Can you blame Juanita Broaddrick for going underground?
This is the 73-year-old woman who accused Bill Clinton of raping her in 1978, when he was attorney general of Arkansas. She says he pinned her on the bed in a room at the Camelot Hotel in Little Rock, savagely bit her lower lip to control her, then took her. Then she said he forced himself on her a second time.
According to Broaddrick, after he had raped her, Clinton put his sunglasses back on, looked at her bloody lip and said: “You better put some ice on that.”
As Juanita said last week in a tweet to Chelsea Clinton, “It never goes away.”
I tried for years to get Juanita on my radio show, but never had any luck until this summer. I was interviewing Dolly Kyle, another of Clinton’s alleged ex-lovers, when she mentioned she had Broaddrick’s phone number. I instantly called and had Juanita on the show less than five minutes later.
She’s a courtly, old-fashioned Southern lady, totally credible. If you’ve never seen it, you should watch her 1999 interview with Lisa Myers of NBC News. It was so devastating that paragon of journalistic integrity, Brian Williams, refused to run it on the NBC Nightly News.
Maybe he didn’t want to end up as the next corpse he saw floating down a puddle on Canal Street in New Orleans.
This week, I wanted to interview Juanita again. I’d read that she had said she wouldn’t mind sitting in the front row at one of the presidential debates. After all, a few weeks after Bill allegedly raped her, Juanita says Hillary sought her out at a political fundraiser, fixed her with an icy stare and said:
“I just want you to know how much Bill and I appreciate what you do for him.”
So Monday I called Juanita Broaddrick in Arkansas. No answer.
Tuesday I called again and a man picked up the phone: “I don’t know her. This is no longer her phone number.”
Wednesday I called Dolly Kyle and asked her if she’d pass a message on to Juanita asking her to call me. She said she would, but when the phone didn’t ring, I knew it was Juanita.
After Bill allegedly had his way with Juanita, he started calling her at the nursing home she ran. He apparently thought his techniques were irresistible to women. After all, that biting-the-lower-lip routine was one of his favorite m.o.’s — he also allegedly used it on a former Miss America, Elizabeth Ward Gracen.
“Your parents are not good people,” Juanita tweeted Chelsea last week. “Your father was, and probably still is, a sexual predator. Your mother always lied and covered up for him.”
Of course the press refuses to ever mention the attacks on Broaddrick, or Gracen, or Kathleen Willey, or any of Bill Clinton’s other alleged victims. They’re not rapes, or gropes, or sexual assaults, they’re “infidelities.”
Since the terrible crime, Juanita Broaddrick has lived openly, on a 23-acre spread in rural Arkansas. But now, as the election approaches, it’s getting nasty. It always does, with the Clintons. She’s getting threatening messages on social media.
This summer, Andrea Mitchell of NBC threw a beanball at Juanita’s head, saying her story of rape had been “discredited.” No lie too big for these people.
Juanita’s son is a lawyer, and after Mitchell’s monstrous lie, he demanded a correction. NBC did finally admit she wasn’t “discredited” — but only on their website, not on the network. Mitchell never apologized either.
A few weeks later, at one of her rare press availabilities, Hillary thanked Andrea Mitchell for her tireless service to the campaign.
“I love you Andrea,” she gushed. “You’re my kind of woman.”
Double yikes. Talk about discredited, in a journalistic way. But NBC wasn’t chagrined, they were proud that the soon-to-turn-70 Andrea had been singled out as being in the satchel. The network made it into a promo that’s still running on MSNBC.
No wonder Juanita is nervous. She’s not the only one feeling the heat as the Clintons realize they can’t quite put Donald Trump away. Bill Weld last week talked about the barrage of anonymous calls he’s been receiving, demanding he and his Libertarian running mate Gary Johnson drop out of the race.
And now Juanita Broaddrick has to flee her home. If Hillary is elected, we ain’t seen nothing yet.
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