A Democratic candidate for governor in Virginia has taken a swipe at parents, saying they have no role in determining what their children are taught in public schools.
During a recent debate between Democrat Terry McAuliffe – who was governor from 2014-2018 – and Republican Glenn Youngkin – a political newcomer who is pro-life – the question of the role parents have in what their children are being taught in schools came up. McAuliffe was quite blunt in his remarks:
McAuliffe: “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”
Presumably he includes in his comment sex education curriculum which often is graphic and promotes promiscuity and abortion.
Olivia Turner of the Virginia Society for Human Life tells AFN that current Governor Ralph Northam (D) established a web page instructing youngsters how to obtain abortions and circumvent parental notification. According to Turner that’s right along the lines of McAuliffe’s thinking as well.
“We know that when you have a pro-abortion governor in place who controls the Department of Health and [controls] what is produced from the Department of Health, things like that [web page] will be created; they will be promulgated,” she explains.
As a result, Turner adds, “parents will have no knowledge of what’s going on in the schools or online.” And she says parents will continue to be in the dark about what their children are taught if McAuliffe gains the governor’s seat again.
“Parents are angry that this is the attitude of Terry McAuliffe – and others on the Democratic ticket support his stand,” she concludes. “That’s why it’s critical that we vote pro-life this session.”
Dem candidate has ties to Clintons
Early voting is already underway for the November election. Robert Knight, a conservative columnist and activist who lives in Virginia, says the outcome of the election could be a barometer for the 2022 midterms.
“If the Republicans regain power in Virginia that would be a huge signal that the Democrats’ national agenda is not going well and that the voters on to them – that they basically are Marxists – and want to take their states back,” Knight tells AFN.
And barring vote fraud, the columnist says Youngkin should win handily.
“If we had a fair election, I think Glenn Youngkin would win hands down,” says Knight. “He’s a successful businessman, he’s moderately conservative, [and] he shouldn’t scare the people of northern Virginia who tend to vote very liberal. The rest of the state is all for Youngkin.”
As for McAuliffe? “He’s about as corrupt as they come,” says Knight. “He was Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager in 2008 and he was co-chairman of Bill Clinton’s re-election campaign in 1996. He’s been the bagman for the Clintons; [he’s been] the guy who shakes down the donors and collects for them.
“The media are making him out to be a statesman, but I think a lot of Virginians are seeing through him,” he concludes.
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
Today, radical leftists like Terry McAuliffe are telling parents that they have no role in determining what their children are taught in school. In the not too distant future, I expect these same dictatorial fools will be telling parents that they have no role in determining what their children are allowed to believe. The goal of the U.S. radical left is to transform America into a westernized version of Communist China. Since the delusional, totalitarian Democrats now control both the Executive and Legislative branches of our federal government, they are pushing hard to achieve this goal by starting to replace parental control with state control.
The courageous parents who resist the left’s attempt to usurp their parental authority will be viciously attacked and vilified as terrorists. We must not allow these leftist thugs to succeed in taking control of our children’s education and beliefs because if we do, America will be lost.
Pity his parents, can’t go back and choose to have aborted this doufus…
McAuliffe: “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”
(teaching your children)
It is the demonic, socialist Democrat Party that should decide what YOUR children should learn.
The Traitorous socialist Democrat Party has Stated their objectives.
The “Socialist Democrat Party State” political officers, Gestapo, Woke and Cancel Culture are just getting started.
You will obey, be loyal and support the “Socialist Democrat Party State” or you will be classified as
“Enemies of the State”.
24 Aug. 2020 – Monday on MSNBC’s “Live,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
referred to President Donald Trump and his Republican supporters as
“domestic enemies” and “enemies of the State”.
No way any Republican has a chance of winning in any current election. Since 2020, the voting machines are controlled by those who ensure that their candidate ends up with the most votes and guess who controls those machines.
Clinton Crime Machine – when does it finally get stopped?
Haven’t they ruined enough lives for centuries to come?
Between them and Barry Hussein and puppet Bin Biden this country is so doomed. I cannot believe I have friends that support these people.
Unfortunately, i doubt they ever will be stopped..
Wake Up everyone! there has to be a way of binging back Our Country! we need to take action. call contact your representatives.put pressure on your elected officials.you can even contact through the washington offices all the senators and congress reps. be active in any ay you can and support thr rights we have as an American citizen. person’s walking across illegally should have No say or part they have broke our laws and should be considered as such. we are supporting all this with our hard earned pay that is taxed and we haven’t had any say. get serious don’t let our country be a socialist,fascist,communistic.nazi,marxist country. shumer,pelosi,sanders sothe squad want to make this country. they apparently think they will continue all the benefits they have enjoyed will continue. mark my word they are wrong.once thier usefullness has been used they will be down the road,too! we will noteven have the freedoms we have now voicing our opinions is a freedom we have not in the future. we are in a mess.look at history of any of those “ism” history is someitmes the way to realize we can change and improve
McAuliffe: “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”
McAuliffe is a snobbish, arrogant, incompetent a**.