Coastal flooding in the United States is expected to worsen in the 2030s due to a combination of rising sea levels and an expected wobble in the moon’s orbit, according to a NASA study released Wednesday.
The agency’s Sea Level Change Science Team from the University of Hawaii made its predictions based on the moon’s typical 18.6-year orbit. During half of that orbit, high tides are lower than normal and low tides are higher than normal. During the other half, a wobble causes the tides to be more extreme — high tides are higher and low tides are lower.
The earth is currently in its amplified tide phase of the lunar cycle, but increased global warming and sea level rise is expected to worsen the tides during the next cycle.
“Low-lying areas near sea level are increasingly at risk and suffering due to the increased flooding, and it will only get worse,” NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said in a statement. “The combination of the moon’s gravitational pull, rising sea levels, and climate change will continue to exacerbate coastal flooding on our coastlines and across the world.
“NASA’s Sea Level Change Team is providing crucial information so that we can plan, protect, and prevent damage to the environment and people’s livelihoods affected by flooding.”
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Phil Thompson, the study’s lead author and an assistant professor at the University of Hawaii, said high-tide floods aren’t as high as those caused by extreme weather events such as hurricanes.
“But if it floods 10 or 15 times a month, a business can’t keep operating with its parking lot under water. People lose their jobs because they can’t get to work. Seeping cesspools become a public health issue,” he said.
The study said the combination of the lunar wobble and rising sea levels will cause an increase in the number of floods on nearly all U.S. coastlines. Far northern coasts, such as those in Alaska, will be spared because the land there is rising due to geological processes.
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Why is the National Aeronautics and Space Agency commenting on water? Seems ripe for defunding this as a budget item for them. We have way too much duplication now. This is a prime example.
Sounds Like NASA is smoking too much of that Space Dust!!
Na.. More like the forgot to get MRI’s to ensure they STILL HAD BRAINS!
Yeah right…BS. Al Gore invented NASA and the inter net and claimed New York City would be under 14 feet of water in the year 2000….and that chicken little cock & Bull story didn’t happen either!
HUH!!! Bill Nelson is a life-long Dem congressman who just got appointed to lead NASA by Bin Biden.
I don’t believe a word of it.
THE SKY IS FALLING.. Everyone run!!
What about the Grand Solar Minimum that we are entering?
Maybe global warming will flood the west coast and the upper east coast with all of the elitist liberals living there and we will then have a cleansing of America from the communists.
Yup. Nothing says “Real American” like wishing for millions of American women and children to die…
Note how “irony” always manages to escape the grasp of the Left.
Do ya think people are just gonna sit and watch the water rise?
Heaven forbid! They’ll just spread to other areas of the country.
MAY IT happen too swiftly for them TO FLEE!
“The earth is currently in its amplified tide phase of the lunar cycle, but increased global warming and sea level rise is expected to worsen the tides during the next cycle.” AOC, Al Gore, and John Kerry—I’m still not buying it.
Why certain mortal beings allow themselves to be guided by grandiose thoughts of taming the universe, the Earth and its climate is hilarious. Where do these people think they are going to acquire the power to do that? Why do they think they have the power in the first place? When the man in the moon decides to wobble with Mother Nature and do the Moon Dance—its just gonna happen. And whatever effect it has on the Earth is intended by the Creator who designed it all and put it all into motion.
If I had a nickel for every time I played that song … “Its a lovely night for a ‘Moon Dance’ … .”
The goal isn’t to accomplish anything. The goal is to bill you for the concept until your drained corpse can be shoved into a mass grave.
“increased global warming and sea level rise is expected to worsen the tides during the next cycle” This entire article is based on a gigantic LIE!!! The earth is in a cooling cycle that started about 10 years or so ago. Just more climate change BULLSCHIFF. Of course the climate changes and has been doing so for billions of years – long before man arrived – so none of it is our fault. The heating and cooling cycles are due to the activity of the SUN! Government doesn’t acknowledge cooling because they haven’t figured out a way to use it to control us.
Right! We have had global warming since the ICE AGE! Until these climate activists ( kerry, gore,aoc) and the rest give up their jets, and start using rowboats and bicycles, I for one refuse to listen to them. Wonder how much carbon footprint is created by all their measuring instruments and satellites? All of their b.s. contributes too!
NOT just give up their private jets, but also all their Yachts, and 2nd and even 3rd homes..
“Far northern coasts, such as those in Alaska, will be spared because the land there is rising due to geological processes”? Wouldn’t that be a much more plausible explanation for rising seas than global warming?
So if land masses are rising, which they do, what about land masses that are sinking? I’ve read there are areas on the east coast that are being covered by water do to the land sinking. Things change on this planet we live on, always have, always will. But when there is a political agenda with lots of available money, unscientific science is what we get.
Too true.. THE EARTH HAS always gone through cycles like this… NOTHING NEW to see here.
We must do socialism and tax everyone or else WE ARE ALL GONNA DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE
Not to worry – according to A oO C and others we will be dead by then!
Remember we only 2 – 12 years to live and that started back in 2019.
And remember the Polar Ice Caps are supposed to be gone already!!
. o O ( Like a few years back. According to Rev. Al Gore. )
Fool me once, shame on you … fool me twice, shame on me!
ACCORDING to all the doom sayers in the 60s, We should already BE DEAD from the 2nd great ice age..
And the moon is made of green cheese. NASA is not any more knowledgeable about the rise and fall of the seas than all the so-called experts on global warming.
Does this mean that the huge infrastructure bill is going to include funding for a seawall to protect Obama’s new $15M waterfront mansion on Martha’s Vineyard?
IF it does, you can bet, THAT WOULD BE THE ONLY part of the eastern seaboard, that a ‘sea wall’ would protect.
heck, I’m for publicly funding a wall around the whole estate. Don’t forget the locked gate and iron bars all around.
AND armed guard towers at each corner, to STOP leftists from fleeing!
I might be wrong, but is this the same group that said most of Florida would be underwater by now? Also what exactly are we supposed to do about moon wobble?
Obama’s are sweating bullets as their mansion is gonna sink!
Is there some way we can help that along with them in it?
Maybe Costner’s film Water world was a Prophesy of things to come!
Maybe the activists should go out into the forests and clean those up in order to slow down the number of trees consumed in forest fires. Get their sorry as**s down to the Amazon to stop the tree removal and burning! Until then, DON”T tell me how to live MY life!
Wait a minute! I thought all this **** about the rising seas was because man made global warming was melting the polar caps which would result in coast lines all over the world flooding. I look at the bright side. This is one way to get rid of the entire west coast line and New York City.
“Low-lying areas near sea level are increasingly at risk and suffering,” said Bill Nelson of NASA, offering no objective evidence or specific examples. Which areas near sea level, exactly, are suffering? And how, exactly, are they suffering? Can we get some numbers? Or is this just an example of emotional manipulation based on no objective facts whatsoever?
Inquiring minds want to know.
ITS imo nothing more than fearmongering based off of NOTHING…
UPI, a.k.a. Uninformed Puerile Idiots.
So I gather that man and his penchant for the combustible engine is not at fault here. Someone, please tell AOC.
Records of sea level rise have been deduced since the end of the most recent glacial maximum 11,500 years ago. Since then the melting of glaciers have caused sea levels to rise over 400 feet. Now, with global warming accelerating, the rise is becoming more noticeable. Ocean front properties are at particular risk because the growth of human population has pressed into these low lying areas. The recent tragedy involving Champlain condominium may actually be the first, real victim. That portion of Miami is ocean-front. Although the soil is sand, it is underlain by porous limestone. As the tides roll in and out, mineral matter is certainly shifted. As the water level rises, the process undoubtedly accelerates. Massive structures topping such weak soils are at risk of failure and collapse. To all you nay-sayers out there: Nature doesn’t care if you reject global warming or not. It is happening. We, as a world, actually can slow it down or even reverse it, but government is the impediment. Their policies make things worse, not better. And please don’t associate me with those wacked-out Leftists. In fact, to solve global warming, the first thing is to rid ourselves of those fools.