Tuesday marked one year since President Biden told the American public that inflation and price increases seen in the beginning months of his administration would only be “temporary.”
Biden made the remarks in a July 19, 2021 speech regarding the economy, leading off with predictions that were made leading up to his presidency, which have proven to be in many ways true.
Biden said that the economy had come “roaring back” during the first six months of his presidency and in the months following the worst of the pandemic.
He noted though that wile the economy’s on the rise, prices would rise as well, albeit temporarily.
“We also know that as our economy has come roaring back, we’ve seen some price increases. Some folks have raised worries that this could be a sign of persistent inflation. But that’s not our view. Our experts believe and the data shows that most of the price increases we’ve seen are — were expected and expected to be temporary,” said Biden.
That inflation has proven to be persistent, with inflation rising another 1.3 percent in June compared to May.
Inflation is now at an over 40-year high, with the price of goods and services rising 9.1 percent compared to last June, a jump not seen since the period ending in November of 1981.
Inflation has been consistently rising since the beginning of the Biden administration, with the prices for food and energy bearing a large portion of the load.
In the 12 months ending in June, food prices have gone up 10.4 percent. With prices going up at the grocery store, many Americans have had to reconfigure their grocery store lists.
Energy prices are up 41.6 percent compared to June of last year, with gasoline skyrocketing by 59.9 percent. Biden and his administration has repeatedly blamed this huge increase in prices on Russian President Vladimir Putin, calling it “Putin’s Price Hike,” despite prices being on the rise throughout Biden tenure.
According to the American Automobile Association, gasoline prices hit a historic record of $5.016 per gallon on June 14, with prices slightly softening since then, with a national average of $4.495 per gallon on Tuesday.
One year ago when Biden spoke, prices for gasoline were at $3.170 per gallon.
With prices increasing nearly across the board, experts are beginning to predict the possibility of a recession in coming years.
Bloomberg analysts have predicted that the chance of a recession this year is one in four, but raised the probability to three in four for 2023, saying a recession will be “hard to avoid” then.
In an attempt to combat inflation the Federal Reserve hiked its interest rate by .75 basis points in June, the highest increase seen since 1994.
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has warned that inflation is likely to remain at “very uncomfortably high” levels for the next year.
This article was originally published at The Post Millennial.
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He must have been looking at a 100-year range where inflation could be considered temporary somewhere in this range. Myself I don’t think he knows what the well he is talking about any more.
18 months of failed promises is to a creepy Democrat party of creeping socialism, as a Chinese Communist 156 year wait for the British mandate on Hong Kong to expire. They just believe that time is on their side, but like Hong Kong, when they finally get control of things the social failure that follows reveals the emptiness of their ideology, and the lack of truth and virtue in their words. The promise of their solutions never equals the paucity of their politics or abilities to get the job done right.
Don’t forget the other 50 years he’s been in office!
It’s no secret, Biden’s mental acuity isn’t well enough to even be able to think clearly, let alone know what he’s talking about.
All you have to do is watch him give a speech:
“Gooevenin my fellaMamericans. Words words words…drift…more words words,” Scowls. “Angry loud words!” Look into the crowd, expression as blank as a fresh piece of paper. Scowls again, “More angry loud words…drift…creepy whispered words,” while he leans forward, giving a creepy smile. “Words words, and may GoblessMamerica…drift.” Turns to avoid questions, looking lost while trying to figure out where he is and is now suppose to go…
How can this guy keep up with current events when he can’t even handle where he is at any given time?
That’s why he keeps interviews and press conferences to a bare minimum.