ATLANTA (NewsNation Now) – The NFL says it’s bringing back a lot of elements of social justice messages from last year, including on-field signage and decals on player helmets.
Also, the continuation of the Black national anthem “Lift Every Voice and Sing” at flagship events. They say they’re adding in-stadium PSAs as well this year.
The NFL says it is an effort to reinforce the league’s 10-year, $250 million commitment to combat systemic racism. Rapper Jay-Z and his Roc Nation label have been advising the league on its “Inspire Change” initiative since last year.
Black players make up nearly 60% of the league, according to 2019 figures. Last year, commissioner Roger Goodell publicly said the NFL can’t afford to ignore its players’ deep concerns about racial justice. spoke with an NFL representative who told us the league is still finalizing things for this season. But the news is getting backlash from some fans who would prefer the league not weigh in on social issues.
This renewed push comes five years after the initial frenzy from Colin Kaepernick kneeling during the national anthem to protest police brutality against Black people, and many say the league’s actions still haven’t shown commitment to change.
“There’s no Black owners. There’s not a lot of Black general managers. The number of Black coaches have been going down, there’s not a lot of Black front office people within the NFL,” said Robert Littal, founder of Black Sports Online.
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I promise you, you will be playing it for a greatly reduced audience. You people are killing the sport—I don’t watch it any more.
I quit watching most professional sports years ago that started with the players’ strike. My attitude now is who gives a rats behind. All I hear is wah, wah, wah.
Me also, Tremors and I agree.
I guess it is time to send the NFL off and packing to the Congo.
I love all the extra time i have on my hands, not having to watch any professional sport.. Its very invigorating.
Have not watched the NFL in years. Stopped watching the NBA a couple years back. MLB is not dead to me as well. They all have become pro BLM racists. They are as anti-white as you can get at this point. Oh, they allow whites to play. But you had better bend your knee and bow down to the critical race theory bigots or you will be canceled. Just look at how drew brees completely threw away his ideals when he was maligned over simply saying he was proud of the flag and his ancestry. Whites are not allowed to be proud of America or our ancestry
Thank you for standing for America , I Salute you for speaking out.,
If you are white, you will be cancelled whether you bow down or not.
The way they are going, i wouldn’t be shocked to see ALL WHITES kicked out of the NBA/NFL/MLB, by the end of the 2020s..
But we will continue to be thankful and grateful for our nation. It was founded on Biblical principles, & Jehovah God’s law, which we want to continue to uphold. We have the constitution to protect our freedoms, and our rights, so we will continue to fight for these. The Socialist/Communist with Marxist BLM want us to submit, but hopefully, Americans will not submit, nor will we follow. We protest by not viewing their sports or allowing their Critical Race Theory Curriculum in our schools to brain wash our children with racism.
“NFL Says It Will Play Black National Anthem At All Games In 2021”
I don’t care what this dishonorable NFL does or doesn’t do.
I will not watch or support in any way this Democrat Party’s political extension.
When any sport lowers itself to become political, It is no longer a sport it is a political commercial.
Thank you for expressing your opinion , God Bless America !.
That is why when i heard elsewhere, that the USWNT at the olympics, ALREADY DID A “Take a knee during the anthem” of their game to sweeden (which they promptly lost 3 to 0)”, i realized all that’s left for me to watch at the olympics is Rowing, Swimming and track/field…
what they need now is their own separate country with their own rap black national anthem. they can then play their own anthem and riot and loot and curse and screech and shriek to their heart’s content. they won’t be pressured to learn to read so they will remain illiterate and ignorant and that’s good for life in the hood which I hope they will move with them into their new digs. just go. because I don’t know about you but I have had enough of this sht. that’s for sure.
What a load of ****! The United States has but one national anthem and those that don’t like or respect it are free to leave any time they want. Maybe the blacks should start their own league and then they could do any thing they want. Remember when there was a negro baseball league? Maybe there needs to be a negro football league. Makes everybody happy that way and then we won’t have 13% of our population controlling what the other 87% can say, do, and even think. This BLM business is going to cause this country to explode, and soon.
JUDY, they already HAVE AN ENTIRE continent, AFRICA, to go do that on.. THEY JUST Refuse to GO THERE.
Not just the NFL itself, but ALL THOSE companies who SUPPORT the NFL.
The only solution is to create a White only Football League that only plays the REAL national anthem, and prohibits former convicted drug users and criminals from competing. The REAL Super bowl can take place at the end of the season between the two leagues. I’m real curious who would win the most games. He who has a brain and brawn, or just a certain color of skin and takes the most pain killing drugs.
That would be the expected reaction, if ANYONE actually suggested doing just that..
I have not watched for a good long while either; That colon krapernack help to ruin things for the whole of the league, now it just hope that things go even further down the sjw hole than they are now. Who today would spend either hundreds or thousands for tickets to any of these schoolyard games, the actors are terrible and are ill manored.
Maybe having a new black NFL Commissioner would help the cause even further??
My extended family will just “kiss the NFL goodbye.” They apparently are too stupid to realize that they are promoting division by their actions!
Ratings have been falling through the floor for some time now and will continue to do so.
PITY their advertisers have not started jumping ship.
Gee! Systemic Racism! Everyone is SO racist, that they hire and idolize 60% black athletes! How dumb are the owners that keep falling for this garbage! If it isn’t one complaint, it’s another! They will never be happy until they have so divided this country with their lies, that they achieve their goal of America becoming Marxist! When everyone is divided, they will come in with the answer! Surprise, surprise, MARXISM! STOP WATCHING these enemies of our country! Stop buying their tickets. The only message they understand is $$$$.
The only message they understand is $$$$.?
Try the BOOT. That’s universal language.
Is it okay to take a knee while it is being played?
Black folks need to realize they are Americans just like the rest of us. WE have fought together in the last few wars for our country – one nation, under one flag with one national anthem. Play that one only for all of us. Otherwise, I am walking out of the games.
That’s the problem. FOR DECADES they have put their RACE AHEAD of their nationality..
I liked watching the NFL until they got woke. Now, it’s on the growing list of sports I pay no attention to any more. Sure frees up a lot of time.
Have they learned nothing? NFL viewership is already down (bigly) *because* they’ve inserted divisive politics where it doesn’t belong. They are now doubling down on stupid, and will pay a high price.
I’m sick of the false narrative of “systemic racism”, and am even sicker of the BLM support I’m seeing by corporate America. BLM is a anti-family, Marxist organization. They promote division and chaos, and do not care one whit about black business owners (or black cops), as they rioted and burned cities last summer. Why on earth would anyone fund or support such a group? I honestly don’t understand. Any American who read their original “about us” page on the Web, should have been appalled at their positions. [I’ll give them credit for their honesty, at least until they removed that page.]
Apparently YES.. They have learned nothing.
Americans should take a knee
I ONLY bow to GOD Almighty.
I’ve never watched professional sports, It’s a game remember? Games for children to enjoy with their dads. My dad took me shooting at the dump. I had a lot more fun. I still remember the black eye I got from holding the sights on the British Enfield to close to my face. My dad told me that when you go to a sporting event, the fact that you have to pay 25.00 for a ticket (this was in the late 60’s) you’re agreeing that it’s ok for professional athletes to make multi millions of dollars a year for sports. Sports is not a life saving event. If sports disappeared tomorrow the world would not end. Right now the leftists are eliminating professional sports and the athletes aren’t smart enough to see it. Maybe when the stadiums and arenas are completely empty they will see the stupidity of their actions will sink in. As far as I’m concerned, it’s the team owners faults, when you’re getting paid million of dollars to perform, you need to leave your politics at home. The team owners will find out soon enough when nobody comes to your games, remember you brought it on yourselves.
I’m going into mourning for the loss of professional sports, (boo-hoo), my beloved Falcons, what will I do on Sundays now? I’m even considering changing my logo. Goodell, you should be out of Atlanta before nightfall…
Why do any patriotic Americans even bother watching this racist organization anymore. It is obvious they are pro black and anti white. Are they going to have a white National Anthem? Talk about sowing more division and hatred. If you watch the NFL you are just supporting more anti-American propaganda.
You are a true American, America needs more pariotic citizens like you to speak up….
Mesiah, i honestly believe all those still watching
A) are NOT patriots
B) must be addicted to it, like a druggie
or C) are suffering from stockholm syndrome…
There’s no other answer i can see.
Professional sports are dead. They have embraced woke culture. College Sports are headed that way. At lease Div 1 are. Too bad. Eventually all these woke athletes in college who are wanting to get paid will lose their scholarships and realize that they had it very very good when they end up working for minimal money in a farm league for football or basketball players while giving up a college degree.
And it TRASH that the University /Colleges to pay the Players for the uses of their Names and Pictures. Everybody
have lost their Nut.
The rate they are shoving it into schools, soon we won’t even have little league or highschool games to watch with joy…
Try the sport of Wrestling, no politics allowed, they just want to beat people up. These days I can relate to that kind of thinking.
If their intention was to destroy the sport, they’ve succeeded. People do not forget, even if they back off at this point it’s too late.
Actions have consequences, Goodell is about to find out what those consequences are.
Unfortunately, there are still millions of DUNCES OUT THERE< financially supporting these idjuts..
I agree. If ratings keep falling and more people keep losing interest in Sports, it should take a toll on the finances sooner or later. What will those prima-donas do when there isn’t as much money anymore to pay those multi-million dollar contracts? I would not feel the least bit sorry for them.
I think their goal is to destroy America, sports is just one of the many areas being attacked.
Hey you idiots at the NFL, “WE” the United States of America have ONLY one National Anthem. PERIOD!
I demand we have a western european american national anthem!
national fascist league is dead to me.
This is the # 1 reason I quit watching Pro-Sporting Events. They have ALL to being Radical Racist and Bigots. They couldn’t give me a ticket to any Games
They couldn’t pay me to take a ticket for any of their schoolyard games.
IF they gave me a ticket, i’d RIP IT UP AND TOSS the fragments back in their face.
A football game is not a social justice rally, it is about the sport! There is only one national anthem for which are to stand and show respect. If you want to play special interest music at some other point like baseball games’ ‘God Bless America’ at seventh inning stretch, fine. This putting internal politics on par with something that is supposed to be above all that.
Not enough black owners, managers, coaches, front office people says black man Robert Lital, founder of black sports online.
IT’S NEVER ENOUGH is the battle cry of all the militant liberals, Marxist, BLM, antifa, LBGT, mass foreign migration & climate activists & terrorists, Dem Party tyrants, Soros anti American globalists & Corp billionaire profiteers.
To Goodell & other ultra rich white race phony apologists: America says don’t bother insulting us with 2 anthems & flags..
The NFL no longer represents this nation & should be required to change name to the Negro Football League, fly the black power flag & play whatever vulgar Jay Z gangsta rap they want for their anthem.
So, the self identified Negro Football League can go to hell: the one nation of America that honors only one national flag & only one national anthem won’t miss you.
Exactly. WHEN black men only make up around 7% of the nation, but REPRESENT OVER 60% of the NFL, they are OVER REPRESENTED by a factor of TEN…
I wonder what would happen if when their **** song is played, everyone would turn their backs and kneel!
You can bet if they were on the team (or working in the stadium), they’d be FIRED BY THE DAY”s end.
I said it before and I’ll say it again. Rodger Goodell is one of the dumbest human beings.
There is NO black National Anthem and there is NO White National Anthem… THERE IS “ONE” NATIONAL ANTHEM WHICH INCLUDES “ALL” AMERICANS…. The NFL can take their so-called black national anthem and shove it where the sun don’t shine.. I’ll NOT watch football again!!!!
These lunatic organizations are helping the Radical democRAT party tear down the country!!! RACIALLY DIVIDING THE COUNTRY!!!! DISGUSTING!!!! I’m ashamed to say I am American… The NIGHTMARE in our white house has destroyed the sovereignty of our country, pushing their racial divide and their hate…. and Sports is helping the sick government push their racial division… GOD HELP US ALL AS THIS COUNTRY IS TORN APART …AND THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA AND BIG TECH HELP WITH THE DESTRUCTION..
This is just ONE MORE reason to NOT watch any NFL broadcast! I quit NFL, NBA and NLB 3-4 years ago! Have NO reason to watch any of their racist “games” again!
I’m adding the NHL to my no-watch list!
No such thing!
I’ll be watching Colorado State women’s volleyball here in Fort Collins this fall. No politics (not YET, at least). They play for love of the game; they don’t expect to buy a Ferrari with their signing contracts….and the eye candy ain’t bad, either.
Fortunately, unlike the NHL, the NFL does not televise the playing of the national anthem before games. I assume that practice will continue and include the exclusion of the “black national anthem” as well. That way only the paying customers will be forced to see the silliness of it all. Unless they have a change of heart (which I don’t think they will), those of us who choose to watch one of these games on TV will not have to witness this idiocy. Of course I personally have sworn off watching 90% of NFL telecasts anyway, Every time I see a player I am reminded of the moron Kaepernick and how he helped ruin the sport, so I usually try to avoid.
Why tune to the channel if it adds to their rating numbers?? Who are you kidding when you say that because you don’t hear a “black national anthem” it is ok to watch those bigots play their game.
No wonder this country is circling the drain because of all this commie-left racist BS getting shoved down the throats of brain dead people who don’t have a clue what is being done to them!
I don’t recall saying “it is ok to watch those bigots play their game”. It’s not my call as to whether people watch or not. I was simply pointing out that the vast majority of people viewing NFL football would not have to see or hear the “black national anthem”, unlike the unfortunates who paid hundreds of dollars to sit in the stadium and witness the entire program of shenanigans.
There is no national black national anthem. There is no white national anthem. There is the United States National Anthem. NFL keeps devising ways to divert us from football. They deserve to go bankrupt.
1st, I won’t be watching anyway. haven’t for 3 years!
2nd, Does this mean the White and other non-Black players will kneel?
You can bet any who DID try to kneel for it, would promptly suffer punishment..
When an Entertainment Industry is no longer entertaining then they cease to exist. The NFL has ceased being entertaining, therefore they will cease to exist…………………….
Huh…. I did not know that there is a song identified as the Black national anthem. Obviously, I must be naive due to the fact that I thought that we only had the American national anthem. How soon will we also have the Hispanic and Asian and Eastern European and Eskimo national anthems? By exclusion are we not being racist? How utterly ridiculous and I am not laughing.
really don’t give a ….. haven’t watched this mess in I don’t know how long. .. who do they think is paying their sorry a.. over priced salary for running up & down a field?…..hope people decide this is too much…let them go under, who gives a ….
Call me late, but this will be my first yr of not watching. I’m going through withdrawals, I’m crying, I’m lost with myself BUT I refuse to support this ****, let the nfl rot in hell.
Talk about dividing the country! Yes racism exists, it probably always will. But “systemic” racism, NO. Never going to happen, but I would love to see all the non-black players take a knee when they play “Lift Every Voice and Sing”. I refuse to call it the black nation anthem. We only have the America National Anthem. What’s next in this effort to divide the country, all black sports leagues.
I quit watching NFL when the players started disrespecting the American National Anthem but the clinches it for me. No more NFL EVER in this lifetime. This country freed the black slaves and this nonsense is what we get? They should be very, very proud of the American National Anthem. But then, brainwashed people can never be satisfied no matter how far you bend over.
Some times i wonder, should we have NOT freed them??
Setting them free of slavery was the right thing to do. They should never have been brought here as slaves in the first place. Slavery should have never been allowed in this country.
Let’s see, poor blacks were enslaved 100 – 150 yrs.,
Israel were in bondage to Egypt for 400 yrs., Babylon for 70 yrs. & Assyria for 200 yrs.,
Since then blacks have been coddled by welfare, affirmative action and now reparations.
Israel were almost annihilated in WWll and now being threatened on all fronts.
Yet blacks are still whining but Israel standing tall.
(to borrow a line from our “great” Presidente) “Come on man”
it is time to make a concerted effort to boycott and cancel the companies -like coca cola that have bowed-given in and are now a racist
corporation-and it would be extra nice if that boycott included companies that support the racist sports leagues-
Why is a single white conservative taking a single dollar to the NFL? They’ve made their choice – to be a megaphone for black propaganda that lies about blacks, crime and police. No plays on the field are worth supporting anti-American, anti-police and anti-white players, coaches and owners.
Not just the NFL.. BUT EVERY white conservative, needs to make a concerted effort, to CEASE DOING BUSINESS with every company that sponsors the NFL..
We are on the precipice of destruction in this Country if the Democrats continue to control the House and Senate in 2022. The Democratic party has turned into an America hating destructive force that will continue to subvert our Constitution if they remain in power. I live in a suburb of Minneapolis, a city run by a bunch of liberal vipers where violent crime is up by historic levels. I tell everyone to get a carry permit and take control of your safety because you and only you are responsible for your safety and the safety of your family. And I never watch to NFL or NBA.
It’s all politics and politics does not belong in professional or amateur sporting events. I am not amused by these shameless grandstanding prime-donas and cry babies. Where do we draw the line? This country has one National Anthem. Allow another one, what is to stop the BLM, Antifa, Muslims and who knows what other groups from demanding theirs gets included?
If they want to make a political statement, I am sure the media would gladly give them air time on their networks. Politics has ruined The Oscars, the Emmy’s, the Grammies and the Miss America and Miss Universe Pageants. Now money and politics is taking its toll on Professional and amateur Sports.
I haven’t gone to a professional or amateur sporting event in years. If I want to watch them, I prefer to do it in the comforts of my home. At home I can turn them off or not turn them on at all. At home, I don’t have to pay those outrageous prices for tickets along with the hot dogs, popcorn and drinks. A nickels worth of free advice to all the sporting organizations. Get politics out of the games.
Heck, its starting to ruin even the olympics…