West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin is demanding the Biden administration take even tougher actions to punish Russia by banning the importation of its oil amid its invasion of Ukraine
Manchin, a Democrat who chairs the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, said it was hypocritical to ask other countries to do ‘what we can do for ourselves’ – and demanded the administration halt the imports, which he noted exceed 500,000 barrels a day of oil and other petroleum products.
‘To continue to ask other countries to do what we can do for ourselves in a cleaner way is hypocritical. To continue to rely on Russian energy as they attack Ukraine is senseless,’ Manchin said.
– Read more at the Daily Mail
Joe Manchin calls on US for ramped up oil production in wake of Russia-Ukraine war
Sen. Joe Manchin is calling on the Biden administration to ramp up energy production and end crude oil imports from Russia after the invasion of Ukraine.
The West Virginia Democrat, chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, said the administration must ensure that the US becomes energy independent.
“While Americans decry what is happening in Ukraine, the United States continues to allow the import of more than half a million barrels per day of crude oil and other petroleum products from Russia during this time of war,” Manchin said on Monday.
“This makes no sense at all and represents a clear and present danger to our nation’s energy security,” he said.
– Read more at the NY Post
Manchin understands his party’s attempt to make America socially and energy dependent upon the failed states of the world who themselves like Putin, understand that dependent people are more malleable and easily manipulated. Add in a corrupt media and a age depleted brain of a rambling President and it’s a recipe for WWIII. His SOTU speech was unintelligible;
“American has been lacking in research and development,,,because the Democrats had everyone doing fake research and investigations on Trump.
We are building a cluster of 8 semi-conductor critical state-of-the-art plants in one place – so the Russians can take it out with one cluster bomb.
Forget foreign supply chains, We need more manufacturing plants, and build more cars, semi-conductors etc. in America,,,But don’t pump American oil but buy it from Russia because Hunter can no longer travel to the Ukraine for my 10%. When it comes to corruption, kickbacks and payoffs, we now need to make it right here in America.
WE increased cheap paying service jobs by 120,000,,,but killed 130,000 six figure income jobs in the oil industry.
I am a Capitalist, and kickbacks and the laundering of Capitol is first and foremost on my list.
Freedom will always Triumph,,,so lets become energy slaves to Putin Promoted energy environMENTALism.”
Last year we cut the deficit in half,,,,,Because Joe Manchin got in the way of my BBB deficit killing spending plans of doubling it.”
jJoe Manchin , like Liz Cheny , is playing A dangerous Game in Which he Seems to be In both political Camps, Joe Manchin is a member of the democrat party but he appears to Favor the Republocan parties Position on basic issues. Taking this position on issues that the political democrat elite are promotong makes him appear favorably to the Republicans and makes him someone who’s to be Won over by both parties. However Joe Manchin plays a dangerous Game that he’s playing And Much like Liz Cheny The democrat party used Liz Cheny and even raised funds for her upcoming Election and really all the democrat did was make her ” Persona -Non -Grata, In the Republican Party Which might Well be The Fate of Joe Manchin too.
Aren’t the global warming idiots total hypocrites? The global warming idiots have multiple homes, fly around in private jets, allow no drilling in our Country for oil and natural gas, but then tell the Russians and the Middle East to pump more oil and natural gas.
MANCHEN has more guts, than many in the GOP do..
This is a Joe I can bet behind. So glad he’s speaking up about this. It is absolutely time for this president to stop cow-towing to the far left extremists. Their “Green New Deal” is getting innocent people killed. We all need to raise our voices and say “not this way”! Bernie can shove it.
More and more, i am thinking he NEEDS TO SWITCH PARTIES!
I like Joe Manchin,’ s Being The burr under The democrats Saddle on Oil Pipe lines and having to beg Russia to supply us with Oil When if Joe Biden would do like Former President , Donald Trump we could be exporting Oil Instead of begging for Oil.