Utah Sen. Mitt Romney is the latest to receive the Profile in Courage award — which was started by the Kennedy family — for his vote to convict former President Donald Trump in Trump’s first impeachment trial.
“I am honored and humbled,“ said Romney about receiving the award. “I also acknowledge that I am one of many, in the Senate, who have shown a great deal of courage.“
But the award, recognizing public figures — many of them politicians deemed to take courageous stands — comes at a time when Romney’s support within the Utah GOP seems to have slipped.
Conservatives speak on Romney’s hypocrisy, not courage.
Utah Sen. Mitt Romney is a disgrace to our country. Romney is nothing more than a dishonorable, dishonest, self-righteous RINO.
The mission of the Kennedy Foundation is “to provide leadership in the field of mental retardation and service to persons with mental retardation, both those born and unborn, and their families.”
I wonder if this character of Mitt Romney can be considered a form of mental retardation or at least insanity?
YES, He is their POSTER “Politically Retarded” BOY and are very proud to include him in that Category. His “STUPIDITY from his RETARDATION” is Sadly Mistaken as ‘COURAGE‘. Then Good, Romney is Memorialized that way!!
Profile in Courage award — which was started by the Kennedy family Hmmmmmm is this the same kennedy family that harbored the murderous coward that left Mary Jo to Horrendously drown in the back et of his car while he swam away?
The very same.. Just goes to show how stupid or bassackwards many of these ‘foundations’ are…
which was started by the Kennedy family
Receiving an award from the Kennedy Foundation speaks for itself.
I wouldn’t be so proud to receive an award from a family of criminals, perverts and traitors.
The very foundation Numb Skull Nancy weaseled 25 million out of the 1st obscene CHINA VIRUS bill. This insanity has to come to an end…SOON!
It will get a lot worse, before it ever gets better.. IF IT ever does get better..
Just call it “The Profile in Payback” jealousy award, jealously being the prime attribute of a Liberal skunk who just sprays his poison pills everywhere Trump’s successes have revealed his own failures and incompetence’s. Men who cherish revenge over forgiveness make poor world leaders. Don;t go away angry Mitt, Just go away, or join the party of egoists whose self-elevation comes first over the interests of the people they serve.
I’d celebrate the day he finally retires permanently from govt..
The people of Utah should be ashamed…this clown is definitely deranged. He deserves censure and removal from office.
Sadly we can say that about many of today’s politicians, especially the likes of Pelosi, crying Chuckie, AOC and the rest of her gang of stooges. We can only hope that this country can survive the liberals until the next election cycle when we can hopefully vote them out of office.
IMO darn near ALL of them, we can be ashamed off.. PITY The demented fools who KEEP VOTING THEM INTO office, have no shame.
Yep Mitt, instead of “Profile in Courage award”, you Mitt, deserve the “Profile in Traitor award”. Mitt, maybe you will be given an “Emmy” award, just like Governor Cuomo, who murdered the elderly.
And then we have the “circle the wagon” mentality of democrats who ALWAYS shield their criminals . Say what you will about democrats….they ALWAYS will protect perjury, sexual harassment, traitors, communists, and all other degenerates of their party. The “democracy” Joe Biden refers to is a self serving label that in practice is actually a lynch mob scenario. Romney is the GOP’s version of John Kerry who will test the wind and do whatever is good for Romney.
Crooks protect crooks…
I would rank this fake honor right up there with Obama’s fake Nobel Peace Prize award he received after a couple weeks in office; and before he and Hillary bombed Libya into a failed terrorist state, which helped contribute to the Islamic invasion of Western Europe.
Romney is an embarrassment to the Republican Party, and to America…
Mitt sure sees himself as a hero figure, to no one except himself. This is thought process of a man who has no merits, integrity or any redeemable traits.
The ONLY consolation for the past four years is that the RINOS have shown where their true faith and allegiance lies, and it certainly isn’t with the Republican Party. It is NOW time for the States to rid this cancer, once and for all.
Unfortunately, in many of those states, the GOP Voters, are too ENARMORED with these cretins, to ever get rid of them.. OR so it seems.
Why don’t the people of Utah dump this RINO.
The Award is for the best closet Democrat in the GOP.
It’ come to the point where awards mean nothing anymore. I figure the Demos will eventually give Bin Laden one.
For most of these awards, they’ve had little to no meaning since at least 2000…
If he was due for reelection next year, he could have a problem. He isn’t due until 2024 so perhaps he is hoping most of the voters will have forgotten it all by then. Voters in Utah need to primary him out.
He’s been this way for a while.. THEY SHOULDN’T have voted him in, in the first place.
Romney’s vote for Trump’s impeachment was born of ENVY, not courage. He can’t stand that Trump succeeded becoming POTUS and then did actual conservative things that RINO Romney wouldn’t have touched with a 10 foot pole. Both the GOP’s previous candidates, Romney and McCain are Dem lapdogs while the Bush family turned out to be globalist Hillary and Biden voters. Obviously RINOs run the Republican Party.
Romney traitor needs to be in jail .
He needs to be hung, drawn and quartered, then his body parts shoved in a wood chipper..
Romney has done nothing for anybody why is he even around , again I feel like i am in the twilight zone.