San Francisco University, in association with the Simon Fraser Public Interest Group, will host a seminar on Tuesday asking the question, “How can math be racist?” and will answer it by “unpacking oppressive structures and bias in math and science.”
Those set to speak at the seminar are Hannah Ghaderi, Co-Directory of Research & Education of the interest group, and Chantelle Spicer, currently the Director of Engagement. Neither of these individuals appear to have any professional background in math. Mathematician James Lindsay told Human Events that it is likely better that these two DEI professionals did not have a math background.
Lindsay said: “They don’t need mathematics backgrounds. They have critical consciousness, which means they know how racism and transphobia are hidden in everything, even things they don’t know anything about.”
“In fact, people with mathematics backgrounds would be less suited to this work than they would because they would believe that having been socialized into mathematics culture makes these so-called problematics seem normal, which makes them invisible,” he said.
Lindsay has recently been at the forefront of speaking out against diversity, equity and inclusion infiltrating mathematics, as woke leftist professors and activists have continued to insist that it’s racist to say at 2+2 = 4, and claim instead that the sum of the equation is 5.
The fundamental thesis of those who suggest that 2+2=5 is not that it must equal 5, but that it can equal five. The idea behind this assertion has to do with deconstructing conventionally accepted notions in exchange for subjectivity and unstable conclusions. This cultural stratagem finds its culmination in postmodernism, where objective fact is often seen as draconian and authoritarian.
In 2021, Oregon declared that math was racist, suggesting that problem-solving and the habit of searching for the correct answer is intimately linked with white supremacy. Tucker Carlson asked Human Events Editor-in-Chief Libby Emmons how math could possibly be racist, given that it is a profession based on being “objective.”
Emmons responded: “Objectivity is now considered racist. There are several additional problems with this entire program, the first one is the idea that teachers are perpetuating racism in the classroom because they are racist, they are blind to their own biases and they don’t have any control over whether or not they bring that racism with them.”
“The other one is this idea that math is a ‘White discipline,’ which even a modicum of research would tell you is monumentally absurd,” she said.
“And the third is this concept of this soft bigotry of lowered expectations that tells people that students of color can’t achieve to the given standard and so those standards need to be changed.”
A recent report suggested that math proficiency in math for American eighth-graders plummeted from 34 percent in 2019 to 26 percent after the pandemic. In 2022, 31 percent of students set to graduate high school demonstrated the ability to tackle college-level math, which is down from 39 percent in 2019.
The same report noted that this decline in math-literate students is going to present challenges to future professions involving math, including actuaries and data scientists. Jobs within the math world are expected to increase by 29 percent in the next decade.
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The insanity of woke Democrats!
“They don’t need mathematics backgrounds. They have critical consciousness, which means they know how racism and transphobia are hidden in everything, even things they don’t know anything about.”
“In 2021, Oregon declared that math was racist, suggesting that problem-solving and the habit of searching for the correct answer is intimately linked with white supremacy.”
“Objectivity is now considered racist.”
Democrats see everything as subjective, how they want and feel things should be (not as they are) their whole world is subjective. Not Objective.
To the Democrat Party and their Democrat RINOs, Gender, Truth, Facts, Reality and History are all irrelevant, if the Democrats or their RINOs do not WANT to believe them or they disagree with them. Democrats will just make up their own, Gender, Truth, Facts, Reality and History to fit what they WANT to believe or fits into the Con or Deception that they are running at the time and attempt to silence or destroy anyone or anything that doesn’t bow down to their self-fabricated lies, cons and deceptions. 🙁 🙁 🙁
subjective – based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.
objective – not influenced by personal feelings or opinions and representing facts.
Makes me very relieved the Woke Dems weren’t around to design the Space Shuttle….
I say fine. THEN ALL THESE libtard woke colleges, can see EVERY GRADUATE OF THEM< no longer get hired by SANE COMPANIES…
I, m am a Hardheaded person, Red Neck, and Blue Collier, BUT if I have 2 apples in in one hand and 2 apples in the other hand, I still have only 4 apples. But now if we are talking about the seeds in the apples, then I could have 4 apples with 6 seeds in each apple and plant them in the ground and grow maybe 5 apples, with the right whether condition, Right? But I will never understand 2 2 = 5?
Isn’t going to happen. However if you put black numbers on white paper or white numbers on black paper it could be a races thing?
Math has been around since ancient times. How do you think they built the great Pyramids?? They had to math the h___ out of it to build them. They had to use the hard math Trigonometry geometry Algebra. Maybe your IQ is too low to understand math is hard for everyone. The rest of the world is laughing at the US. 2 + 2 = 5 lol
China rejoices !!
OF course they do.. ANYTHING That weakens the USA, is celebrated.
This is most confusing for those of us readers who are unable to understand the logic of the principal of racism in math. So certainly scores were down following the pandemic since students literally had no teacher and were learning remotely during that time. Understandable. To think that 2 2=5 COULD be possible because of some expectation is unfathomable. Math as a “white discipline” the same. It is unforgivable that other than white races are being dumbed-down because of some theory dreamed up by someone needing a feather in their publication cap. Expectations are normally fulfilled by environment so expect less, get less. Expect more, get more regardless of the race, gender or whatever. Can’t change stupid.
No, but the left LOVES coddling stupid!
There was racist math in the late sixties. It went like this: There are 10 cops on the corner, 5 are killed, how many pigs are left?
The aim of the question was not simple arithmetic, but selling the assumption that cops are pigs to dehumanize or objectify them. Many who would not be sold on killing cops would swallow the assumption.
I had to check if this was on the Babylon Bee. Sadly it is not.
With the # of satire pieces the Babylon bee has done, THAT HAVE COME TRUE, i wonder, are they staffed with Clairvoyants and precogs?