavement of the Black community on a 21st century economic plantation. We do not hear pundits talking about the black electorate because the black electorate is being destroyed and made irrelevant. Yes, I know, it was Rep. Jim Clyburn in South Carolina and the black Democrat vote there that saved Joe Biden’s presidential campaign…but why?
Under former President Trump, black unemployment hit an all-time low. Historic black colleges and universities (HBCUs) received financial assistance. Black small businesses were prioritized and there was even a major criminal justice reformation. Mind you, none of this occurred under the so-called first Black president. No, not Bill Clinton, but rather Barack Obama.
Just recently, Kamala Harris spoke before the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), an organization founded by white progressive socialists back at the turn of the century — Mary White Ovington, Henry Moskowitz, William English Walling, and Oswald Garrison Villard. They selected a black man named W.E.B. DuBois as the face. DuBois was an avowed leftist who would eventually renounce his U.S. citizenship and fully embrace communism. At this gathering instead of addressing the harm done to the “advancement” of the black community, VP Harris decided to advance abortion. She made the comparison to slavery, of course not mentioning that the physical enslavement of Blacks in America was part of the Democrat Party history.
The murder of unborn babies in America has had the most adverse effect on the Black community, which only makes up 13% of the American population. The Black community in America is no longer the second largest demographic; it has been overtaken by the Hispanic community. Over 35% of the murder of unborn babies in America are done by some 7% of the American population — Black women. And let’s not forget who the founder of Planned Parenthood was, a white supremacist, racist, eugenicist named Margaret Sanger who referred to Blacks as undesirables and human weeds full of disease.
Those Black lives do not matter in the modern enslavement of the Black community.
It is not just the murdering of black babies in the womb. Every major urban center, controlled by Democrats, can boast of astounding levels of shootings and murders of Blacks. I’ve got to ask, when was the last time Chicago Mayor Lightfoot, or any other mayor of a major urban center, especially Black ones, decried this violence…or for that matter BLM? They do not because there is little care or concern that blacks are slaughtering blacks; that just does not fit the political narrative. Sadly, it took a woman of color, Arabella Foss-Yarbrough of Minneapolis to condemn BLM protestors who were against a black man being shot after firing shots into her kitchen while she was cooking for her two Black children.
Heck, Joe Biden was on a show with a Black commentator when he said that “if you do not vote for me, you ain’t Black.” Of course, there was no challenge from the commentator, just like there was no response when Biden said, “they gonna put y’all back in chains” in 2016.
The only political organization that has ever put Blacks in America in chains is the Democrat Party, be they physical or metaphysical chains.
Denying school choice in the inner cities and relegating black children to failing public schools is an example of enslavement. Once the Democrats stood outside the doors of education preventing black kids from entering…now they stand inside the doors and prevent them from leaving for better educational opportunities.
Look at Baltimore, and witness the utter despair and degradation of humanity. The lack of thriving small businesses, or even grocery stores, has had a detrimental effect on health in the Black community. Successful businesses are thwarted because crime is allowed to run rampant, all because the left is more concerned with criminal rights than those of law-abiding Black citizens. Remember it was a Black man, Otis McDonald, who sued the City of Chicago, all the way to the Supreme Court, so he could be armed and protect himself in his own home.
The enslavement of the Black community in America is a tragic occurrence. It is enabled by charlatans and modern-day plantation overseers who benefit from the abysmal situations Blacks face. And of course, these are the same individuals who will assail those who have escaped this new plantation, wishing to not return.
I will close with the sage words of my ideological mentor, Booker T. Washington, “There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”
Just the same as there were tribes in Africa who sold other Africans to white slavers…history is repeating itself before our eyes. I just pray that more in the Black community will have the scales fall from their eyes and embrace the shackle-breaking constitutional freedoms, rights, and liberties that America affords them.
Steadfast and Loyal.
This column was originally published at FrontPage Mag
The views expressed in CCNS member articles are not necessarily the views or positions of the entire CCNS. They are the views of the authors, who are members of the CCNS.
Sadly, I can not disagree with anything that was written. So true!
Blacks fell from numer 2 American race under Democrat’s watch, which accelerated under OBAMA. FIrst he community organized Chicago into an adult and prenatal killing zone, then the whole country. Things began to look up under Trump and the Republicans, but then Joe came back in and it was as if Obama’s community organization of death returned with a vengence. Putting his half, Jamaican black , half Indian, half truth, all incompetent Kamala as his Veep backup has put blacks in about as good a position to succeed in AMerica as her successes in controlling immigration. Just who votes for That ? Better a white guy with orange hair that advances the successes of your race, than a half immitation person of darker skin who lets a great opportunity to help her own people just decay in opportunities to just help herself and her party. Wake up black America, socialism is not the solution to your race’s dissolution.
Quit trying to start race riots! All that **** is over but here you are trying to bring it back.
“…. Blacks fell from numer 2 American race under Democrat’s watch…”
” VP Harris decided to advance abortion. She made the comparison to slavery, of course not mentioning that the physical enslavement of Blacks in America was part of the Democrat Party history….”
“…Joe Biden was on a show with a Black commentator when he said that “if you do not vote for me, you ain’t Black.” Quotes Taken from Article.
inluminatuo …. I Agree With you, The Democrat Party Acted like they were the Friends of The Black Race When They Only Wanted to Secure Their Votes. You Posted…
“….there were tribes in Africa who sold other Africans to white slavers…”
“…let’s not forget who the founder of Planned Parenthood was, a white supremacist, racist, eugenicist named Margaret Sanger who referred to Blacks as undesirables and human weeds…”
Lyndon Baines Johnson 1963… “These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now, they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference… I’ll have them ******* voting Democratic for the next two hundred years”.
Reponse to iniuminatuo-
John F. Kennedy Vs Robert F. Kennedy expressed the Thoughts that “Civil-Rights went off the Raills ” when proponents went from justly demanding equal rights to unjustly demanding equal outcome. ” Then George Orwell In ” Animal Farm, ” wrote This, ” All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others. ”
A writer gave this opinion about everybody being equal when he wrote this about George Orwell’s Statement in”Animal Farm, ” about All Animals Are equal… ” The opinion piece went on to say, ” when Orwell contrasted the phrase’ All Animals Are Equal’ with ‘Some Animals Are more Equal Than Others, his Intentions was to exempify a particular type of meaninglessness In political discourse. ” From
Democrat President, Joe Biden, ” Heck, Joe Biden was on a show with a Black commentator when he said that “if you do not vote for me, you ain’t Black.” This Taken from Above Article.
This just to show how desperate the democrat Party is to keep, As Joe Biden Once Said, ” They’re Going to keep you all in Chains ““…ocratic_for_the_next/
“…Here are the claimed quotes from Lyndon B. Johnson (warning language):
Lyndon Baines Johnson 1963… “These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference… I’ll have them ******* voting Democratic for the next two hundred years”.The Democrats Alway Care…!
Where are all or most of those immigrants going to go?, On To The Welfare Roles…Which is already Broke.
” The Cloward–Piven strategy is a political strategy outlined in 1966 by American sociologists and political activists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven that called for overloading the U.S. public welfare system in order to precipitate a crisis that would lead to a replacement of the welfare system with a national system of “a guaranteed annual income and thus an end to poverty”. [1][2]
ITs not just sad, but infuriating.
“It is not just the murdering of black babies in the womb. Every major urban center, controlled by Democrats, can boast of astounding levels of shootings and murders of Blacks.”
“Black Lives Matter???” …. To Whom???
I.A.W. U.S. Census & FBI (Table 43a)
Black males make up about 7% of the U.S. population but every year commit ~56% of all the murders and ~64% of all robberies in the U.S… Every year in the U.S. there are ~6,000 African-Americans men, women and children killed and 92% of them were killed by fellow African-Americans.
So…“Black Lives Matter???” …. To Whom???
“…Evidently Obama hates America
“…He is the stock market’s worst nightmare, he is way too friendly with the Muslims and the homosexuals and the abortionists, and apparently his America-hating pastor — whose “church” he attended for 20 years — filled him with shame and disrespect for the United States. Now it appears that President Obama has the complete “transformation” of America as his goal, but to me that means he has the utmost contempt for capitalism, Christianity and America’s traditional values, because he wants to change everything. His actions and words have already verified this. Author unknown…
I can’t understand why blacks don’t see what the Demonrats really think of them. They are lowering standards in schools because they say blacks can’t keep up with the whites. This is so insulting and demeaning to them. Why do they put up with this garbage. They are every bit as smart and capable as whites or Hispanics. Just look at Allen West.
they have been bought and paid for with our tax money thats why.
AND By their own race baiting, Huskers, like SHarpton!
Then you see black brain surgeon guys like Ben Carson pop up who can think for themselves and see through the Democrat party demeanment of fellow blacks , a guy who they must character smear just like they smeared Trump to keep the inner city black backs on the Democrat votong planation of locked in votes. The more drugs they can divert into the black communities, and locate abortion clinics neaby, the more they can keep blacks enthralled to the Democrats in passions of the immediate gratifications that only a Democrat can offer. Whites like Hunter Biden are not immune either.
The smart and Intelligent and willing to work blacks tend to be republicans.
Who coincidentally are also the ones labeled uncle toms…
The really puzzling thing is that successful black people who are conservative aren’t considered black any more by their peers.
I wouldn’t call the trash that stays democrat, PEERS…
Response to,”BettyBoop comments
You commented, ” They are every bit as smart and capable as whites or Hispanics….”
The Black Race were Complacent And voted for Democrats , As You Said, ” they are every bit as smart and capable…”
Democrat President, Joe Biden Is,” A Chip off The Old BLOCK,” Joe Biden Must Hate America and Americans Too. Quote Author Unknown .
Allen clearly lays it out. The DNC Crime Syndicate has had this process in operation for generations back. From what I’ve seen, they started it years ago in the school systems of the nation when governments, municipalities started controlling the schools. They’ve successfully dumbed down the education process so even the most gifted have a difficult time getting a proper education even if they have the drive to do so. It’s far worse for those less talented. Or they have the talents but they are purposely manipulated so they can’t see their talents to build on them. Hence, we’ve had generations upon generations of students graduating (or sadly thousands across districts dropping out of schools) without even the basic “survival skills” to enter society and be productive citizens. That was all planned and executed (and it continues obviously in an accelerated pace) by a bunch of Liberal whites in power. The biggest hindrance to any level of success of a person is their level and quality of their education. The DNC Crime Syndicate and their acolytes in the NEA and other unions have seen to it that their plan continues unabated. And everyone, all of US, continue to suffer the consequences regardless of our ethnic origins. And the DNC continues to prosper at the hands of the ignorant and the obstinate DNC voter. SMH. Whisky Tango Foxtrot, OVER…
IF we are ever to win back the education system, the FIRST step is to CRUSH the NEA and other teacher unions.
Response to…” northerner on August 1, 2022…”
“… Allen clearly lays it out. The DNC Crime Syndicate has had this process in operation for generations back. From what I’ve seen, they started it years ago in the school systems of the nation…”
The Democrat, Socialist Party of America, Took A Page From Hitler’s Play Book on gaining control of Germany and its youth when he said, ” When an opponent declares, i will not come over to your side, i clamly say, Your child belongs to us already— What are you? You will Pass on. Your descendants, however, Now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.” Hitler