Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas was arrested on Capitol Hill Thursday for participating in a voting rights demonstration, and became the chamber’s third Democrat in as many weeks to be arrested for the same thing.
Lee, who’s represented Texas’ 18th District since 1995, was cuffed with zip ties during the protest outside the Hart Senate Office Building.
The demonstration was a response to voting rights legislation currently before Congress and state laws passed in recent months that critics say suppresses voters of color.
A defiant Lee posted about the incident on Twitter.
“I believe when you are getting into good trouble, when you realize the 15th Amendment has guaranteed the fundamental right to vote, any action that is a peaceful action of civil disobedience is worthy and more to push all of us to do better and to do more,” Jackson Lee said in a Twitter video.
“We did civilly disobey. We knew that the police officers had to do their job, but we were blocking … the doors of the United States Senate,” Lee said, according to KPRC-TV.
“There is a D.C. jail near the grounds of the United States Capitol. The paddy wagon took us to that. We were booked. We were placed in a jail cell.”
Georgia passed a law in March that requires stricter voter identification, limits ballot drop boxes and allows the state to take control of local elections. Opponents argued that it makes it more difficult for communities of color, those who speak English as a second language and the disabled to vote.
Earlier this month, Jackson’s home state of Texas advanced a law to ban drive-through and 24 hour voting.
Critics of the laws say they are a response to former President Donald Trump’s baseless claims of voter fraud to explain away his loss last November to President Joe Biden. No evidence of widespread fraud has ever been presented and federal courts dismissed dozens of lawsuits filed in Trump’s behalf.
Jackson was the third Democrat over the last three weeks to be arrested for participating in a voting rights protest. Rep. Joyce Beatty, D-Ohio, was arrested at a demonstration on July 15 and Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Ga., at a different event a week later.
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“Opponents argued that it makes it more difficult for communities of color, those who speak English as a second language and the disabled to vote.”
Would these dishonorable Democrats care to explain “Exactly” how these laws would make it more difficult for communities of color to vote?
ID’s are required for almost everything. Can these colored people get their welfare without an ID? Their food stamps? HUD housing without an ID? Medical care without an ID? How is it that Voting needs to be done without an ID? Unless one is dead, an illegal immigrant, not a citizen or wants to vote multiple times.
Sounds like these traitorous Democrats are just upset because voter ID makes it harder for the Dishonorable Democrat Party to cheat and manipulate elections in their favor. 👿 👿 👿
They can’t explain it as there isn’t any violation of voter rights. Thus, no opportunity for them to cheat to win. So, the theatrics and the media gleefully covering and spreading the falsehood far and wide. I think we need to demand some truth from the the Dems and the media. I also think we need to see true open audits or re-votes in the five states used to make Joe our false president. Think about it, if you won fair and square wouldn’t you say yes, please examine and audit just to prove he won? The Dems have always resorted to race cards and finger pointing to get people upset and to vote for them or support their not good for America Agenda. We need voter ID with a mark on that ID that states the voter is a citizen. We need to end this ballot harvesting and the election results dragging out for weeks. We used to be able to vote and know who won that night! We, the voters being shammed, need to demand better, and we certainly don’t need the government taking over the elections. As an aside, I also don’t believe those two GA Dem senators actually won.
I agree.. there is NOTHING in the Texas bill that stops anyone from voting… the democRATS just want to be able to cheat and they can’t when there is Voter ID… Voter IDs should be MANDATORY IN ALL STATES!!! They should have kept these lunatics in jail… Treat them as they are doing the Trump supporters… I am fed up with this nightmare of an administration … THEY ARE KILLING AMERICA…
AND adding to that, IF FOLKS BY LAW have to read/speak englush to be a US citizen, and by law ONE NEEDS to be a citizen to vote, how is laws like this hurting those who “Speak english as a 2nd language”? OR ARE THEY REALLY SAYING “Its hurting all those illegal invaders, we have UNCONSTITUTIONALLY GIVEN THE ability to vote to?!
THE INSULT IS COMING FROM THE Democrat leftist party,they don’t think that colored people have enough intelligence to get a photo I. D. to vote .
Totally agree with all you said. Why is it that democrats always say how voting laws oppress the blacks? Do they think those laws don’t apply to whites as well?
Sheila Jackson Lee is the biggest racist in Texas–and Texas is pretty big. The only time she gets involved in politics is when she can call someone a bigot. Can’t stand her!
IN their eyes.. YES it doesn’t apply to whites.. WE “Have privilege”.
IT WOULD appear that , again, the democrat party, as Joe Biden once said, “wants to put ya’all back in CHAINS,
Everybody has a picture ID, and if they don’t, they’re not that hard to obtain. I think they’re available, free of charge. She’s telling her own people that they’re too stupid to get one.
This is what the democrat party thinks of the Colored Men and women, they’re too dump to think for themselves or to get an photo I. D. in order to vote.
“There is a D.C. jail near the grounds of the United States Capitol. The paddy wagon took us to that. We were booked. We were placed in a jail cell.” And that’s exactly where they should have left you. Almost the entire Democrat Party needs to take up residence there for their disdain for the laws we have in this country. For their hatred of America, its founding, and its Constitution. They should even be made to wear the old black and white striped uniforms like they had years ago so they can be reminded of the “racial division” they so love to tout.
The way I see it the only mistake the police made was to not leave her in jail. She should have stayed in jail until they could have found a flight to the African country of her choice. And as soon as she got there her passport should have been immediately and permanently revoked.
What I WANT to know, hell i demand to know, is WE’ve now heard THREE OF THEM were arrested, and got put in jail (that they more than likely got out of the following day), but WHAT WERE THEY CHARGED WITH?!!
Come on guys, where is THAT info?
They should have thrown away the key and welded the door shut.
Like most backasswards Democrats, Action Jackson has it all backwards. The elected politicians are supposed to be the ones fixing the problems, not the ones who just whine and protest about the very problems they have created. She in essence is just protesting about herself. I guess she is just one of the targeted groups of people who actually are too inept to go out and get a voter ID. So why would ANYONE believe her capable of coming up with a workable solution? Is she getting paid by her people to protest or govern?
“any action that is a peaceful action of civil disobedience is worthy and more to push all of us to do better and to do more,” Jackson Lee said,,,,,No Sheila, when the people elected to be problem solvers become the cry babies, the disobedience goes from civil to Uncivil, from productive to non-productive because when representatives of THE PEOPLE elect to use governance by public opinion, Social dispensers of free candy and “Let them eat cake” leaders like you and Marie Antoinette soon lose their heads, in more ways than one.
Well, if she ‘didn’t have proper ID”, how then DID SHE RUN FOR OFFICE!
Leona Helmsley( TheQueen Of Mean,… ” once Said, ” we don’t pay Taxes, Only the Little People Pay Taxes , ” May be Sheila Jackson Lee thought , Only the Rich have I. D. Photos, or czn get them in order to vote…
Democrat Representive, Shila Jackson thinks that if she’s arrested as part of a group protesting, that she is standing up for the mlnorities, I have news for her, THE mlnorities are able to think for themselves and a lot of them are switching political parties .
GOOD, toss her in jail and keep her there…. NO bail, let her sit there just like they are treating the Trump supporters….
We don’t want her back in Texas…. She is a radical lunatic… she spreads nothing but lies and hate… disgraceful person
Wish I could give you about 25 more stars. I can’t stand her.
We have a RHINO just like her in UTAH.
YOu can bet HER BAIL will be provided for BY THE DNC’s congressional funds..
No evidence of widespread fraud has ever been presented
They must not be paying much attention.
I think I read somewhere there are 654 voter fraud cases currently in Texas. Not sure about the number but it was a lot.
WHEN they refuse to SEE the evidence, and pressure judges to “TOSS OUT CASES” (Due to lack of standing or some other such bull), of course “There will be no presented evidence”… KIND OF HARD TO PRESENT IT< when the courts KEEP REFUSING TO TAKE the cases!
I guess the Dem’s 15th amendment is like my 2nd amendment, I should be able to own F118’s, automatic weapons, maybe a cruiser or two as I like sailing. Geez these people warp these laws in favor of destruction all the time.
Me Too photo op.
“Sheila Jackson Lee arrested….” Cuddent happen to a more deserving whack! The only ‘real’ question would be, will she also be kept in jail sans bail until her trial as are more than several that “trespassed” or even attended that Trump Rally in DC??
I doubt she will spend more than 12 hrs in jail. AND CERTAINLY NO TIME IN PRISON.
Yep Sheila, we have the right to vote. It is too bad that you Democrats dilute our votes through fraud and illegal aliens voting!
” Undocumented immigrants are just unregistered democrat voters “
Democrat Representatives in Congress demonstrating, gasp – gasp, the government is in peril, were the Capitol Police involved? Were there injuries, fatalities? Has facial recognition been used to track down those who left the scene? Were all COVID protocalls adhered too? Was there a lock down at the Capitol? Were the sessions interrupted? Will there be resignations by government officials? Run for your lives, the sky is falling!
One of the Texas democrats said on an interview he was AGAINST SHOWING AN ID TO VOTE and that is why he left.
Either we have an ID for EVERYTHING OR NOTHING!!!
These poor blacks have id’s at the foodstamp office and the liquor store. Texas ID is 16.00. Thats less than a rock of Crack or a bag of weed.
I wonder what his thoughts are about mandating VACCINE PASSPORTS!
Here’s an idea ?? Why don’t you use the same ID you used to buy Liquor to vote . Same ID you used to get welfare and food stamps. ?? Why don’t the democrats help people get ID s who need them ???
Because 50 % of Democrats hire Illegal immigrants to do their CLEANING , GARDENING and their COOKING . And in
Return they supply them with WELFARE and FOOD STAMPS. by
using We The Peoples MONEY .
This woman has never once represented me because I’m the wrong color. The only time she gets involved in politics is when there’s a racial issue. She is an embarrassment to Texas.
CRETINS like her, are an embarrassment to the HUMAN RACE!
It’s to Bad that BASS MOUTH MAD MAXI WATER’S wasn’t with her. Then both of these RADICAL RACIST and BIGOT’S weren’t put in JAIL at the same Time.
Pity the cell wasn’t welded SHUT!
I still want to know what was in that envelope that she surreptitiously handed to the lawyer for Christine Blasey Ford during a break the Kavanaugh hearings. No one has called her out on that.
IMO Hell will freeze over, and our sun will go supernova before ANY one in the GOP EVER grows a spine, and DEMANDS to know that info…
Good. Put her in the same cell as Hank Johnson (Guam tipping over idiot). Not sure who has the worse sentence here. Better yet, send both to Mars – get rid of them for good.
It does seem a shame that blacks can’t figure out how to get ID. But it is just as well. Keeps then off the road, and sober, oh wait they must be all driving w/o a license and all that illegal booze, where did it come from? Too bad they can’t fly anywhere although I would swear I have seen some on planes. How did they slip past security? Asking for a friend…
Also, it must suck being black, as they can never have bank accounts, get perscriptions filled out, or even get guns.. Since they all supposedly lack ID’s..
Oh how the irrelevant Leftist tries so hard to be relevant…when all they do is waste our oxygen, steal our money and foul our air with their lies and hypocritical pollution!