An instructor at a high school in Keller, Texas, was placed on administrative leave for ignoring requests from school administrators to take down a Black Lives Matter poster hanging in his classroom.
Timber Creek High School teacher Dan Grunewald twice refused to take down the controversial poster, even though he acknowledges he knew was violating rules issued by the administration. The poster had been hanging in his classroom since last fall, alongside an LGBT “pride” flag.
“There are rules. It was a directive to take the sign down, and by not [doing that], I’m going against that directive. But it’s wrong. It’s wrong of my school’s administration, my principal, and my district to side with racism,” the teacher told ABC-affiliated WFAA in Dallas.
Keller Independent School District policy states that teachers “shall not use the classroom to transmit personal beliefs regarding political or sectarian issues” – and the district routinely asks its teachers “to remove items posted on classroom walls that are considered expressions of personal beliefs.”
AFN talked to Martin Baker of Project 21, who argues that the school is in the right. “They can tell you what you can or cannot have in a classroom,” Baker states. “And something like that that could be politically invasive or hostile, they would have a right to censor that.”
Grunewald told WFAA that he disagrees that “Black Lives Matter” is a controversial statement – and that he considers the poster to be a “small gesture” that he can make to his students of color that he “see[s] them.”
But Baker contends Grunewald is revealing his own bias to students by accusing school administrators of racism.
“I believe that the best sort of educator is an educator where you never know their political bias,” says the Project 21 advisory board member. “When you’re not showing bias and you’re able to still effectively be an educator, those are the best kind of educators.”
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
Grunewald is either an ignorant fool or a Marxist. I go with Marxist which means he should not be teaching Americas’ children.
Marxist are ignorant fools.
This Teacher at Timber Creek public the Public High School at keller ,Texas must think that he’s a power unto himself and the parents political opinions nor his students political ideologies don’t matter if they might be offended by his personal philosophies such as a poster with the Letters, ” B. L. M. And the Gay Colors Displayed on his Class Room Wall. This High School Teacher doesn’ t mind offending non- “Gay or members of The Minorities In his Class Room as long as the members of the Minorites aren’t offended .. How opinionated this High School must be to take such an attitude, How dare he!…
This is the Mr. Rogers group that growing up everyone is special and everyone gets a trophy. They believe that they are special beyond everyone else and only their views are important and only their views. If it is not what they espouse then you are a racist and homphobe. That is their only intellectual comeback.
ANd that’s even IF YOU are a gay black man, who is objecting to what they are pushing..
How’s about FIRE HIM, rather than merely suspend him.. IF HE REPEATEDLY has been violating school policy!
I will not say he is a fool, He is infantile in his actions and should not be teaching students with more mature minds than his.
“ignoring requests from school administrators to take down a Black Lives Matter poster hanging in his classroom.”
“The poster had been hanging in his classroom since last fall, alongside an LGBT “pride” flag.”
“But Baker contends Grunewald is revealing his own bias to students by accusing school administrators of racism.”
anti-racial “Black Lives Matter” movement ….. Huh??
Yusra Khogali co-founder of the anti-racial “Black Lives Matter” movement, does not hide her hatred of white people in her comments on social media. Yusra Khogali co-founder of the anti-racial “Black Lives Matter” argued that white people are “recessive genetic defects” and purportedly mused about how the race could be “wiped out,” “Plz Allah give me strength to not cuss/kill these men and white folks out here today.”
The LGBTQ Con is just to want “equality acceptance and tolerance.”
These LGBTQ’s are the open practitioners of the infamous crime against GOD and nature,
Who sold their souls to the malicious, venomous bullies of Organized LGBT mafia.
These Sodomites, will not tolerate and will attack and attempt to destroy anyone and anything not accepting and promoting their degenerate, sexually perverted lifestyle.
Are these the type of degenerates that you want teaching and molding your children’s character?? 🙁 🙁 🙁
I’d rather these degenerates, CEASE EXISTING.. They deserve a good ole “THANOS Dusting!”
Since we don’t know this teacher, whether he:s a minority Race or ” Gay, himself, perhaps ” politically Correct, maybe all of the above, we will never know this teachers motivations for displaying the poster. May be all these reasons apply to him but the fact remains that the School board requested that this Teacher take down this
Poster and he refuses to removd it as told to do so this teacher should be removdd from the Class Room.
time to squash the marxist in america.
Hopefully the LGBTxyzlmnop flag came down too. If you can’t teach religion then why let that religion hang on the wall.
AHH, but only “Christianity” is wrong to be taught in schools. JUST LOOK at the sheer # that celebrated islam, during obama’s presidency..
“There are rules. It was a directive to take the sign down, and by not [doing that], I’m going against that directive. But it’s wrong. It’s wrong of my school’s administration, my principal, and my district to side with racism,” the teacher told ABC-affiliated WFAA in Dallas.”
Is there racism in your class, Mr Grunewald, or are you trying to create it? So-called educators like yourself and your political posters are a major reason that our schools are in the mess they are in. Why don’t you try teaching things of value and leaving your political bias at home—you can take that to the polls when you vote.
“An instructor at a high school in Keller, Texas, was placed on administrative leave for ignoring requests from school administrators to take down a Black Lives Matter poster hanging in his classroom.”
Who’s classroom? Requests? I think we found the problem here.
The BLM Organization IS a RACIST organization, that does NOT care about Black people at all ! Apparently, this teacher is too ignorant to realize that. This organization was set up by 3 Marxists founders, and all the Millions that were donated to them have NEVER done anything except ENRICH the finances of the founders. If this stubborn ignorant man would have done a little investigating, he would NOT be hanging THAT Poster. Or maybe, he is just a Liberal that believes in FEELINGS, NOT FACTS !
THIS times 10000!
This Teacher is too Inmature to be Instructing Children himself, If this Picture is of him,, He obviouly hasn’t Grown Up Himself , Talk about ” The Blind Leading The Blind.!
I forgot when i heard it, but one of my favorite quotes from a teacher, was “only those who’ve actually LIVED AND WORKED, should be instructing others in how to live, and GET work!”
These high school must be a bunch of mindless wimps. In my day that poster and flag would’ve been ripped down when the teacher’s back was turned. The students would’ve secretly referred to that teacher as Mr. Queer.
And with the # of stories we’ve seen over recent years, about kids BEING ‘playful’ in classes, i am also surprised NONE Have taken to rip it down and BURN IT!
It’s not a hard decision. It’s Insubordination. Fire HIM.
So now the school has to “request” that the rules and regulations need to be followed. Why is it “his classroom”. He is an instructor hired by the school to teach what he is suppose to be an “expert” in and not present his personal feelings/ideas. Beside the Burn, Loot, Maim group has never done anything good for any community except make the neighborhood look like a war zone while those in charge of Burn, Loot, Maim just get richer and acquire more properties.
Well, looking at all the libtard cities, where they are BEGGING the crooks to ‘obey the law pretty please’, its NOT SHOCKING that a school board, also is ‘begging the teachers’ to follow the rules too..
Take down teacher, take down posters.
Apparently these black babies didn’t matter to the urban Mau-Mau savages who murdered them in DemoKrat controlled plantations in the past year:
Secoriea Turner, Natalia Wallace, Mekhi James, Makelia Osorno, Jace Young, Elayna Saidee, Davon McNeal, Davell Gardner, LeGend Taliferro
Out up a white lives matter poster and see how fast it is taken diwn. Blm poster is racist.
yes! All that has to happen is students demand equal space for opposing views and it will all come down. Just like the time a school district decided to eliminate all holidays to avoid confusion and friction.
I laughed, after watching a “Campus reform video”, where the gal doing the interview, gave a quote (said by Margret Sanger), and saw how many folks “DECRIED that quote”. BUT as soon as they heard who it was, DEFENDED PLANNED Parenthood….
First and foremost, BLM has its roots in Marxism, and had nothing to do with black lives. It was started to pit the blacks against the remaining 87% of the country. It has been quite successful in creating racial strife and dividing the country. It has no business being displayed in our nations classrooms, as it is totally racist and divisive. He needs to be fired and his license to teach children revoked.
Roots?? THE Three top founders, WERE ALL MARXIST activists!!!
Must have cameras in classrooms NOW so parents can be aware of the taxpayer funded child indoctrination going on & stop it.
Liberal, Marxist & globalist militants unprovable ideological / politically motivated “theories” like CRT, man-made climate change, systemic racism & gender choice in defiance of proven biological science is not education – it is brainwashing by political & Corp subversives who are anti freedom, anti reason or logic & anti individual sovereignty who want to achieve absolute power & control.over USA.
I agree. IF Folks are demanding Cameras for cops “For accountability”, then DAMN WELL we need the same on ALL TEACHERS, and school administrators…
I’d be curious to see how this teacher and those supporting his ‘expression’ would react if another teacher put up a poster that supported the pro-life agenda. I’m pretty sure I know what would happen.
OR put up one that backed the miiltary, or the cops? OR a MAGA flag!