The city of Laredo this week began busing migrant families to Austin, Dallas and Houston bypassing the nonprofits that were providing testing, quarantine, vaccines and humanitarian aid amid a resurgence of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Far from the border, Texas cities this week scrambled to contend with migrant families left at bus stations, many of whom arrive hungry and disoriented after their journeys through Mexico.
“At first, it was rumors,” said Edna Yang, co-executive director of the Austin-based immigrant advocacy nonprofit American Gateways.
“By Tuesday morning,” she said, “we discovered there had been a bus Monday with 52 migrants, including children. Many families had moved on, but there were some families that appeared to be confused. They hadn’t eaten in a very long time. They didn’t have water. They didn’t have protective gear.”
Austin officials confirmed that 150 migrants were bused to the city’s bus terminal.
The Dallas Morning News reported at least three buses carrying mostly Central American families have arrived in the past week from Laredo, plus a fourth bus from Del Rio filled with migrant families from Haiti and Cuba.
The U.S. Border Patrol processes the migrant families and releases those who may qualify for immigration relief in the U.S.
Laredo officials, contending with a surge in COVID-19 hospitalizations, claimed in a July court filing that the city’s nonprofit shelters are “facing significant strain” and local hospitals couldn’t risk taking on sick migrants.
The city sued the federal government last month, asking a federal judge for an emergency temporary restraining order to block the Border Patrol from transferring the migrants into Laredo, after city officials were told that Border Patrol would increase transfers there from about 150 a day to up to 350 a day.
Border Patrol frequently moves migrants to different points along the border for processing when one area becomes busier than another — currently, from the Rio Grande Valley and Del Rio to Laredo and El Paso.
“Our weakened medical infrastructure is not sufficiently equipped to immediately accommodate the health of our own citizens and most certainly cannot handle the additional stress of dozens of (migrant) admissions to our local hospitals,” according to the city’s complaint.
The lawsuit was dismissed Aug. 9, but Laredo and the Border Patrol came to an agreement that the agency would release the migrants to the city, which in turn decided to put them on buses to points north and east.
“If these migrants do test positive, or if any one of them needs care at the hospital, we can’t, we don’t have capacity at the hospital,” said Noraida Negron, a Laredo city spokeswoman. “Our NGOs were literally busting at the seams.”
Two local nonprofits — the Holding Institute and Catholic Charities — were providing shelter, humanitarian aid and medical attention. Holding Institute was testing every migrant for COVID-19 and quarantining those who tested positive, while Catholic Charities sheltered those who tested negative.
Rebecca Solloa, co-executive director of Catholic Charities in Laredo, called the move “irresponsible and morally wrong.”
“It’s really a disservice all the way around,” she said. “I understand the concerns with COVID. But we also must do the right thing and when you start sending people out untested and jeopardizing other cities — when the service is here — we need to think about what we really believe in. It becomes a moral issue, for me. We continue to hope there will be a change of mind.”
Laredo Mayor Pete Saenz, a Democrat, met with Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas Thursday, during the secretary’s visit to McAllen, Negron said.
The city’s busing operation is costing local taxpayers about $8,000 a day, Negron said, and the city is seeking reimbursement for the expense from FEMA.
After sending hundreds of migrants north to Austin and Dallas, Negron said the city is currently busing migrants only to Houston, where they can more easily make connections to their destinations.
Yang, the American Gateways co-executive director, said her team provided aid to the families they found Tuesday at the bus station in Austin and is in talks with the city to ensure the migrants receive aid.
“We got them food, water and protective gear,” she said. “We explained their immigration documentation to them, how to report with ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) and an overview of their rights in the immigration process.”
“We are getting information as to when there are individuals coming up from the border and assistance from the city to see what we can do to better serve the immigrants bused here,” she said. “We want to make sure their basic needs are met.”
Border Patrol’s Rio Grande Valley sector in South Texas apprehended or encountered more than 59,000 migrants in June and more than 30,000 migrants in Del Rio sector, compared with about 10,000 in Laredo.
Although the Biden administration has continued to quickly expel most migrants to Mexico under the Title 42 public health law, Mexico stopped accepting expelled families in Tamaulipas state — which increased the pressure on Border Patrol in South Texas.
“In order to process individuals as safely and expeditiously as possible, unprocessed individuals may be transported via air or ground transportation to other Sectors along the Southwest border,” U.S. Customs and Border Protection said in an emailed statement.
“The operational need for these sector-to-sector transfers is assessed daily based on the processing capability and facility capacity of each sector,” according to the statement.
The Delta variant appears to be taking a toll on migrant routes, as it has across the U.S. and the region. More migrants began testing positive in recent weeks, according to Holding Institute’s program director Joe Barron.
The Laredo busing operation means the migrant families “are being sent to a location where they don’t know where they are going, there is no one to help them make travel arrangements, when they don’t know if they are sick or not.”
“At the end of the day,” he said, “they are very resilient and they will figure it out. But COVID is the issue. How can the city of Laredo be sending people who more than likely are positive to other cities to help spread COVID?”
In El Paso, nonprofit shelter organization Annunciation House was preparing to receive nearly 200 migrants transferred by Border Patrol from South Texas on Thursday, according to the shelter’s executive director, Ruben Garcia.
“We are aware that the city of Laredo made the decision to charter buses and, on their own, transport refugees to bus stations in cities in the northern part of Texas,” he said.
“Our experience in El Paso is that when they come to us they are arriving with the clothing on their back,” he said.
“They will not have been tested and they have some really basic needs,” he said, for example, “after being tested, being able to sleep, possibly getting a pair of shoes, eating, etc., Pampers and wipes for their children, ‘Nido’ formula, basic human needs. To have them go from the immigration buses to get on another bus and send them to bus stations in northern cities — that should not be done.”
Lauren Villagran
(C)2021 Visit Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
This content is published through a licensing agreement with Acquire Media using its NewsEdge technology.
This Southern Border nightmare is so unnecessary. I wish the states could send illegals back across the border, but I’m not sure they have the power to do that. Biden and his capable border czar, Kamala Harris, certainly aren’t doing the job. It is a shame that this country is being subjected to the atrocities it is being subjected to by an incompetent administration that is fully aware of what they are doing. They don’t care
The Founding Fathers brought this Nation into existence and it became the shining light on the entire Earth. They poured themselves into drafting the documents that would set us apart from all other countries. These were wise men working under the guidance of God and they brought us America.
Today, our stolen election “President” along with a corrupt Congress openly and brazenly show their contempt for our country. It shows in their going against the wishes of the American people—in everything they do—in the things they don’t do, but should. Nothing but contempt and hatred on bold display. It is my sincere prayer that each and every one of them reap the rewards of their deceitfulness 100 times over—Hell isn’t hot enough for them in my opinion. Pelosi and Biden do their Catholicism PR stunts—they had better drop their shirt-sleeve religion and start fearing the Almighty.
Impeach Biden
Replace Congress
How’s about we send these folks straight to the nearest airport, and AIR DROP THEM BACK OVER southern mexico! Preferably from 20,000 feet up without parachutes.
Joe Open Borders Biden facilitating the destruction of our Country. Besides all of the voting fraud in the last election, we had the majority of suburban housewives voting for Joe the criminal. Great job suburban housewives, you elected a criminal to run our Country and you elected a criminal that is destroying our Country.
COMMENT What Law keep them from heading south and back to where they came from Mexico Period
PITY we can’t just lay all the PAIN OF THIS, on the feet OF THOSE “Suburban house wives’.
If it didn’t bug me about American tax payers footing the bill, I’d put them on busses and send them to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, and them that Sparky is here to save the day and he’ll gladly put them in rooms in the White House, they can stay as long as they promise to vote democrat and tell the White House chef to fire up the stove for something toxic, like lots and lots of refried beans. Biden can enjoy a massive blowout!! Then he’ll have to wear a mask over that child molesting mug.
What also gets me, is EVERY PIC, every TV clip of border agents rounding up these illegals, SHOW ALL MASKED UP.
YET hundreds are CATCHING covid still.. AND CATCHING IT from these illegals. SO That on its own, proves that masks are not doing JACK SQUAT to stop the spread. YET The left, keeps pushing for more mask mandates…
This Democrat Party’s corrupt puppet president Biden’s administration id deliberately doing everything possible to damage the U.S.A..
This puts this Democrat Party’s corrupt puppet president Biden’s administration our country’s most deadliest ENEMY.
#1. Why the Hell-o is this destructive, treasonous Democrat Party getting away with this without being held accountable??
The Traitorous socialist Democrat Party has stated their objectives. 👿
The “Socialist Democrat Party State” political officers, Gestapo, Woke and Cancel Culture are just getting started.
You will obey, be loyal and support the “Socialist Democrat Party State” or you will be classified as “Enemies of the State”.
24 Aug. 2020 – Monday on MSNBC’s “Live,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
referred to President Donald Trump and his Republican supporters as
“domestic enemies” and “enemies of the State”.
The left wing liberals have been pointing towards the destruction of our constitution for many years now, and they seem to have found what they need, uncontrolled flooding of the country by illegals, whom they will find a way to have them vote for their saviors. It’s a shame that our own government is leading the charge toward eliminating our constitution and thus install their communist/socialist form of government.
Yea, they tried to do it under obama, but when Trump won, and turned it around, they realized they were not acting swiftly enough…
G. Gordon Liddy wrote a book years ago called “The Monkey Handlers”. The plot involved a solution in this book of fiction that covered the issues of illegal aliens, animal rights activists, and animal experimentation. I’d be surprised if Joe the pretend-catholic and his squad of Orwellian handlers haven’t considered this—-on American patriots.
I am fairly certain that most democrat voters are sensible people who was just fooled by false promises and are probably wondering what happened to their party, their representatives but have not felt the full impact of all the illegal invaders because none are being dropped off at democrat states. Illegal invaders are being dropped off in Republican states so they can become another vote for democrats. What current democrats need to understand is what is going to happen to them/their states once illegal invaders can move about freely. Those democrat states will be invaded by these illegals and they will feel the same as Republican states feel now. If you want to continue supporting democrats, just think about your future by 2024.
ARE you kidding us? NO DEMOCRAT voter, is sensible OTHERWISE THEY WOULDN”T STILL BE Democrats!!!
send the vermin back home!!!
The state of Texas should load all of the Illegals on buses and drop the off in front of the White house and any Democrats temporary living quarters. I think Texas has taken more than enough of it’s share.
Delaware and Martha’s Vineyard along with Marin County are definite destinations for these covid carrying future democrats . . ..
Pity we can’t just launch them all into deep space!
So now the bleeding heart bureaucrats in ElPaso/Austin/Dallas/Houston have the audacity to blame the Border Patrol for transporting people they can’t possibly process in their limited facilities in Laredo, Del Rio, etc.?? Give us a fricken’ break. Who voted for this, begged for this? That’s where most all of the blame goes – squarely on the Democrats and Big Media and any Soccer Moms offended by mean tweets.