Rashida Tlaib has an idea to load up everyone in the entire country with a taxpayer-funded debit card, and you won’t believe how she want’s to “pay” for it. Joe Biden is back, and he’s making about as much sense as he usually does, plus the White House and Senate have reached an agreement on a massive coronavirus aid package. All that and more on today’s show!
No, today’s lead story doesn’t come from “The Onion.” Rashida Tlaib actually wants to mint a couple of $1 trillion coins to pay for her universal basic income plan. The plan gives a debit card to eveyrone, pre-loaded with $2,000. Then, each person gets $1,000 per month for up to a year AFTER the coronavirus threat is gone.
Joe Biden is back, and he’s not making any sense. But then again, what else is new?
President Trump would like to see portions of the economy back in business by Easter. Can it be done?
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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