The Biden administration is promising some quick and radical action as soon as it takes office – leading one political activist to warn America is witnessing the early stages of the establishment of a fascist state. But one well-known Christian leader says God’s got it all under control.
Leading up to the inauguration of Joe Biden as president of the United States, Washington, DC, has been in lockdown as an estimated 25,000 National Guard troops have been on site, tasked to secure the event over concerns of an insider attack. David Horowitz, founder and CEO of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, offered his opinion about that.
“We are in the early stages of the establishment of a fascist state in America,” he stated on Newsmax. “People are sort of intimidated from saying that – but we had an election … where 1.4 million votes were questionable legally. They were illegal votes.”
He argues that Democrats have demonized anyone who dares to tell the truth about the election results – including some members of Congress.
“If you suggest that this might have been a rigged election and you’re a United States senator like Josh Hawley or Ted Cruz, the Democrats want to remove you from Congress; [they want to] put you on no-fly lists,” Horowitz stated. “We’re in a situation where the Democrat Party – which has been doing this for decades – is intent on suppressing the free speech of anybody who opposes them.”
Dr. Robert Jeffress of First Baptist-Dallas acknowledges people’s concerns over free speech and religious freedom, but advises his fellow believers not to worry; just hold on, he says.
“Many Christians are disturbed. They’re distraught over the inauguration of Joe Biden as president, and they’re really fearful about the future,” Jeffress tells One News Now. “Even though the occupant of the Oval Office is changing, the occupant of the Throne of Heaven is not changing.”
He adds, though, that’s not to imply the threat to Christians and religious liberty isn’t real.
“We all condemn – we should condemn – what happened in the Capitol several weeks ago. It was despicable … especially those who call themselves Christians and were a part of that,” says the Southern Baptist pastor. “But you can see what the reaction is to it: it’s a slippery slope that leads to the muzzling of Christian beliefs very quickly.”
In a recent sermon, Jeffress suggested that current events have some prophetic undertones. He summarizes what he said that Sunday morning:
“If society determines that basic Christian values are poisonous to the cultural dialogue, then it’s very easy to see how muzzling Christians won’t be far behind. I’m not sure if this is the final ‘it,’ but it’s certainly what I think is going to precede the return of Jesus Christ.”
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
I am not religious and yet I fear for people who want to believe.
Those who do not exercise their God given rights surrender them.
A Right unused is a Right unclaimed.
A person not defending the rights of others, because they are not practiced by that person, is the absence of defending rights that that person exercises.
IMO anyone who still ‘feels god has it under control”, is just FOOLING only themselves…
Christianity is dead under Biden, the “good Catholic”, who is for the murder of babies in the womb!
Author Norman Ohler revealed that the Nazi’s drugged their soldiers with Pervitin i.e. methamphetamine that helped them win key battles at the start of WWII. Drug use went all the way up the Leadership ladder to Hitler himself, causing erratic pathological behavior near the end. Joe Lad-Biden already shows erratic ups and downs of mental cognizance/incompetence and one wonders just what drugs his party establishment handlers have given him to control his Democrat doggie downers? The Germans at least benefitted from having a clear minded leader at the beginning of Hitler’s National Socialist rule. We Americans are not so lucky, and the national downfall will accelerate a lot faster, now that Joe’s Democrat Doggie downers have been unleashed. Yes, there is a God,,, it’s not Lad-Biden, it’s not Pelosi, nor Schumer nor Schiff,,,,and indeed he has a plan for their downfall. Greed, believing their own lies, followed by overreaching overconfidence always gets them in the end.
Well, leftists LOVE THEIR drugs too.. Especially weed!
To fully advance the Dishonorable Democrat’s destructive agendas of socialism, open borders, gun control, radical feminism, abortion-on-demand, the LGBTQ lifestyle, unfettered sexual identity, “gay marriage” and the like, the pagan Liberal left Democrats must do away with our Constitution, GOD, common sense, morality, Christian values and free religious exercise altogether.
Under the guise of “anti-discrimination.”
The soon to be vice president Nazi Nancy Pelosi has stated her objectives.
The Democrat Party political officers and Gestapo are just getting started.
You will be loyal, bow down to and support the Democrat Party or you will be classified as
“Enemies of the State”.
24 Aug. 2020
Monday on MSNBC’s “Live,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
referred to President Donald Trump and his Republican allies as
“enemies of the state.”
once again i ask why our military who swore an oath to protect the usa from foreign and DOMESTIC threats to our
these liberal demons from hell must be stopped.
Are you trying to ask “WHERE ARE THEY AT”?? Cause you’re comment seems to make no sense.