Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has slammed Texas Governor Greg Abbott over the state’s strict new abortion law, but drew mockery of her own for using the phrase ‘menstruating persons.’
The progressive New York Democrat spoke out in an interview with CNN on Tuesday, slamming Abbott as ignorant of reproductive science but appearing to trip over her own phrasing.
‘I don’t know if he is familiar with a menstruating person’s body. In fact, I do know that he’s not familiar with a woman — with a female or menstruating person’s body,’ said Ocasio-Cortez.
The term ‘menstruating person’ is intended to be inclusive of transgender and non-binary people who still have periods.
– Daily Mail
Sorry to breakdown Biology 101 on national TV, but since Gov. Abbott doesn’t seem to know, six-weeks pregnant means your period is 2 weeks late.
No rape survivor truly has 6 weeks to get an abortion. Nor do many report their assaults ever. The Governor’s remarks are disgusting.
— Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@RepAOC) September 8, 2021
Not just women! Trans men & non-binary people can also menstruate.
Some women also *don’t* menstruate for many reasons, including surviving cancer that required a hysterectomy.
GOP mad at this are protecting the patriarchal idea that women are most valuable as uterus holders.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) September 8, 2021
Sexual assault is an abuse of power that attempts to seize sexual control over another person’s body.
Anti-choice laws are also an abuse of power that attempts to seize sexual control over people’s bodies en masse.
And that’s 1 way rape culture informs anti-choice legislation.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) September 8, 2021
Hard to argue that this is an attack on women when you simultaneously abort their existence with “menstruating person.”
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) September 8, 2021
‘I don’t know if he is familiar with a menstruating person’s body. In fact, I do know that he’s not familiar with a woman — with a female or menstruating person’s body,’ said Ocasio-Cortez.
Akin to a similar remark made by Jen Psaki a few days ago to a reporter. however, these same women seem to think that Joe Biden falls just short of the Creator.
For some delusional Democrats, Biden IS a divine entity, worthy of adoration and praise.
Truth, however, is that he is a very sinful deficient human in dire need of repentance and salvation.
His time, and that of the rest of the world, is clicking quickly to an end. Be prepared.
Abbot has been married for what, 20+ YEARS? And has at least one kid (though adopted). SO HE KNOWS what goes on with a females body.. AOC obviously doesn’t, if she HONESTLY THINKS Trannie men who think they are women, can have periods.
The song many Years ago explained ” The Birds and the Bees . I’ve found though, that without any identfiying indications that most boys Just knew which among us were” Girls, and who were the ” Boys. This old song , for those too Dumb, to be let out on their own without a care Taker, just knew them Girl types from them Boys. The song, “Folks are dumb where I Come From but they Go From A to Z, Doing what Comes Naturally. ” Lyrics …. Author Unknown .
‘menstruating person’
Really ??? Is there no end to this clowns stupidity ?!?
Every time we ask that, LIBTARDS keep proving us “NO there is no end to their depravity!”
Regrettably there doesn’t seem to be.
Does she not realize that if you are raped you have access to the morning after pill and you can get a test that will tell you if you are pregnant in 2 weeks? You can find out you are pregnant way b/4 6 weeks. You don’t have to wait to miss a period. She’s the stupid one.
THEY DON’T care about facts, such as that info.. THEY CARE about feeellllliiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggsssssssss!
Less than one percent of abortions are rape based. That includes morning after. The issue is a true RED Herring. (on both sides) The only thing this law does is encourage quick rape reporting and probably lying women who say they were raped 6 months after when their husband comes home from the wars he has been on for 15 months. Funny a childless loved-less woman thinks she knows more about a woman’s body than Abbott. There are parts of hers she hasn’t even seen.
I forgot where i saw it, but last year, one study i saw, showed that .07% or so of all abortions, are from rape. Another .04% are from incest/sexual assaults by kin. While 2.4 to 2,7% are from “medical issues with the mother.
SO THAT GIVES over 97% are from “the woman just wants to kill the baby, cause she doesn’t want it!”
This creature is disgusting. What makes her think she ‘knows’ that? Is she inferring that Abbott isn’t intimate with a woman because of his paralysis? That’s discrimination but there is nothing too low for AOC and her pals to try to use against a political opponent.
That’s okay, AOC…
WE KNOW that YOU are unfamiliar with a BRAIN CELL!
I lived a quite sheltered life as a boy but even I became aware of the monthly female routine by the time I was in sixth grade. My wife and I were totally honest and open about these issues with both of our daughters from the moment we thought they could possibility understand. It is absurd to suggest that any college-educated middle-aged man would not be fully competent to teach his daughter everything she could ever need to know; with or without his wife’s input. It is as simple as other bodily functions…like digestion.
On a similar issue; every child, whether male or female, should be taught even before they can understand the message that the strong must show kindness and protect the weak and help them to succeed. (Example: Big kids should not punch little kids.) Thus, killing a helpless baby in or out of the womb is a terrible thing to do. Even a toddler should be instructed to accept this simple principle.
When you vehemently propound that transitioned biological males are legitimate, full-fledged females, you forfeit your right to play the Woman Card.
I saw mentioned elsewhere, that a study done in norway (or was it sweeden), showed that those who ‘suffer’ from gender dysphoria, commit suicide at the rate of 2.8 per 1000 folk, while normal people, only are .08 per 1000.. So i wonder, will THAT study be mentioned by AOC or even the media??
So does “My body, my choice.” apply to the vaccine she wants to shove down everyone’s throat? Liberal…But that’s different the vaccine saves lives. This anti-abortion law would um, well nevermind.
Once again the bug eyed donkey face has her moment of stupidity.
I would have loved to see one of the reporters say “SO Since you fully push bodily autonomy, then i guess you DON’T endorse mass vaccine mandates!”
AOC is the one needing a science/anatomy lesson. People with a uterus are the ONLY people who menstruate. It really is that simple. A man cannot menstruate because he doesn’t have a uterus. A man who thinks he’s a woman cannot menstruate because he doesn’t have a uterus. A woman who has had a hysterectomy cannot menstruate because she doesn’t have a uterus. There, it really is simple.
Don’t hate me for this, but I think she’s talking about biological females who think they are and/or pretend to be male. Having said that, in the immortal words of the late, great Rush Limbaugh, “She is a glimmering jewel of colossal ignorance.”
Oh, sure, cloud the issue with facts. Must be one of those danged conservatives.
Hold that pose. I am beyond positive he is not familiar with any part of that creatures body.
Big question is “it” really a woman or just pretending like the other sickos out there?
I don’t know. The picture looks like Harris running for office.
To look a noted member of the ” Squade, ” and outstanding Socialist,- Communist,, democrat party of America, Joe Biden President