First, Liz Cheney, now Anthony Fauci.
Chalk up another victim of the likely hostile GOP takeover of Congress.
While Cheney got blasted in a 40-point election loss, Fauci — the public face of the government’s botched battle against COVID — is fleeing in December, weeks before Republicans could be starting their revenge tour in Washington.
It’s no coincidence that the good doctor announced his departure just as Republican leaders began plotting to hold hearings into the government’s COVID response and the origins of the deadly virus.
Fauci was a lightning rod and a foil for the right. He became a symbol of the authoritarian approach of the Biden administration toward COVID.
His quitting removes a major political distraction before the midterm elections and comes as the Biden administration seeks to revamp the harshly-criticized CDC.
Republicans are already trying to raise money off his resignation.
“Did you hear the news, my friend?” Gail Huff Brown, the wife of former Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown and now a congressional candidate in New Hampshire wrote to supporters. “After forcing mandates on Granite Staters and crippling our economy, Mr Bureaucrat is calling it quits. As your voice in Congress, I will make sure we protect our institutions from power-hungry bureaucrats like Dr. Fauch.”
Fauci may hope to blunt the impact of his tenure as COVID czar by leaving, but if he thinks he’ll escape Washington unscathed, he better think again.
“Retirement can’t shield Dr. Fauci from congressional oversight,” said U.S. Rep. James Comer, the ranking Republican on the House Oversight and Reform Committee who would likely lead any investigations next year.
Fauci says he is quitting his role as chief medical adviser to President Biden to “pursue the next phase” of his career, whatever that means.
But Republicans have already launched their own probes into the origins of the coronavirus that wreaked havoc on the world.
“Fauci’s resignation will not prevent a full-throated investigation into the origins of the pandemic. He will be asked to testify under oath regarding any discussions he participated in concerning the lab leak,” tweeted Sen. Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican who has clashed publicly with Fauci and could become the chairman of the Senate Health Committee next year.
“Never has one arrogant bureaucrat destroyed more people’s lives,” tweeted Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas.
That seems a little harsh. Fauci was definitely no politician and made many mistakes but he largely kept his mouth shut during the Trump era — standing there looking pained while the former president tried to downplay the virus — and took the brunt of criticism anyway for the pandemic response.
He will go down in history as a controversial figure but one who became a cultural icon to many Democrats.
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When Lady Liberty puts down her scales of Justice and picks up her hunting rifle, those who are fair game for arrest flee to the hills. Fauci can run but he cannot hide unless he takes up residence in China with his puppet masters who have made him very very rich. His assets should be seized and distributed to all those who died under his watch, incompetency, and politically promoted prevarications .many of which ended in unecessary death to those who trusted him to do and say the right thing. His and Cuomo’s casualty list makes The January sixth demonstration casualty list look insignificant by comparison, but Democrats just want what plays as popular in their Democrat punch and Judy shows, where they get to pull all the strings. Cuomo actually got an emmy, Fauci should get the electric chair.
Just like if i robbed a bank 7 years ago, but have since left the gang, and am now living a good life, THAT SHOULD NOT MATTER to criminal charges..
SAME SHOULD APPLY TO govt hacks, to commit crimes WHILE IN OFFICE.. THEY SHOULDN’T be protected from prosecution, by merely resigning..
Someone should be following him with tar and feathers.
Give this ghoulish, evil reprobate, 4 jabs and 2 boosters, but make sure that they actually have the Pfizer vaccine in the vials. No fake experimental biological agent, and no saline allowed!
Plus hang a steak around his scrawny neck and throw that old geezer to a den of wolves. That would be his punishment for preforming useless cruel scientific experiments on dogs.
OR leave him staked out, with honey all over, for the critters to nosh on.
the fraud will leave the country with his millions from pfizer never to be seen again.
AND you can bet, he’s not probably PAID ALL the taxes he SHOULD have, on all that dosh.
Whoever said crime don’t pay, not even on a global scale, has never met Fauci OR his partner in crime Dr Brix. The sad part of it is, they got away with it.
Unfortunately, all too often they PROVE that statement WRONG, as they continually get away with crime after crime after crime.. AND THE So-called republicans and law enforcers, seem powerless to do a damn thing about it…
Another rat cashing in and leaving a sinking democra–er–ship.