When the Electoral College meets Monday, it will almost surely certify former Vice President Joe Biden as the 46th president of the United States. And he will take the oath of office Jan. 20.
There is, nationally, a growing if grudging realization of that reality.
Yet millions of Americans will refuse to accept the legitimacy of that election and its outcome and will continue to believe, with President Donald Trump, that it was “rigged.”
“Was the 2020 election stolen by the establishment to get rid of a president, Donald Trump, whom it loathed?” will be debated decades hence — as are questions such as, “Did FDR have advance knowledge the Japanese were going to attack?” and, “Did Lee Harvey Oswald act alone in Dallas?”
That perception that something was afoot first arose in the minds of millions in the hours after the election on Nov. 3, when 83% of Republicans polled by Gallup said they did not believe reports of Trump’s defeat.
Things perceived as real are real in their consequences.
And there was justification for that perception. Who was not stunned to learn that as Trump seemed to be pulling ahead in the voting count on Nov. 3, suddenly, around midnight, the vote counting appeared to stop in the crucial swing states, and we were told it would begin again early the next morning? Why the halt?
Again, things perceived as real are real in their consequences.
The Washington Post reports this week that, midway between Election Day and Inauguration Day, only 27 congressional Republicans would acknowledge Biden’s win. Some 220 GOP members of the House and Senate — 88% of Republicans serving in Congress — would not say who won the election.
And Trump continues to fight on, millions behind him, to persuade public officials in such battleground states as Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada to withdraw their certifications.
He is said to be working the phones to get Republicans in Congress to reject the designation of Biden as president.
He has joined a suit by 17 states’ attorneys general to have the Supreme Court accept Texas’ argument that late alterations in the voting processes in four swing states be declared unconstitutional and illegal.
Among the more credible charges is that, due to the pandemic, late changes were made in the voting processes of states, especially with mailed-out and mailed-in ballots. The contention is that votes cast as a consequence of changes done contrary to state laws or constitutions should be thrown out. Most of those votes came from the urban precincts where Biden’s margins were massive.
While some 50 lawsuits filed in Trump’s cause may have been rejected in courts, the hourly allegations of fraud in the collection and counting of ballots have given credence to a generalized belief that Trump was cheated of votes he received and Biden received votes that were illicitly cast.
Where will this leave us Jan. 20?
American politics will be even more poisoned and polarized than it has been for the last four years. Tens of millions of Americans will see themselves as disfranchised and believe that the greatest champion they have had in decades was illegally driven from power by the same deep state-media conspiracy he fought for four years.
Reinforcing this perception is the sudden revelation this week that Biden’s son Hunter is indeed the target of a federal tax investigation.
That is a story the mainstream media not only refused to cover but sought to bury. And it further buttresses a widespread belief that the mainstream media were in the tank for Biden and will use the power they have to fix the outcome of future American elections in favor of the establishment to which they belong.
For scores of millions of Americans, the mainstream media have lost any credibility and moral authority they once had.
The media have spent four years promoting the falsehood that Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump conspired to steal the 2016 election, a charge for which the two-year Robert Mueller investigation could not find any substance at all. They championed the cause of impeachment of Trump over a single comment in a phone call to the president of Ukraine.
And all the while, they painted Trump as racist, sexist, homophobic and treasonous, and his followers as torch-carrying deplorables.
The hypocritical calls from the mainstream media today for us all to come together, after the atrocities they perpetrated, boggle the mind.
Amazing. And now that the Democrats appear to have captured the White House, the message is, “Can’t we all just get along?”
What lies ahead?
Some see secession. But though secession is unlikely, a secession of the heart has already taken place in America. We are two nations, two peoples seemingly separated indefinitely. Can a nation so divided as ours, racially, ideologically, religiously, still do great things together, as did the America of days gone by, to the amazement of the world?
Patrick J. Buchanan is the author of “Nixon’s White House Wars: The Battles That Made and Broke a President and Divided America Forever.” To find out more about Patrick Buchanan and read features by other Creators writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators website at www.creators.com.
We will never be one people. The liberals are communists / socialists, big tech and the majority of the news media, practices censorship (reminds me of the Soviet Union, China, North Korea and Nazi Germany). The liberals do not believe in law and order, people can commit crimes and they are not arrested, abortion (the murder of babies in the womb), the murder of live born babies. When one can expose themselves to women and children, when one can inject drugs openly on the street, when one can urinate openly and no one is arrested, how can we as Conservatives, ever unite with the Godless communist / socialist liberals?
AND with court after court, seeming to ACQUIESS to their lawlessnesss, there’s little to no method left, for us conservatives, for redress…
First: The Jury Box, Second: The Ballot Box, and, Third when those fail: the Cartridge Box(es).
Hence why, trump BETTER MAN the hell up, and invoke the Insurrection act.
“Can a nation so divided as ours, racially, ideologically, religiously, still do great things together, as did the America of days gone by, to the amazement of the world?”
I don’t think so. Not without the guidance of GOD.
The Democrat Party has become disciples of Satan and until Jesus Christ comes back and puts a stop to the rule of Satan.
We Christians must keep our Love, trust and Faith in GOD,
because nothing else really matters.
Can a nation so divided between the CREATORS and those who CONSUME but create nothing but debt s, and redistribution of diminishing resources survive economically, or militarily,,,, not to mention morally?
Joe Biden is a political dead man walking and his career will be ended by his own party of Useful idiot commanders who will make Biden whose use once having taken office no longer needed and they will either declare him mentally unfit in brain, or morally unfit in laundered money and open the door for a communist Kamala that would never have passed in an honest election, or even a dishonest one. Already the outing of his son begins (By his own Democrats) as the prelude for Joe’s replacement, not by Rip Van Winkle sleeping Supreme Court Justices,, or Republican impeachers, but by his own handlers and media who will prove him the most supreme useful idiot in history. It will be at that point the the shooting civil war begins and the pretense of unity evaporates.
Hillary has caused a long list of her opponents to “commit suicide” and those surrounding Biden will likely set that trap for him whenever they are through with him.
No form of crime, sin, immorality, or other atrocity is off the table for these disciples of Satan.
Especially when time and time again, they get PROVEN THEY ARE Above the law.
Keep in mind that God is still in control. He appoints the “kings of the earth.” There is a reason for this election theft.
Well if the tricky slime ball prevaricating pretender Nixon can make a comeback after 8 years, maybe Trump can do it in 4 but the clock is running out. Indeed we seldom get the kind of leaders we want but God always gives us the ones we deserve. We had a shot at national forgiveness by removing the taint of abortion, but it looks like establishment business as usual from this so-called reformed Supreme Court of Jesters and sleepers who allow our elections to burn while the ballots get fiddled. Once again the letter of the American law and the spirit of the American law wage civil war upon each other and continue to be divided, causing our nation to remain divided. I believe the spirit will win in the end but all hell may break loose in the interim.
“There is a reason for this election theft”
Fig tree, Israel, May 14, 1948, 80 year generation, 2028; 3.5 years leading up to tribulation, 3.5 years long tribulation, 7 years total.
If 2028 is the end of the generation since Israel the fig tree’s birth, and the generation which saw it would not pass away, it is going to have to start soon
When it comes to dates, take your pick, some say Solomon’s Temple was completed 957 BC, others list it as around 970 BC, another 977 BC, there are dates which are 165 years different.
Because of the Star of Bethlehem 4 BC is a better fit for the birth of Jesus, who started his ministry at age 30 and the Holy Spirit filled his body, the temple of the Lord, just like Solomon’s Temple, which if built in 974 BC would be a 1000 years, from one to the other and 2,000 years after would be 2026
However, what ever the date, it really does not matter when the world ends, only the day ours does, am sure Russia, after Stalin, or hundreds of civilizations before, which came to an end, thought the world was ending, when it was just theirs.
We live in a time like Dickens’ “Tale of Two Cities” best of times, worst of times.
With artificial intelligence it is possible that not a single thing on TV can be trusted, Deepfake, create the news right in front of your eyes.
Then CRISPR, allows gene editing, make super soldiers, but as always, cannot control the world, only your own heart and mind
The Bible says “the nation that forgets God will be turned into Hell”, how
far off are we and will God separate the good from the bad in America?
The book of Revelation appears to be the news of the day. Never accept
the results we see of the election of Joe Biden, he is not and can not be
a President, nor any of his foul associates. Dark days ahead for communist
democrats, total traitors to America, tolerating the intolerable has brought
us to where we are today. We shall see what we shall see………..William
And that, Scruffy, is my only consolation, my only hope. God is still in control.
Scruffy, IF GOD really was in control, WHY THE HELL then has he ALLOWED THIS OUTRIGHT sacrilege and treason to CONTINUE TO GO ON< unchecked!!?!?
GOD is in control but he allows man to chose the path he desires to follow. We all will be judged by Jesus Christ for our own choices.
One must Love and follow Jesus Christ,
Have trust and faith in the Will of GOD and everything will be fine for those who Love and follow Jesus Christ. 🙂
Sorry, but if THIS IS what you call “god being in control”, then he is NOT WORTHY any of my respect, or adoration!
God’s ways are not to be understood by moral mankind. God allows evil but He never causes it. Thus Herod and Hitler and Planned Parenthood have murdered many millions of innocents. Yet the Lord IS in control and He will bring all things into His justice on His schedule, not ours.
The faithful are instructed to remain patient regardless of current events.
luser said, Sorry, but if THIS IS what you call “god being in control”, then he is NOT WORTHY any of my respect, or adoration!
What a completely disgusting thing to say. It is not our job to tell God what to do or when to do it.
A toddler throws himself on the floor to have a kicking, screaming hissy fit because he did not get his way. Red faced, snot streaming down his face, the little child eventually gets up realizing that he cannot order God to do anything. He has taken one step in the process of growing up.
Well, if he STANDS BY and continually lets this shuff happen, HE Is not a ‘god’ i wanna worship! Got a problem with that, too bloody bad.
THIS IS a good chunk of WHY i am agnostic!
There’s no turning back at this point. We either acquiesce to a Socialist takeover, or we fight back.
And with that History will judge us, as it did our founders for our action or inaction.
First Hitler offered free healthcare, then he took over the media and burned all the books, like the High-tech censors are now doing today. Then he took away the guns, and the Germans all became docile National Socialist sheeps who marched in lockstep to the orders of the ruling class on pain of a visit by the Gestapo who took over from a nationally diminished and defunded local police force. History does repeat itself. In 1940 Nazi’s never exceeded 7% of the German population but controlled the entire nation and most of Europe as well, just like 4-6 corrupted States controlled the other 46 in the 2020 American election which could lead to the takeover of the entire nation by American national Socialist to the point it will never again return to a Republic. Forget about a Civil War over Civil Rights. What is needed is a good old fashion Uncivil war to return to the Democrats the incivility they have served up to WE THE PEOPLE. You can take that “Can’t we all just get along” B.S. and shove it where the sun don’t shine. It did not work for Rodney King, it hasn’t worked for America either because when you compromise with the Devil you are just halfway on your way to hell.
More people need to feel like you do. We need to pick up our weapons and return our country to the righteous, rather than let it go down the tubes of Socialism. Too many people are like sheep. just rolling with the flow. You have realize those people calling Trump the second coming of Hitler…are the ones actually doing what Hitler did.
Well, I hope Trump will try to lead his populist movement within the GOP. Like Nigel Farage, he has the charisma and following right now to launch a new party that puts America and the individual above almighty Big Government.
Brexit won the largest share of the popular vote just 4 months after Farage founded the party, no? IMHO, feeling so betrayed by their current party, Trump has 50 million voters who will drop their party registration and join a new one. That includes many disaffected Democrats who have no tolerance for socialism/communism.
The biggest culprit in this whole calamity was the liberal press, even going back to their constant harassment of and distortions about GWB.
Boycott of all sponsors of the liberal press, who you have cornered and dominate the advertising of our biggest brand-names, from cars to soft drinks.
Middle-American, working people Trump types dominate the money that buys the cars and and the Brand Name niceties in life that bankrolls the liberal press ,and switching purchasing practices seems the most peaceful and effective way of reforming the press. The results of such a boycott could be seen in corporate spreadsheet in just a month.
Don’t forget the big tec corps all in the tank for “Globalism” that reaches far beyond what the average Dem voter, and even some of their elected realize. Ask how much do you and your family really need to have a new IPhone every time a new model comes out. Or a new car every three years when today’s products will usually last 200,000 miles. How important is Facebook or Twitter when you already have email and can buy your own website for pennies where you can better protect your personal information. Or cable TV where you pay to watch CNN etc whether you watch it or not?
It was clearly CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, NYT (and a multituse of other papers) plus Hollywood that defeated DJT, sure as heck not Biden and the Democrats. Hit them where it hurts square in the pocketbook.
What trump needs to do, IS GO FULL ON INSURRECTION ACT..
The dishonest Democrats, their corrupt cronies in the deep state, and their propagandists in the mainstream media, who had been trying to remove President Trump from office the minute he was sworn in, were finally able to accomplish a soft coup against the president by sabotaging his re-election bid using strategically targeted, massive election and voter fraud in key swing states. What is so shocking about the fraud is that much of it was brazenly committed in front of numerous witnesses who submitted affidavits and, in one case, was even recorded on camera in Georgia. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will most likely be sworn into office on January 20th but tens of millions of honest, unbiased, informed, and critical thinking Americans are not fooled by their pathetic charade.
LBJ had JFK assassinated. He hated him. He had and used his power to cover it up and have the truth sealed for 100 years.
The conspiracy to end Trump’s presidency now appears to have done its evil job.
Unless bold work cleans away the rancid sludge of election fraud, the government itself loses all credibility. It is sad to lose fair and square but it is an outrage to have an election stolen in plain sight and yet be unable to stop it. Justice MUST be done…yes, MUST.
Hence why i feel the only option left to trump, is to invoke the insurrection act, and ARREST ALL of these traitors..
The Supreme Court has insured the destruction of America as defined in the Constitution. Their acceptance of the the blatant violations in Pennsylvania gives the Democrats the green light to commit whatever level of fraud is needed to steal the Georgia Senate seats and take total control of the government. The 2022 mid-terms will be used to remove the remaining Republican opposition, and at that point they accelerate the end of America.
There will be a second shooting war on our soil, but I feel it should be called Revolutionary War II. The first one removed an oppressive and repressive government from controlling us, we are slipping back into that same situation but from within. This will be a war to restore America.
HENCE, why for the past two days, i’ve been saying TRUMP needs to man the hell up, and invoke the Insurrection act!