(NEXSTAR) — Veteran actor and singer Bette Midler is facing backlash Tuesday after a July 4 tweet in support of women’s rights was criticized as being transphobic.
Midler’s tweet read: “WOMEN OF THE WORLD! We are being stripped of our rights over our bodies, our lives and even of our name! They don’t call us “women” anymore; they call us “birthing people” or “menstruators”, and even “people with vaginas”! Don’t let them erase you! Every human on earth owes you!”
Some of the phrases Midler refers to are typically used to include trans or non-binary individuals in conversations about pregnancy and abortion. The American Civil Liberties Union recently explained: “The more expansive and more accurate answer is anyone who can become pregnant needs to be able to get an abortion if they need or want one, including many cisgender women, some non-binary people, some intersex people, some Two Spirit people, and some trans men.”
Midler, 76, is a vocal critic of conservative politicians, particularly former Pres. Donald Trump. Recently, the Tony Award winner has advocated for increased firearm regulation. The “Hocus Pocus 2” star’s current Twitter bio reads, sarcastically: “WE LOVE OUR GUNS MORE THAN OUR CHILDREN, OUR FAMILIES, OUR FRIENDS, OUR NATION AND OUR WORLD. WITHOUT OUR GUNS WE ARE NOTHING.”
Writer Roxane Gay, author of “Bad Feminist,” responded to Midler, saying: “No one is trying to erase women with inclusive language about people who need abortion care. No one is calling you anything but what you prefer. You should extend that courtesy in return.”
Midler’s comments came as a surprise for some, as the star has been a fervent supporter of the gay community, particularly gay men. Some of Midler’s earliest performance days were inside New York City gay bathhouses and through her decadeslong career has been widely regarded as a “gay icon.”
As of Tuesday afternoon, Midler had not followed up the controversial tweet.
Meanwhile, Midler isn’t the only musician facing flak on Tuesday. On Monday, Grammy-winning R&B/soul singer Macy Gray, best known for her 1999 hit “I Try,” appeared on Fox Nation’s “Piers Morgan Uncensored,” and the topic of trans athletes arose.
“I will say this and everyone’s gonna hate me but as a woman, just because you go change your (body) parts, doesn’t make you a woman, sorry,” Gray told Morgan. “… Being a little girl is a whole epic book, you know? And you can’t have that just because you want to be a woman… I don’t think you should be labeled transphobic just because you don’t agree.”
Both Midler and Gray have been accused of being “TERFs,” an acronym meaning “trans-exclusionary radical feminist” — or a woman who doesn’t consider trans women women.
Gray’s comments were applauded by “Harry Potter” author J.K. Rowling, whose controversial views on transgender rights have their own Wikipedia subsection. On Tuesday, Rowling tweeted: “Today feels like a good day to ensure I’ve bought @MacyGraysLife’s entire back catalogue.”
Conversations over transgender issues have intensified over the past year, as several state governments enacted laws affecting LGBTQ+ rights, including Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law, which makes it a crime to refer to or discuss gender identity or sexual orientation in kindergarten through third grade classrooms.
The bill went into affect on July 1.
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The LGBTQ Con is just to want “equality, acceptance and tolerance.”
These LGBTQ’s are the open practitioners of the infamous crime against GOD and nature,
Who sold their souls to the malicious, venomous bullies of Organized LGBTQ mafia.
These Sodomites, will not tolerate and will attack and attempt to destroy anyone and anything not accepting and promoting their degenerate, sexually perverted lifestyle.
Democrats see everything as subjective, how they feel things should be (not as they are) their whole world is subjective. Not Objective.
To Democrats, Gender, Truth, Facts, Reality and History are all irrelevant, If the Democrats do not WANT to believe them or they disagree with them. Democrats will just make up their own, Gender, Truth, Facts, Reality and History to fit what they WANT to believe or fits into the Con or Deception that they are running at the time.
FOr many years, i’ve loathed middler, for her love of everything leftist. BUT ON THIS< i fully support her statement.
” What Is an Adjective? ” S HACKSPEAR ONCE SAID, Whats in a name. A Rose by anyother name would Smell Just as Sweet, To Paraphrase Shakespeare. Fox News today July 9Th. 2022 Said , The Teacher’s Union Wants to Rename Pregeant woman and her Husband ,” Birthing Parents .” According To Robert Green, ” Power Game Players Are Either Trying To Increase their Leverage or Flaunt the Power They already have. Some Players Have ” Malicious Intentions,”… While Others are Merely Self-centered….” I leave it up to the posters here to decide what “The Teacher’s Union, ” Is Trying to Do. it Sounds like the ” Teacher’s Union Is Trying To ” Get More Bang for Their Buck ” From The democrat Party.
” Midler’s tweet read: “WOMEN OF THE WORLD! We are being stripped of our rights over our bodies, our lives and even of our name! They don’t call us “women” anymore; they call us “birthing people” or “menstruators”, and even “people with vaginas”! Don’t let them erase you! Every human on earth owes you!…” ” Adam & EVE!
The Major Problem for the Socialist / Communist Party Of America, is how to convince the Black democrat voters, the transgender, the gay voters, that they too want a reversal of roles in history as bad as they do and thus to retain their votes .
“Emancipation Proclamation. JANUARY 1St.1863
Emancipation Proclamation. It provided that, on January 1, 1863, in the states still in rebellion, the enslaved people would be freed.” Wikipedia.
Response to ” Scruffy_USN_Retired
” Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence. ”
John Adams
Joe Biden and the Democrat Party , As John Adams Once Said, ” Facts Are Stubborn Things…”
But remember, to dems, its NOT about facts. BUT “Their Truths”.
Tampons In Boys Bathrooms, Like the old song Says, ” Folks are dumb where I come from,
They ain’t had any learning.
Still they’re happy as can be
Doin’ what comes naturally (doin’ what comes naturally).
Folks like us could never fuss
With schools and books and learning.
Still we’ve gone from A to Z,…” Doris Day Singing,
Tampons In Boys Bathrooms,
Tampons, what are Tampons Fer? I told my sister, ” Why, No Wonder Your Bleeding, Someone Cut Your Picker Off.” Author Unknown
I was under the impression that men are being erased. Rush Limbaugh frequently talked about the chickification of American culture.
Author: Rudyard Kipling,
“ If you can walk with the crowd and keep your virtue, or walk with Kings-nor lose the common touch; If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you; If all men count with you, but none too much; If you can fill the unforgiving minute with 60 seconds worth of distance run- Yours is the earth and everything that’s in it, And-which is more-you’ll be a man my son.”
Author: Rudyard Kipling, ” Recognition of, Male & Female “
” Son Of Thunder on 1:35 pm July 7, 2022 at 1:35 pm
I was under the impression that men are being erased. ?
” The Major Problem for the Socialist / Communist Party of America is how to convince the Black democrat voters, the transgender, the gay voters, that they too want a reversal of roles in history as bad as they do and thus to retain their votes. ”
The White Man, According to The Socialist, / Communist Party of America Is to Be Erased from History, Lots of Luck on That One.!
” Lots of Luck on That One.! Talk About Your ” Double Entendra !
It’s fun hearing the left, the liberals, going after each other like this, all this inclusionary vocabulary is being exclusionary by its very nature. Creating a term that is to include a myriad of self proclaimed indentities does a disservice to those who are comfortable with who they are; many ‘women’ and ‘mothers’ have no desire to be lumped with any category that the LGTB/etc advocates try to legitimize.
” joe23006
” The Major Problem for the Socialist / Communist Party of America is how to convince the Black democrat voters, the transgender, the gay voters, that they too want a reversal of roles in history as bad as they do and thus to retain their votes.”
That old **** needs to be erased.
Organisms have probably been “male” or “female” ever since the trilobites back in the Cambrian period, about half a billion years ago. Woke morons are not about to chance that simple biological fact.
robertmchl on 3:44 pm July 7, 2022
You Commented,” Organisms have probably been “male” or “female” ever since the trilobites back in the Cambrian period, about half a billion years ago….”
As Lily Tomlin, on ” T.V., Saturday Night Live Use to Say, ” And Thats the Truth.”