Since I’m spending this week vacationing with my family in Newport Beach, I thought I’d talk to my son Cameron and let him do a little ranting.
Cameron is 43. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife and two little girls, ages 3 and 5.
His wife works full-time as a home loan processor and he has one of the toughest jobs in the world – stay-at-home dad.
That means for the last 15 months Cameron has been the parent who’s had to deal the most with the unpredictable craziness of California’s oppressive and unpredictable war on COVID-19.
He was the one who went to his daughter’s swimming lesson and had to watch the instructor stand in the pool wearing a mask.
“I wondered if it was like waterboarding yourself,” Cameron joked a few hours before Los Angeles County announced on Thursday that because of the recent rise in COVID cases — not deaths or hospitalizations — everyone must again wear masks in indoor public spaces — no matter what their vaccination status is.
Cameron has never been a fan of mandatory face masks — to say the least.
He’s no Dr. Anthony Fauci, but he knows forcing school kids to wear bacteria-laden masks six hours a day in class and during recess not only defies common sense, it makes kids sick.
Cameron knows a lot of people – old and young, white and black, Latino and Asian – and he knows those who got hit hard by COVID and who didn’t.
“I know a 95-year-old who got COVID and nothing happened. My wife’s mother’s boyfriend was on chemo and got COVID and he’s fine.”
Cameron knows that those are just two COVID cases with positive outcomes and that the death toll from the virus in LA County is nearly 25,000 people.
But he says you never hear those kinds of good stories because of the media’s constant negativity.
“All you hear is fear-mongering. It’s been fear-mongering from the beginning. I don’t believe a word these people are saying.”
I really get upset when I see the media blaming Trump for the disproportionate percentage of blacks and Latinos who’ve not got the vaccine.
Are there Trump supporters not getting vaccinated? Yeah. Biden supporters — who are black? Yeah. Hillary supporters — who are Latinos? Yeah.
Don’t tell anyone in the Biden White House or at CNN, but millions of unvaccinated Americans don’t support either political party.
Some won’t get vaccinated for sensible scientific reasons – because they’re young and healthy, or pregnant, or they’ve already had covid and recovered.
Some think the vaccines haven’t been tested well enough. Some will never get vaccinated for religious reasons.
Some simply don’t like or trust vaccines – or a federal government that forces potentially unsafe vaccines on them.
It shouldn’t surprise you that Cameron voted for Donald Trump.
But despite what Biden’s surgeon general and some liberal pundits want everyone to believe, President Trump is not the reason he has not been vaccinated – and never plans to be.
As he says, “I think the vaccine should be for people in high-risk categories – if you have a compromised immune system, you’re a 300-pound diabetic or over 70.”
Cameron says Trump has nothing to do with his Latino friends not getting vaccinated, either.
“They think it’s just weird. It’s stupid. It’s American silliness — crazy gringos.”
“They’re in all age groups. Armenians and Russians that I know think the same. They don’t believe the hyperbole. A lot of them are young and healthy and feel their immune systems are fine.”
As for his daughters, Cameron says, “They will not get vaccinated. There’s no way. They are 3 and 5. I’m not going to do it.”
And he doesn’t care who Fauci says should still be wearing masks or getting the COVID vaccine.
“That guy could get a job working for the Weather Channel because they’re the only people on the planet that could be more incorrect than him.”
Copyright 2021 Michael Reagan, distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate.
California is vaccinated in communism!
More like baptized in Communism which is their true religion. I think they used polluted swamp water from the Rio Grande.
THEY NEED to get a vaccine against communism out there. PRONTO.
I’m 72 and am very much against these experimental injections – they’re not vaccines. I do not regard myself as vulnerable. The recovery rate for anyone under 85 is 99.5% and it’s 98.5% if you are over 85. That doesn’t include the vast majority who never catch it in the first place.
I suspect they could be injecting a new generation of High-tech nano robots claiming to get the COVID under control, but perhaps your minds and thoughts also. Seems like I remember when reading Orwell’s 1984, big brother had the capability when confronted with an out of control crowd, to just push a button and they became docile sheep? ,,,Food for thought.
SINCE we keep hearing report after report of those who supposedly GOT THE VACCINE< still are contracting Covid, HOW CAN THEY STILL claim they are vaccines!! A Vaccine by any and every definition i have ever known of, "STOPS YOU GETTING XYZ".
Misleading statistics to scare us. Give me stats of people who have had Covid, survived and have not contacted a variant. Won’t happen. Can’t get the control of the people or scare them enough to do so.
SINC we know for a FACT, they manipulated the #s of how many Got sick/got hospitalized, and died ‘from covid’, from the GET GO of this whole balloney, HOW CAN THEY EXPECT ANYONE to trust their #s now!
He has my support. The Dems have found themselves a whip which they hope they can use to beat the American public into submission.
All of the initial “safety protocols” were supposed to “flatten the curve” and we were being warned of a second wave. Now, its the Delta variant and we are being told that there may be future variants even worse than the Delta. So, the goal here is to keep everybody in perpetual fear and to accept the necessity of maintaining all of the
safety protocols” that have thus far been implemented. The “new norm”. The Media will continue to report the increase in cases, in hospitalizations—and particularly deaths, especially among the unvaccinated.
FYI—I was listening to the Lars Larson talk radio show last night and he was interviewing a lady who was talking about a lawsuit being filed by a number of doctors in opposition to mandatory vaccinations. She also mentioned a school system somewhere where children were given the vaccine without parental knowledge or consent—and it has not been tested on this age group. I was unable to get the link to the article, but I have asked him for it and I will provide it if he gets it to me. I am also hearing that there is a coverup regarding the number of deaths from taking the vaccine.
IT was a DC school district, that did that ‘vaccinate kids without parental consent’ thing.. And last i saw TWO COURTS have already ruled against those doctors and school kids attending unis, in their attempt to SUE TO STOP the mandating of them getting vaccinated…
I am 74. I am diabetic. I am over 300 pounds. I have 3 stents in my heart. I have had cancer. I am mobility impaired. I have sleep apnea. I am probably at the “highest risk” category for the covidiotcy. However, I will not get vaccinated and I refuse to wear a mask except when I have to visit my VA. I have been told i do not care for others for all this. and you know what? I am fine with it. It is my right to not comply with all the media hype.
I had to visit my local va the other day, and found it borked up ,that they have big signs out saying “EVEN IF YOU ARE VACCINATED STILL WEAR A MASK”, yet i heard continual calls over the PA for people ot ‘get the shot, help out your community”.
WHY THE HELL GET A SHOT< IF it means i still have to bloody mask up 24/7?!!??
Dr. Martin says it all.
It’s being reported that 11,000 plus people have died from the covid vaccines, which is more than the deaths from all other vaccines combined in last 30 years.
Thousands more have suffered serious injury from vaccine induced vascular damage re: heart attacks, strokes & blood clots.
This is why immunity from liability must be repealed for mandated / coerced experimental vaccines.
No one should be forced against their will to take experimental vaccines, proven to have caused death or serious injury in unacceptable numbers of people, in order to go to school, enter a business or go to work.
Ditto forced mask wearing that reputable studies have proven do little to nothing to prevent spread of any airborne disease.
in addition to which, masks, even worn for short time, reduces oxygen, inhibits breathing & allows bacteria to grow & infect respiratory system, especially in children.
If opioid manufacturers & tobacco companies are held financially liable for people “voluntarily” abusing their products, then school districts, businesses, hospitals & public transportation & even elected officials should be held personally & collectively financially liable for physical / mental health injuries & deaths related to masks / covid vaccines if they are going to mandate their “involuntary” compliance in order for people to work, go to school or obtain basic necessary public services & goods.
Add to that, in SOME REPORTS i have heard of, it is suggested the # OF DEATHS is being WILLFULLY UNDER REPORTED, just so “WE don’t get scary big numbers” that push more people to NOT vaccinate..
AND ADD to that, its been reported that the CDC WILLFULLY deleted 6000 of the deaths that HAVE BEEN caused by the shots, just to REDUCE the # even more…