With the barrage of allegations from Democrats both before and after the November election that now-President Donald Trump and Republicans have colluded with the Russians, it is now believed that Hillary Clinton’s advisors probably met with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak while the 2016 presidential contest was taking place.

Even though former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton frequently attempted to portray her Republican rival, Trump, as having deep and secretive ties with Russian President Vladimir Putin and his government, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov assured CNN’s Fareed Zakaria that no election talk was discussed with either campaign throughout the 2016 election.

Making a ‘scandal’ out of nothing…

In fact – contrary to what the Hillary camp, Democratic leaders and the mainstream media claimed – the Kremlin spokesperson insisted that the meetings Trump aides had with Kislyak were not scandalous at all.

Peskov went on to assert that the Russian ambassador was simply doing his job by speaking with the aides – a contention many others have made, as well.

“This is his job,” Peskov stressed when speaking about Kislyak on CNN. “He was talking about bilateral relations.”

Peskov then talked about the diplomatic reasons why the Russian ambassador had communications with the Trump team.

“He was talking about what is going on in the United States – so we have a better understanding in Moscow,” the Kremlin spokesperson continued.

The discussions taking place between the two countries that received so much backlash are actually contended to be something to be commended – not chided and looked upon with suspicion.

“Even our own ambassador to Russia conducts meetings like this because – as Peskov noted – the more an ambassador talks to the people in his country of residence … the better job he does,” Townhall’s Matt Vespa pointed out.

Hillary camp: Pot calling the kettle black?

Bringing attention to the hypocrisy that most likely occurred on the Democratic side of the presidential race last year, Peskov noted that he would be very surprised if similar-style meetings between Kislyak and members of the Clinton campaign did not take place.

“If you look at some people connected with Hillary Clinton during her campaign, you would probably see that [the Russian ambassador] had lots of meetings of that kind,” Peskov ventured with confidence.

Vespa pondered whether an investigation into such activity could be on the near horizon … with members of Clinton’s campaign being subpoenaed to testify before Congress – much like the former first lady was questioned during her email scandal.

He then brought to light how Clinton’s former campaign head dodged the bullet when he was probed as to whether members of his now-dissolved team covertly communicated with the Russians.

“Earlier this month, Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook couldn’t really confirm or deny whether members of the Clinton team had meetings with the Russians,” Vespa reported.

It was noted that instead of directly answering the question, Mook responded to questioning by saying the only information he had regarding the matter was from hearsay – implying that he was personally unaware about such meetings.

“[T]he folks that were managing that within the campaign have said that there were none,” Clinton’s campaign manager claimed.

The conservative news media has taken Mook’s evasive words about the Clinton campaign’s communications with the Russians with a grain of salt.

“As the campaign manager, shouldn’t he have known about this … or maybe John Podesta might know,” Vespa mused in disbelief.


Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.

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