A vocal defender of the Jewish State, who is witnessing Israel wage war against Palestinian terrorists and their rockets, says Joe Biden should have listened to the advice of U.S. senators.
The Biden administration just sent, in April, $235 million to the Palestinian Authority,” Jan Markell points out. “And, of course they’re going to abuse the funds the same way they abuse their people.”
Markell, who leads Olive Tree Ministries, is referring to another well-publicized reversal of President Trump, when President Biden announced in April he was restoring funds to UNRWA, a longtime United Nations fund that helps Palestinian refugees with healthcare, education, and social services.
According to an April 7 BBC story, approximately $235 million was returning to the UNRWA fund last month, and an additional $15 million was going to the West Bank and to Gaza for help with “food insecurity” in the region due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Yet that region is rigidly controlled by the Palestinian Authority and the terrorist group, Hamas, which means any funds that flow in to help hungry children, for example, are controlled by the leaders of those groups. That is why U.S. lawmakers warned the Biden administration it was sending millions of dollars in the hands of terrorists.
“The conflict we are seeing is the direct result of the tragic mistakes of the Biden foreign policy,” Sen. Ted Cruz said this week. “And when you are ambiguous, when you are agonizing, when you undermine our support for Israel, what happens is it encourages the terrorists who attack and launch the kind of missile and rocket attacks we’re seeing right now.”
“I think that this is a test of Joe Biden’s presidency and so far I don’t think he’s doing very well with it,” observes Jerry Boykin, a retired U.S. Army general now with the Family Research Council.
Boykin tells One News Now the current conflict was initiated by Hamas-supported Iran as a test to gauge Biden, and there is no doubt China and Russia are watching, too, he says.
According to Markell, the Palestinian leaders know there will be no “pushback” from America and from President Biden like they experienced from President Trump, who sided with Israel.
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
“The Biden administration just sent, in April, $235 million to the Palestinian Authority,”
So in effect the puppet president Betrayal Biden is buying rockets and mortars for Hamas to use against our ally Israel.
Me thinks the Palestinians still have enough redistributed Obama and Kerry plane loads of cash to the Iraninas left to fund the current military mischief. Biden like the true equity guy he is, is just sending (socially redistributing) them more taxpayer money to get his fair share share the Iranians kickbacks he lost out on when Kerry and Obama grabbed all the loot earlier with their smoke and mirro Iranians peace agreements. What’s a hundred million here or a hundred million there when you are about to take control of Trillions to michieviously redistribute that there are not enough controllers or accountants in America to properly vet and follow the trail of?
As someone said elsewhere, its literally like we’re fighting our OWN Proxy war against ourselves.. We (the dems) fund Hamas and like orgs, that ATTACK israel, while WE (the republicans) fund Israel, to DEFEND against that aggression.
Why is Biden, and his crew, such idiots?
I don’t think Biden is doing anything stupid or by mistake. His and his handlers’ agenda is the destruction of America as we know it. Biden is right on target. Quit thinking he’s bumbling.
Senile stupid worthless bag of manure who escaped from a Delaware nursing home IS a stupid bumbler. But his greed is all he and his trampy wife care about and his puppet masters are really the ones who are running this country and selling this country out to the Marxist using foreign and domestic terrorist to tear down this country for ever. Because there are more REAL Americans around than fake ones (the fact that the fake ones, Marxist, had to cheat to steal the election proves that) I can see this country splitting into two separate countries and maybe even evolving into a shooting civil war. That fact that once again there are counties in certain states that are voting to secede from one state and join another is happening again.
Oh, he’s bumbling all right. That’s the stage he’s in now. His handlers know exactly what they’re doing. As soon as everything is in place we can expect to see Biden removed from office and Harris appointed as president. Then the merry-go-a round begins that will lead to the make over of our constitutional republic into the liberal version of socialism. What the democrats are doing is setting this country up for that second American revolution that people have been expecting for years now. The big question mark will be with what our military leaders will do, support the constitution they swore to defend, or side with the socialists. Many of the military leaders were replaced over the last several years to where they now are in lockstep with the liberals. When it starts it’s going to destroy our country, and very likely that it will split these United States into more than a single nation. What a sad ending for this once great country.
It often makes me wonder, HOW THE HELL do they get all these rockets and such, SHIPPED INTO Palestine?!
I have heard reports that Hamas is capable of making those rockets. They don’t have to have the completed ones sent to them. I’m guessing the components are easier to conceal from prying eyes, but that’s just my thinking.
Probably. BUT even then, they’re paying for a lot of it.
The democrats have been the new Nazi party all along why is anyone surprised we have the squad making racist remarks that led to a group killing innocent American just for being Jewish in New York City ! Not one of these democrats who have said vile and racist remarks has even been cesured forget that the speaker of the house has not even said it was wrong. Nancy Pelosi is the speaker of the house and instead of censuring these racist scumbags she has supported them and covered up their actions. When Biden was vice president he and Obama tried to give Iran nuclear weapons but it was election time and every single member said NO why ? The one thing the majority of this country both democrat supporters and republicans agreed on is Iran should never have nuclear weapons. That is the whole reason we went to war to begin with to keep certain countries from getting weapons of mass destruction and Iran and Palestein are on that list. Honestly who wants to support and fight for Iran or Palestein people who want every American dead over our ally Isreal ? This is what happens when corruption allows and election to be stolen and a real racist is in the white house. Isreal told Obama and Biden they would bomb Iran if they gave them nuclear weapons now Biden is supporting another enemey of our ally Isreal. Isreal does not need our permission to defend themselves.
I said before Biden and the democrats stole the election if he got in the white house we would see the largest collateral damage in U.S. history and another genocide. Democrats love to yell that word but have you notice we only see a genocide when a democrat is in the white house ? Clinton had Rwanda, Obama had Syria Biden may end up with 2 or 3 genocides. Oh the media will cover it up who heard about Rwanda until Obama was out of the white house ? Then the celebrities make a movie and give themselves awards and act like they were on the right side the whole time when they weren’t. I waiting for the Syria movie it will give and Oscar to a black actor making Hollywood feel like their woke and not the selfish, racist scumbags they are. Think I am kidding wait and see these celeberties don’t have a clue what its like to work pay check to paycheck or the time to look into a candidate or even a subject that pops up on twitter they insult people only to find out they were wrong they never apologize they just delete their tweet this could have been avoided if they took 5 minutes to check it before posting it. We know they have time they only work about 3 months a year just like congress !
I have noticed that.. ALMOST LIKE when REPUBLICANS are in, other nations do NOT WANT TO risk our wrath.. BUT when a DEM is in, they know they can get away with it.
Maybe we should rename Joe Biden as Joe The Terrorism Enabler Biden for enabling / condoning the actions of Hamas, blm and antifa. What a disgrace to have a President that supports terrorism. Our Country is in a deep sinkhole and the sinkhole is getting deeper.
You can BET if bush or trump, had given money to a KNOWN terror group (hamas!), there’d have been hell to pay.
You don’t give a ‘hungry’ drug addict $10 to buy a meal because you know they won’t. They will use it to buy drugs to feed their habit. You give them actual food so that they can eat. Same thing here. If people in Gaza are ‘food insecure’ due to COVID you give them actual food so the money can’t be used by their leaders on armaments. I’ll wager not one penny of that money went to help residents of Gaza get food.
When Gencon first moved from Milwaukee to Indianapolis, i saw homeless on the street in/around the con center, and i DID try to give them food, freshly bought and sealed (those pre-made sandwiches).. MOST REFUSED it, and two even demanded i just GIVE THEM MONEY…
I’ve had similar instances where i tried to be nice to homeless, and got rebuffed.. SO I JUST stopped helping them out.
Oh, please, warning maniac power mongers not to be such is an exercise in futility.
It’s obvious that the Marxist Dem Party & their ultra rich media, tech & Corp globalist profiteers love the idea of being tyrants with absolute power, even if it means funding, supporting & inciting Islamic, BLM & Antifa terrorism & genocide of any foreign or domestic opposition.
Unless your eyes were wide closed, no one could have missed the reign of terror & tyranny US citizens have been subjected to over last 1-1/2 years that has evolved from the prior 4 years of venomous political & media hostility & public declarations to obliterate Trump & everything / everyone in support of him & his policies, regardless of the hate, treason, terror & death they inflict to do so.
Forget warning, start attacking the political subversives & media, tech, Corp profiteers with the same ferocity, contempt & funding for constant upheaval, confrontation, protests & demonstrations at their homes, businesses & wherever they or their supporters appear in public.
Pity there’s no way to instigate a RECALL ELECTION on the president!
Nobody is putting two and two together, Biden sends 237B to Palestine (most if not all will go into buying weapons – probably sold by a Democratic Donor – which we know will be launched into Isreal) so he then gets to sell 735B worth of weapons to Isreal to defend herself.
How much does each rocket cost that HAMAS was firing off?
How many rockets will $235MM purchase from Iran?
Well let’s add it up. Since they do NOT need to be guided or have much in the way of bells and whistles.. Let’s say each is roughly 35 thousand..
With over 200 million given to them by biden, that roughly means they could have bought around 57 Thousand rockets..
The U.S. Navy intercepted an illegal shipment of arms recently. It is really mindboggling to see how it all adds up so quickly.
TO ME< every time they catch a ship doing that, THEY SHOULD OPENLY AND PUBLICLY sink that ship.