Dr. Anthony Fauci has publicly stated his support for a vaccine mandate in America’s schools.
“I believe that mandating vaccines for children to appear in school is a good idea,” Fauci told CNN’s “State of the Union” program. “We’ve done this for decades and decades, requiring polio, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis” vaccinations, he added.
Children under the age of 12 are not currently eligible to be vaccinated against coronavirus in the United States, but Fauci has already expressed his optimism that the FDA will soon clear either the Pfizer or the Moderna vaccine for the under-12 age group.
“I think there’s a reasonable chance” that the FDA will approve the shots, Fauci told ABC’s “This Week,” anticipating that by October, there will be enough data to assess the safety of the vaccine for children.
Fauci’s comments on mandatory vaccine for children being at the 4:20 mark.
Health officials in several countries have voiced their fears that the start of the new school year will lead to a significant uptick in infections, and the issue is therefore at the forefront of discussions on regulations as they affect children.
Last week, the FDA approved the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for adults. Prior to its decision, the vaccine had only been granted emergency use authorization.
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Yep, Fauci, make the children sick, giving them the vaccine, you airhead. These kids rarely have severe symptoms from covid, you deep state hack, Fauci. Fauci needs to be sent to Guantanamo Bay for sending money to the Wuhan Lab in China, for gain of function research.
How about state prison for the many deaths that he has profited from.
FEDERAL PRISON would be better for this Fraud and Con Artist.
Pity we can’t send him to Crematoria (Chronicles of riddick!)
I’ve run out of things to say about this guy—he is a public nuisance.
Enemy, not nuisance.
ITs hard to find someone WORSE than him for the “public enemy #1 spot” other than maybe biden himself..
remove them all from office, my son won’t even talk to me anymore cause of lying joe biden and why are we even listening to fauci when he is responsible for this covid ****, there all traitors and should be removed from office.
Dr0p deeed, Fauxi.
Wonder how much the government health care cabal is making from all this? Do we have records to find this out?
LOTS of money you can be sure of that.
$419,000 a year of tax payer money we DON’T have.
WHY the hell, does he earn MORE THAN THE PRESIDENT?? IMO WE need to cut that in at least 10h its amount..
Due to all his hesitations and his constant change of thoughts, as often as he changes his socks andties, I have lost all respect and do not consider him an authority. on anything but ??? As far as he’s concerned, all of us will be going to our graves with a mask on. Torture the kids with ineffective masks. Facial recognition, even though not part of any study, are important during the early years in school and society. Protect the teachers and the teacher’s union, a must whenever an individual needs to be in good standing with those in control. So many great virologists have commented on the NO need for masks for children and , specially if vaccinated adults , and yet the CDC insists in following idiotic and not proven by research.
Even before he flip flopped more than a fish out of water, i DIDN’T trust a SINGLE DAMN THING He said.
What about what I want?
You are a serf, what you want, and think, don’t matter anymore.. NOW OBEY slave!!
Think Congress GOP especially McConnell & McCarthy should publicly declare they would not advise anyone to let their babies be lab testing animals for vaccine overseen by the Josef Mengele style doctor, Fauci.
That is what Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer & most other Dems would be shouting about any new vaccine being mandated for all adults & now young children if Trump was still in office.
Both GOP & Dems should be united in firing & holding criminally liable Fauci & anyone else involved in US funding of the bio-warfare type research in Communist China, which has now resulted in the deadly covid virus, & which they knew could be unleashed on the world by the tyrannical, hostile & militarily belligerent Chinese govt.
Hell will freeze over, BEFORE EITHER OF those two, do a damn thing, against Godking Fauci..
This is only the first shot fired by China in their quest to eliminate any country that could oppose them. They want to rule the world and nothing is beyond what they will try to gain that objective. Pelosi and Schummer are our biggest internal enemies, and China is the biggest external enemy.
I still find it amazing how Bill Gates predicted the exact year 2020, as when we would have a pandemic in his speech a few years back.
Thats why i say this was a PLANNED DEMIC.. They predicted “This would occur” back in that symposium.. AND NOW ITS coming true.
fauci is now reaping the rewards for the vaccine he developed several years ago. so, you know who developed the covid, since how can you develope a vaccine for a virus that doesn’t exist. so, he is in charge of demanding that more people use his developed vaccine, so that he is even richer. but, GOD knows his name. wouldn’t want to be him.
None of the other vaccines permanently alter the DNA. None of the others have the deadly side effects.
Fauci is proving to be as clueless as Sleepy Joe is…and as truthful too.
Clueless hell no.
EVIL to the bloody core, HELL YES.
DWARF FAUCI needs to be Casterated and IMPRISONED. Everything he has told everyone from Day One have been HABITUAL LIES . Mr. No Science doesn’t know anything about SCIENCE. His Science is everything about being a FRAUD and a CON ARTIST. I for 1 doesn’t believe anything this Cheap Fraud Says. He is a CCP stooge ! What ever lie that they tell him he thinks its TRUE. That’s why the CCP has Beijing Joe O’biden as One of their PUPPETS.
Some of his statement is true, the vaccines cited worked for their respective diseases, those diseases being particularly hard on children who were affected most with adults rarely catching them except for polio. In this case it’s adults suffering more while children may not be totally immune are contracting it, suffering as much, nor spreading it like the adults. He wants to treat the kids as miniature adults rather than children with vastly different issues and requirements.
Who Voted Fauci In as The country adviser??? Who? Republicans, Dems, I don’t know because one day out of the blue he popped up on the Trump stage, Even Trump didn’t get along with him he knew that Fauci was a money grabber and a back stabber. His ideas have ruined our economy, Ruined life as we all know it and he continues to do it. Why are we allowing him to make decisions over our life. Give the people the correct information in truth and let the people decide what is best for there children and for themselves. We have the will to survive when given the correct information and tools to work with. We are Americans and We can think for ourselves, If some want the covid shot fine, and if some don’t want the shot fine too, why does it bother people so much. These shots are not CDC tested correctly yet so you can not demand people to take the shot.
AND supposedly the “FDA Approved Phfister” vaccine, is NOT EVEN THE SAME SHOT THEY ARE ALREADY USING.. ITs something NEW.
If this is a “vaccine”, why do I need a booster shot 6 – 8 months later (and probably another one next year, and the year after, etc)? None of the other vaccines Fauci mentions require boosters. They are one-and-done shots.
WE THE PEOPLE need to have a means of censoring this clown from our tv screens and phones. Who could NOT be sickened by the sight of this guy by now or believe anything he says??? He’s Frankenstein.
Vaccines for viruses that mutate every minute??? gee where did I hear that THAT DOESN’T WORK??
I”???? want to see the INQUIRY INTO ‘WHO CREATED THIS VIRUS” OUT IN PUBLIC out in the open where we?, the people? can see whom we want to run out of town on a rail. or put under the jail.
Dr.Fauci Is A Pro Eugenics Depopulation Control Agenda Doctor, He Wants All Of What All Of The Political Elite Meglamianiac’s Satan Worshiper’s Leftists Communistic Rulership Want, He Has No Soul Or Conscious Bone In His Body, He Doesn’t Care If Everyone Around Him Dies From The COVID-19 Vaccinations An All These So Called Variant Cases That Have Some Many Mutations They Can’t Even Keep Up With Around The World Supposedly An The WHOA Are Trying To Invoke Authority Over The United States Of America To Bring In Their Globalist Communistic Rulership Agenda Like China’s Empierial Rulership Were We Will Be Forced To Conform To Their Enslavement An An Have No Civil Liberties Constitutional Bill Of Rights Anymore Either We Conform To Their Enslavement Or We Are Treated With FEMA Camps An Then Put To Death Or Play Good Little Slaves To Their Tyranny, Have You Ever Watched Someone You Love Be Raped Or Killed In Front Of You Because You Won’t Go Along With The Powers That Be Want You To Do, Well That’s What Is Coming To Our Country If We Just Sit Here Online An Text About The Bull ****, Instead Of Contacting Congress An Putting A Stop To All This Medical Authoritarianism That’s Going To Kill Millions More People Then You Think, May God Help Us All !!!
The United States Of America Congressional Demoncratic Party Has Committed Crimes Against Humanity They Are All Guilty Of This Horrendous is Offence Against Your Loved One’s, Your Friends An Nextdoor Neighbors, Your Co-workers, Your Bosses Your Businesses, Your Life, We As A Nation Will Fall Hard If We Don’t Stop These Career Political Criminal Tyrant Treasonous Evil Meglamianiac Wanta Be Elite Political Super Power Monsters, Their May Be A Few In Congress That Are Still For The Constitutional Rights That Protect Us From Domestic An Foreign Rulership Agenda,But Most Them Including The Republican Party Don’t Give A Damn About Anyone’s Health Or Welfare Or Life Period !!!!! Get A Grip An Stand Up NOW TODAY STOP THIS EVIL THAT THEY ARE DOING !!!! Abusing Their Power Over We The People Of The United States Of America !!!!