From a college prep test question to California classrooms, public education is showing no signs of slowing the far-left indoctrination of students but the pushback is not slowing down either.

Thomas More Society has filed suit against the California Department of Education over an ethnic studies lesson in which students literally pray to Aztec gods.

Thomas More attorney Paul Jonna says the lawsuit was filed Sept. 3 after a letter to the state superintendent of public instruction went unanswered.

“We gave the Department of Education, the Board of Education, a chance to correct the curriculum,” Jonna says. “We sent them a letter and they just ignored it.”

In March, the State Board of Education unanimously approved the controversial high school ethnic studies curriculum that is more than 800 pages long.

The suit was filed in California Superior Court on behalf of Californians for Equal Rights Foundation and parents of school children.

Meanwhile, Campus Reform, the education watchdog, is reporting on a College Board practice exam in which a question suggests vote ID laws lower voter participation by black voters and therefore should be banned.

The two-step question is included on the Advanced Placement U.S. Government and Politics, more commonly known as an AP test, which is used by high school students to gauge their pre-college knowledge.

Ophelie Jackson of Campus Reform tells American Family News it is obvious from the question it is attempting to influence students that showing an ID to vote is racist and wrong.

“We at Campus Reform reported on it,” she says, “just to showcase that indoctrination is not only something that college students have to deal with but now high school students have to deal with it as well.”

Besides a left-wing view of voter ID, Jacobson says K-12 schools are embracing controversial topics such as Critical Race Theory.

“The bias and indoctrination is starting at an even earlier age now,” she warns, “which is dangerous because many of these students are too young to know how to think for themselves or too young to form an opinion on these very complicated topics.”

Back in California, Thomas More says public school students will unwittingly chant prayers to an ancient religion that was infamous for gruesome and bloody rituals that were performed to appease the very gods that are being celebrated in the name of diversity.

It goes without saying, the law firm points out, the public outcry that would occur if high school students recited the Lord’s Prayer as part of classroom instruction.

“They’re honored. They’re praised. There’s intercessory prayers,” Jonna, the Thomas More attorney, says of the classroom assignment. “You know, there’s no way to describe this other than a prayer to these Aztec gods.”


Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.

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