An advocate for America’s fighting men and women says there’s just no excuse that the Army recently forced soldiers to attend a briefing about “white privilege.”
Judicial Watch announced this week it has obtained documents from the Department of the Army that reveal that in April 2015, 400 soldiers in the 67th Signal Battalion at Fort Gordon, Georgia, were forced to sit through a briefing about “white privilege.”
Elaine Donnelly, president of the Center for Military Readiness, feels Judicial Watch should be congratulated for obtaining and publicizing this information.
“I think all persons who were responsible for this course should be fired. Their program violates military values,” she emphasizes. “To set people against each other on racial grounds invites disrespect for authority; it’s a strike against unit cohesion. To divide people by race and to do it deliberately – there’s just no excuse for that.”
The briefing included a PowerPoint presentation instructing those in attendance that: “Our society attaches privilege to being white and male and heterosexual regardless of your social class.” It went on to allege that there are unspecified “powerful forces everywhere” keeping different kinds of people from being valued, accepted, or appreciated.
Donnelly says the briefing appears to be the work of a group known as the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute – a group she describes as “the source of some of the most ridiculous sensitivity training programs that you’ve ever heard of.”
“They’ve been there for decades,” the CMR leader continues. “They push this on people who can’t refuse it; because they’re in the military, they have to sit through this kind of a presentation.”
Donnelly hopes the next commander-in-chief will address such events she views as inherently divisive.
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