Rep. Ilhan Omar needs to answer for the Boston stabbing
Words matter. Words have consequences. Except for some.
Every couple of weeks or so, Rep. Ilhan Omar goes off with some remark hateful to the Jewish people. First, the nasty comment…which is heard around the world, by the way.
Yes, anti-Semitism travels with the baggage of centuries.
Next, comes the “clarification,” which clarifies nothing, and only makes it worse…. for Jews everywhere.
Earlier, we wrote it here, like this: “So, we the people at the forefront of science, medicine, commerce, literature, music, radio, television, warfare (Hyman Rickover, the father of the nuclear submarine), the creators of Hollywood and Broadway…these people now find themselves in a different and less tolerant America all because some twerp from Somalia says “’boo.’”
So it was when Omar sat with CNN’s Jake Tapper to “clarify” her latest smug, self-satisfied stink-bomb.
Now what’s her beef? Her Jewish colleagues in the House “haven’t been partners in justice.”
This means nothing, of course, especially coming from an ingrate who has equated the United States and Israel with the Taliban and Hamas…and then talks “justice.”
But it meant something, perhaps, to a man who stabbed a rabbi in Boston during the same news cycle.
The rabbi is recovering and the alleged assailant has been caught.
But that is not the point. One…will Omar be taken to account for her words that create or contribute to a climate of bigotry and intolerance?
We’ll be waiting.
The larger question is whether the country is still safe after the influx arriving from particular Muslim countries.
Again, from the earlier column —
“But a new generation is upon us; people who know nothing or care nothing about our Judeo/Christian values, and they keep coming, and are beginning to get elected.”
In other words, it can be said that Omar and her AOC crew give diversity a bad name.
Also that we knew sororities like this in high school, Mean Girls who could emasculate an entire cafeteria…and now…now an entire country.
We cannot say with certainty that from DC to Boston one thing led to another, but we can quote King Solomon, saying, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.”
Imagine, then, the power of that tongue when it lashes out against Jews from within the government, yes, the House of Representatives.
That gives it the stamp of frightful authority.
Yet Omar feels comfortable enough to do it again and again, with that smirk, because there is no one to stop her.
Nancy Pelosi is “satisfied” with this week’s Omar “clarification” as she was with last week’s clarification, and so it will be next week.
Omar and her squad sisters know exactly what they are doing. In the works is their plan to make American Jews feel unsafe and unwanted.
That would be Plan A.
We hate to think what they have in mind for Plan B…though what happened in Boston could be a sample.
New York-based bestselling American novelist Jack Engelhard writes regularly for Arutz Sheva.
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she is pure t trash along with the rest of the demorat party.
AND since
A) SHE IS female
B) She is mudslime
and C) SHe is a commucrat.
NOT A DAMN THING will be done to her…
That would be sexist/racist/bigoted/islamophobic etc, to even DARE Call for her to face punishment…
Response to Capricorn1 You.mean, Joe Biden, Kama la Harris, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhatomar , and now for the American ,Marxist in the Democrat party, well, The whole Democrat party, like you said!!
“Omar and her squad sisters know exactly what they are doing.”
The Democrat Party’s Chutzpah Knows No Bounds
The definition of “chutzpah.”
It’s someone killing his parents and then falling on the mercy of the court on account of his being an orphan.
There is no truth, honor, credibility, ethics or morality within the Democrat Party.
The democrats hateful character is that of disciples of Satan.
Gee, wouldn’t it be terrible if some crazy decided that the only way to save this country was to eliminate the squad? That would not be good because it could be the cause of us destroying our country ourselves by starting that next civil/race war.
Gus – unfortunately that would turn them all into martyrs ;-(
Now if some drunk accidentally ran into them that would be a totally different issue………………
NOT wishing anything bad on anyone by any means but I certainly would not shed too many tears if that were to happen.
Unlike you, i DO WISH ILL on all of these damnable traitors..
OF course their Chutzpah knows NO Bounds, when for literally DECADES upon decades, they’ve been BREAKING THE LAW, flaunting it in our faces, and GETTING AWAY WITH DOING SO..
If Trump’s speech is alleged to have incited the “storming” of the Capitol (on January 6th, 2021), then WHY shouldn’t Ilhan Omar’s rhetoric be EQUALLY responsible for this ILLEGAL ALIEN’s attach on a Jewish Rabbi?
Just remember, the Capitol Police didn’t find/confiscate A SINGLE gun on January 6th, and the ONLY shooting was the MURDER of the INNOCENT woman BY the Capitol Police (whose identity is STILL not disclosed)!
Because white privilege.
Because Toxic masculinity
Because conservatives are white supremacists..
Take your pic.
I’m with WardMD and would add Mad Max the Mouth to the list. She said enough last summer that I think a couple of DAs or Attornies General could have charged her with conspiracy, and should have in order to force her to defend her actions and words.
At least charged her with “inciting to riot!!” Another DemonRAT gem that needs removing from congress and jailed!
SHE and the rest of her ilk, need a WHOLE HELL lot more than just merely being charged with inciting violence.
IMO THEY NEED TO BE charged and promptly HUNG for high treason!
We are going in circles here – 72% of the American Jewish voted for Democrats, for Omar and the rest. What is the answer ?
God’s chosen people – as an example of what to do, and what not to do, for the rest of us. Falling away from God’s guidance always ends in disaster.
That’s one of the great mysteries of the age. Why do Jews vote Democrat? 72% of Jews voted Democrat. Here’s another mystery. Why did 40% of conservatives not vote at all in November 2020…and then complain about the outcome of the election? If you want to save our nation (if it’s not too late already), you need to consider voting an obligation.
“Ilhan Omar Needs To….” Be removed from congress and SHIPPED to any Muslim country of her choice with the caveat that she NEVER return. FAILING that, remove and jail the wretch!
You know, all the fuss over the January 6th “insurrection” by the Dems needs to be replaced by a resurrection of American ideals, values, and leadership. This “Squad” should not even exist in Congress nor should its members even be Congress members. There are others outside of this faction that likewise should be put on notice—namely Maxine Waters.
Since these people ARE there and must be dealt with, Republicans need to stand up and call them out every time they spout off their inflammatory rhetoric. Waters is running off at the mouth now that the Constitution freed only Whites. If these people cannot honor this country and perform their jobs professionally and responsibly, they should not be there. They need to be called out every single time they overstep their bounds. When the message gets through that there will be a price to pay for being un-American, then perhaps the PR stunts will stop. The Founding Fathers would not have tolerated this BS—neither should we.
Sadly, calling them out every time they spout off their inflammatory rhetoric does absolutely nothing. They have been doing it for decades without any consequences. I wish I had an answer, but I don’t. Certainly the left isn’t going to do anything to one of their own and even if the Republicans take both the House and Senate next year, I doubt they will do anything either. More and more most Republicans seem to be satisfied with “go along to get along”.
Waiting for her Jewish Democrat colleagues to take her to task in kind. Not holding my breath, though.
Like Maxine waters, Ilhan Omar will never be censured for inciting violence, either from the press which is complicit in the hatred or from the Congress as long as Pelosi shields them.
Like i said above. she has THREE cards to use.. ISLAMOPHOBA is card #1, FEMALE is card #2, and I AM A DEMOCRAT is card #3.. ALL apparently very powerful weapons against justice.
Don’t forget #4…the RACE card.
That comes under the islmophobia card… Well for her.