Mississippi has passed legislation that bans minors from going under the knife for so-called gender-affirming surgery, and the red state’s Republican leaders have made it clear they won’t be intimidated by far-left groups accusing them of transphobia.
House Bill 1125 bans surgery for anyone younger than 18. It is headed to Gov. Tate Reeves after it passed 33-15 in the state Senate this week. Legislators in the state House approved it 78-30 in late January.
Similar legislation has been approved in Utah, South Dakota, Alabama, and Arkansas. The bill in The Magnolia State is known as the “Regulate Experimental Adolescent Procedures (REAP) Act.”
When the bill reaches his desk, Gov. Reeves made it clear in his recent State of the State address he would sign the bill: Minors cannot consent.
“The fact is that we set age restrictions on driving a car and on getting a tattoo. We don’t let 11-year-olds enter an R-rated movie alone,” Reeves pointed out. “Yet some would have us believe that we should push permanent body-altering surgeries on them at such a young age.”
In an interview with AFN, after the bill’s passage, House Speaker Philip Gunn similarly points out minors cannot legally buy cigarettes or alcohol, or sign a marriage certificate.
“There are a lot of decisions that we do not allow children to make until they are of age and able to make more mature decisions,” he tells AFN. “And I don’t know of anything that has a more life-long lasting impact than a decision to change one’s sex.”
Contrast that view with the Human Rights Campaign, the homosexual-rights lobbying group, which operates a branch in Mississippi. The group’s state director said Mississippi politicians are “interfering” with the rights of parents to support their transgender children.
In numerous stories across the country, however, alarmed parents have spoken out after learning homosexual activists were teaching transgender ideology to their children without their consent. That happens because those classroom teachers, who believe they are helping gender-confused children, view the disapproving parents as the enemy.
The spokesman for Human Rights Campaign Mississippi also accused state leaders of “attacking L-G-T-Q-plus Mississippians.”
Asked if he is concerned about lawsuits to fight the new law, Gunn tells AFN the legislature will not run from legislation over concern for a lawsuit.
“We deal with things we think are right and good,” he says.
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
We need functioning brains for a whole lot of adults.!!!!!
Ohio is looking to do the same.
It seems that these transgender activists want everyone else to be as miserable as they are. It turns out that a large number of the people demanding surgery for minors have not even had the surgery themselves.
That’s the left as a whole.. it seems.
Rush Limbaugh used to say, on numerous occasions, the left wallows in misery and wants everybody else to share in that misery.
Conservatives, by contrast, are generally happy, vivacious, forward-looking folks, contrary to what the MSM would have people believe. All the average Conservative really wants is peace, quiet, and the institutions and values which made America the great nation that it was, and could still be.
the vast majority of Conservatives don’t want to re-enslave the black man, don’t expect every woman to be barefoot and pregnant, don’t want to deny people the right to vote, don’t want to deny immigrants entry into this country, so long as they get here legally, etc.
America has always had her problems, because we’re all humans, but things were, in many ways, so much better than they are today.
Let’s hope it’s not too late to get back to better, saner, less miserable times.
Similar legislation has been approved in South Dakota? I’m surprised. I say that because I’m under the impression, from a couple of things I’ve seen on-line, the trans movement has been making big inroads in our red state, with the help of several Republican legislators, who also happen to be employees of Sanford hospital, with not a lot of pushback from our Governor, Kristi Noem. Also, as I understand it, there’s a physician at Sanford who’s performed sex-reassignment surgeries on kids as young as 8 years old.
Am I missing something? Is what I’ve read and heard, on-line legit, or is some of this political hyperbole?
For reference, here are the two sites where I’ve gotten my info:
To paraphrase Fox News, “I’ll report, you decide.”
If, indeed, such legislation has been approved here in the Red state of SD, I stand corrected and I say kudos to those sane legislators in Pierre who’ve made that a reality!
We may not have covered it here but I believe your governor signed a bill restricting trans surgery on minors recently.
Hello GOP USA Staff,
I just read the article you gave the link to and it appears that, indeed, governor Noem did sign just such a bill.
The 2nd link I’d posted was from Bill O’Reilly’s organization, The First. To hear them tell it, governor Noem was complicit in the trans movement gaining ground here in SD.
I used to listen to The O’Reilly Factor” (I’m totally blind), back when he was on Fox News, and I’ve always considered him and his organization stand-up folks. I’m sure he and they still are, but they obviously either got this wrong, or The First’s article put pressure on Noem and the state legislature to pass and sign this bill.
One of Mr. O’Reilly’s big things, every year, was, as he put it, the “War on Christmas”. Frankly, I’ve never seen it here in SD, and I even asked my mom, back when she worked for WalMart & Sam’s Club, if they ever told anyone not to say “Merry Christmas”, and she said she never encountered that. While I’m sure there really is a war on Christmas, perhaps some of his comments were hyperbolic, as I suspect many things are in cyberspace.
In the future I’ll endeavor to be more careful.
Thanks for setting me straight!