Even though young Americans recently influenced by the education system tend to lean far to the left on virtually every social issue under the sun – save abortion, where they are split – there is one debate where they lean to the right … guns.
“[O]n gay marriage, LGBT issues, and the loosening of drug laws, specifically those relating to marijuana, the fight is over – they’re liberal.” Townhall’s Matt Vespa pointed out. “An appalling number of Millennials have favorable views of socialism, yet their left-wing lurch hits a wall when it comes to gun rights.”
Gunning for the right
The youth generation – radicalized through 13 years of progressive public school education and extreme left campus politics at American colleges and universities – is not easily sold on the Democrats’ gun control agenda.
“[D]emographers have consistently reported a conservative streak in Millennial attitudes on guns, [as] respondents aged 18–29 are the least likely in the country to support a renewed ban on assault weapons, at 49 percent – a fact that has helped drive nationwide support down to a record low,” Politico reported. “Pew’s data suggest that those falling in the youngest age range have dropped the furthest in support for ‘gun control’ since 2000 (when the alternative is presented as ‘gun rights’).”
And when it comes to concealed carry – the top legislative priority of the National Rifle Association (NRA) – Millennials are surprisingly on board, leading all other age groups in the nation. But this was not the case more than a decade ago.
In a 2004 Gallup Poll, only 25 percent of Americans believed that concealed guns made for safer spaces, but when they were asked more than a decade later in a 2015 Gallup Poll, a good majority (55 percent) gave a thumbs-up to concealed carry, with those both between the ages of 18 and 29 registering the biggest support (66 percent) – a whopping 10 points more than the next highest scoring demographic in support of it.
Gallup Director Frank Newport gave his take on Millennials’ changing views on guns.
“At the same time that the country’s views of same-sex marriage and marijuana have undergone significant short-term changes, [America’s proliferating gun massacres] have not produced the change in attitudes toward guns that gun-control advocates have predicted,” Newport wrote regarding young people’s attitudes about guns in 2014.
He noted that this conservative view on guns shared by Millennials is atypical of their liberal stance on other issues.
“[I]t’s unlike a number of other attitudes, say, like gay marriage, where young people are much more liberal,” Newport told NBC News at a later date.
Gun control lobbyists not capitalizing
Even though leading Democrats consistently seize the opportunity to push their gun control agenda every time there is a mass shooting, their efforts to convince Americans that the Founding Fathers did not know what they were thinking – when penciling in the 2nd Amendment to the Bill of Rights — are falling on deaf ears … especially those attached to 20-somethings in America.
Former presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and her running mate Sen. Time Kaine (D-Va.) both attempted to turn the gun control vs. gun rights debate in their favor when trying to sell America on their argument that the 59 casualties and 500-plus injuries would have been even greater if he had a silencer – which the NRA supports for gun owners.
Millennials look past the Democrats’ arguments and see the right to bear arms as a good thing – so citizens can protect themselves.
“They’re not keen to support renewed calls on so-called assault weapons bans – even in the midst of horrendous mass shootings,” Vespa pointed out. “They’re open about concealed carry.”
Many realize that, for the most part, it is those who attained guns illegally who commit the most crimes – not the citizens who have their guns legally.
“They acknowledge that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual’s right to own a firearm, but there could be a silent majority concerning the gun rights war: gun owners, who shun the National Rifle Association, but are also open to concealed carry and other gun control regulations,” Vespa continued.
A decades-old trend
For more than a quarter of a century, more Americans have come to realize that gun ownership is essential for those who do not want to rely solely on the police for their security – those who take their own safety seriously.
“Then, the 1992 L.A. Riots erupted and the notion of owning guns for self-defense took hold and has remained an entrenched position in the Second Amendment ‘debate,’” Vespa noted. “Since then, the gun rights movement has scored a slate of critical victories at the ballot box and in the courts.”
In fact, there are only a few select strongholds left in America for the Democratic Party when it comes to gun control.
“The only areas for the pro-gun control crowd to maneuver in are states that already have strict gun laws (i.e. Democratic states),” Vespa concluded.
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
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