If they’ve not already done so, expect organizations to file lawsuits over a California law that allows the release of gun owners’ personal information.
“This is likely a challengeable thing as an invasion of privacy,” says Dave Workman, editor-in-chief of TheGunMag.com. “… California has some of the most extreme anti-gun laws in the United States, and the people who are behind things like this typically [are] trying to poke the gun owners because they think they can get away with it – but you know, gun owners have rights too, and one of those rights is to be left alone.”
Governor Gavin Newsom (D-California) signed Assembly Bill 173 into law on Thursday (September 23). It requires the California Department of Justice to identify people purchasing firearms and ammunition and put that information in a research center at the University of California-Davis. Other universities can also request the data.
Included with the details are a buyer’s name, address, date of birth, what they purchased, where they bought it, and when the transaction occurred.
“All it really does is create problems for gun owners,” Workman tells AFN. “And to be honest with you, it’s nobody’s business really what a firearms owner has in his house. It’s not his neighbor’s business, and it’s certainly none of the government’s business.”
Workman also warns that what happens in California does not stay in California.
“Pay attention to any legislation that might be pre-filed in your state legislature to pay attention to this sort of thing,” he urges. “Because where it pops up in California, weeds grow everywhere – and this is liable to become an idea in some other state.”
One to look out for?
Another “woke” gun-related policy in California is set to take effect on Friday: a program that will pay “high-risk” people in San Francisco $300 a month if they promise not to shoot each other.
Payments under the “Dream Keeper Fellowship” reportedly will be made in the form of gift cards – and participants in the program will be paired with life coaches and serve as “community ambassadors” in trying to stem the spike in shootings this year in the City by the Bay.
Mayor London Breed disputes arguments that the program amounts to “cash for criminals,” a media-generated moniker attached to a similar program in Richmond, California.
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
I believe if I lived in California (I don’t) I would be more inclined to buy a gun off the street and not have to give the dishonorable, dishonest Democrat Party ruled government and the world my personal information and about what kind of guns that I have.
Kinda like: Hay do you want a .357? I have one and here is my name and address, come and steal it.
Or if this traitorous, socialist Democrat Party State decides to outlaw a certain type of gun, they have your gun type, name and address and will come and get your gun. 🙁 🙁 🙁
Same here. IF i was dumb enough to still live in Commiefornia, i’d be buying all my guns off the street, just like the gang bangers do.. EVEN IF IT cost me more.
“Another “woke” gun-related policy in California is set to take effect on Friday: a program that will pay “high-risk” people in San Francisco $300 a month if they promise not to shoot each other.”,,,,with the implied understanding that voting Democrat from cradle to grave is assumed to be part of the deal if you want to be left alone and not prosecuted for any California crimes committed under their watch. Life coaches are just another name for Democrat party political propaganda Commissar who if you never allowed them to put your Biden-like created brain to sleep, there would not be a need to ever be woke.
Dems are no different than the cartels or the mafia!
The difference, is the mob/cartel is not VOTED INTO office!
Much of the anti gun laws passed in Kommiefornia, Illinoise, New Crock, etc are un Constitutional and they damn well know it. They simply don’t care. They also know that challenging these laws is a long and costly process and with the myriad of liberal judges they may well win and get to keep these anti gun laws.
PITY the courts out there, seem not to CARE if they are unconstitutional..