U.S. Border Patrol agents rescued two young children who smugglers dropped from the border wall and abandoned near Mount Cristo Rey, officials said.
An agent stationed in Santa Teresa, using a camera, caught a smuggler dropping a 3-year-old girl and 5-year-old girl from a 14-foot-high border wall onto the U.S. side of the border Tuesday evening near Mount Cristo Rey, U.S. Border Patrol officials said.
The agent then alerted other agents to the area to recover the girls, who are sisters and from Ecuador, officials said.
A video of the incident shows a smuggler climbing the wall, grabbing one of the girls by the arms, lowering her partway and then dropping her to the ground.
The girl hits the ground with her feet and then falls on her face.
She stays lying on her stomach for a short time and appears to be touching her face.
As she slowly attempts to get up, the smuggler grabs the second girl by the arms and drops her from the wall.
The second girl lands on her backside and is slow to get up.
The smuggler then throws an unknown item next to the girls.
He then jumps onto the Mexico side. He and another person are seen fleeing from the scene.
The video ends with the girls standing by the fence on the U.S. side with the two smugglers running away on Mexico’s side.
Fox's Peter Doocy repeatedly presses Jen Psaki about what the administration will do on border security in light of the horrifying video of toddlers being tossed over a wall and left in the desert by smugglers.
Psaki declines to say they'll do more, just smugglers are bad. pic.twitter.com/VpfZ3bQQmW
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) April 1, 2021
Agents got to the girls, who were left in a remote area in the desert. The girls were alert when agents reached them, and agents provided first-aid to them.
The girls were then taken to the Santa Teresa Border Patrol Station for evaluation by medical personnel, officials said.
Agents contacted Emergency Medical Services, and the girls were taken to a hospital for precautionary reasons and further evaluation, officials said.
The girls were medically cleared and currently remain in a Border Patrol temporary holding pending placement by U.S. Health and Human Services, officials said.
“I’m appalled by the way these smugglers viciously dropped innocent children from a 14-foot border barrier last night,” El Paso Sector Chief Patrol Agent Gloria I. Chavez said in a statement. “If not for the vigilance of our agents using mobile technology, these two tender-aged siblings would have been exposed to the harsh elements of desert environment for hours.”
She continued, “We are currently working with our law enforcement partners in Mexico and attempting to identify these ruthless human smugglers so as to hold them accountable to the fullest extent of the law.”
Aaron Martinez
This article originally appeared on El Paso Times: Smuggler drops young girls from border wall, flees leaving kids by themselves in desert
(c)2021 the El Paso Times (El Paso, Texas)
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Good to be an illegal invading preschooler in this scenario. AMERICAN kids OF school age are locked out of schools thanks to the selective enforcement of the “deadly and nonprejudicial” threat of COVID 19. The disease that is allowed to run rampant and uncontrolled by Jar Jar Biden’s guests south of the border is so much more preferable to the identical disease that has strangled the freedoms and prosperities of ACTUAL Americans who are forced to play by the rules and who will have the privilege and pleasure of paying for new “registered democrats” and their families.
THis is why i want ARMED GUARD towers along the border. SO WHEN folks like that are spotted, a SNIPER CAN TAKE THEM out of the gene pool, SWIFTLY!
The smugglers need to executed on site. No trial, no delay, just a small caliber round to the head, and leave the bodies for the scavengers.
The same applies to ANY COYOTE we catch..
Well, like all of the liberals like Obama, Biden and the liberals on Fox News state, we need open borders, because having our border secured: “that is not who we are”. Isn’t funny that, “that is not who we are”, is a quote from Obama, but all of the parakeets like Biden and the liberals on Fox News, repeat Obama’s quote verbatim. Like Dan Bongino said on Fox News, liberals are stupid. Hey Biden, keep enriching the drug cartels, with open borders.
No Joe, that’s not what WE are,,,but YOU and your ragtag army of infant rejects, abandoned children, and emptied Mexican orphanages are Jimmy Carter who just like you are now doing with innocent children, what Castro did to empty the Cuban insane Asylums, Prisons and Orphanages in Cuba and boated all their social dependency baggage into Florida, resulting in waves of Crimes greater than the waves of the Caribbean. Just more of the American road to hell, paved with your imagined unthought-out good intentions, paid for again by the good faith and CREDIT of the American taxpayer. Obviously it is more of these kinds of socialist roads to hell that you will built within your insane $2 Trillion infrastructure plans.
We have a job for our military special forces, they should cross the southern border and
eliminate the Mexican Cartels. This would save tens of thousands of American lives and
justify the spending on military who are to protect America rather than engage in endless
foreign wars. Life deteriorates here in America due to Communist Democrats in our
government, stealing elections, spending tax dollars enough to destroy our economy
and on and on until we are ruined, far from being proud patriotic citizens of America
as our predecessors were. If America does not rid itself of millions of traitors in all forms
of education, media, politics and government subversives it is over for America as
a real nation. Think on it, go get drunk in a bar but no, do not set foot in a Church or
meet with relatives in your home. Isn’t it obvious we are now lost to our enshrined
freedoms and are prisoners of evil, hated by our indoctrinated children. Anti-Americanism
is a cancer that has killed off half of our nation. Dark days ahead, seems we are headed
for a choice for life or death, time to amputate our rotted limbs and live or continue the rot.
I’ve often wondered, why events of films such as “Clear and present danger”, where our military tried to do just that, were NOT ENACTED FOR REAL…
I often wonder how Progressive Liberal Socialist Democrats can sleep at night having pushed their lies and bull **** all day from their tiny minds.
Love how Jensaki attacks the line of questions instead of answering or addressing the underlying issue.
Number 1…..How stupid does this news organization think we are that we would believe Border Patrol didn’t recover the “unknown” item thrown over the fence with the little girls and know EXACTLY what it was?
Number 2…..Why didn’t we see a snipers bullet whiz through that scumbags skull on that video?
Number 3…..When will this situation be taken seriously and brought to a halt?
Number 4…..What’s the point of even having Border Patrol if they’re not going to do the job they were hired to do?
CAUSE LIBTARDS do not WANT them to do the job… THey just want them to be the welcome wagon..
Anybody that violates our sovereignty by sneaking over our border should be shot on sight and they’ve never been willing to do that regardless of who was in charge. A few hundred corpses catapulted back across the border would bring the incursion of these disease carrying dirt bags to a screeching halt. Would Americans desert this country if things got bad? Hell no, we would stay and fight it out until it was fixed. Why aren’t these people willing to do the same for their country that they claim to love? It’s because of all the freebies available to them here. There are millions of immigrants that have come here legally without looking for handouts and millions more waiting their turn while these invaders are going to the head of the line and granted welfare, housing, education, and amnesty. It’s time to do away with the carrot and start using the stick.
I”VE been saying that for years…