WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — The COVID-19 omicron variant is “just raging around the world,” the White House’s top medical adviser said Sunday as President Joe Biden prepares to issue “a stark warning of what the winter will look like” for unvaccinated Americans.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country’s leading infectious disease expert, told NBC’s “Meet the Press” that “the real problem” for the U.S. hospital system is that “we have so many people in this country who are eligible to be vaccinated who have not yet been vaccinated.”
The prospect of a winter chilled by a wave of coronavirus infections is a severe reversal from the optimism projected by Biden some 10 months ago, when he suggested at a CNN town hall that the country would essentially be back to normal by this Christmas. Biden has been careful not to overpromise, yet confidence in the country has been battered by an unrelenting wave of COVID-19 mutations and variations that have left many Americans emotionally exhausted, dispirited and worried about infections.
Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, tried to defend the president’s earlier promise in a separate interview Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.”
“The idea about hoping and having an aspiration to be independent of the virus after a period of time is understandable and reasonable,” Fauci said. “But the one thing that we know from, now, almost two years’ experience with this virus is that it is really very unpredictable.”
With the threat that rising infections could worsen the supply chain challenges facing the United States and fuel inflation, Gov. Jared Polis, D-Colo., said Biden should stop talking about vaccination as two shots and a booster and instead call it “three doses” that are needed to maximize protection.
Polis pivoted to inflation that is running at a nearly four-decade high, saying Biden in his remarks on Tuesday about the omicron variant needed to show the country how he is addressing the rising cost of goods.
“We can do very concrete things that actually reduce the costs for Americans,” Polis said on NBC, noting that Colorado is cutting vehicle registration fees and making it free to register a new business.
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The administration is expecting a series of breakthrough infections with the surge of holiday travelers. Fauci said most people who have been vaccinated and gotten a booster should be fine if they take precautions such as wearing masks in crowded settings including airports.
Biden plans to speak Tuesday on the status of the fight against COVID-19 and discuss government help for communities in need of assistance, White House press secretary Jen Psaki tweeted. She also said he will be “issuing a stark warning of what the winter will look like for Americans that choose to remain unvaccinated.”
GOPUSA Editor: Can Biden’s Tuesday warning be anymore stark than his forecast last week of a ‘Winter of Illness and Death’?
Fauci was asked on CNN whether he expected a record numbers of cases — and what about hospitalizations and deaths. “Yes, well, unfortunately, I think that that is going to happen,” he said. “This virus is extraordinary. It has a doubling time of anywhere from two to three days,” he said. “Right now, in certain regions of the country, 50% of the isolates are omicron, which means it’s going to take over.”
Fauci told NBC the president would again urge people to get the booster shot, highlight increased availability of testing, discuss “surge teams” for besieged hospitals and explain how important it is to provide vaccines for the rest of the world.
“The one thing that’s very clear, and there’s no doubt about this, is its extraordinary capability of spreading, its transmissibility capability. It is just, you know, raging through the world, really,” Fauci said. “And if you look even here in the United States, you have some regions that start off with a few percent of the isolates that are positive, now going up to 30%, 40%, and some places 50%.”
Psaki’s announcement Saturday on Twitter came after Vice President Kamala Harris said in a Los Angeles Times interview that the Biden administration “didn’t see delta coming. I think most scientists did not — upon whose advice and direction we have relied — didn’t see delta coming.” She added: “We didn’t see omicron coming. And that’s the nature of what this, this awful virus has been, which as it turns out, has mutations and variants.”
The vice president’s words raised doubts as to the administration’s strategy for addressing the pandemic. Biden had effectively declared independence from the virus at a White House celebration on July Fourth to mark progress with vaccinations inside the United States, yet the global nature of the pandemic meant that the disease could evolve as others around the world waited for immunization.
Fauci told NBC he saw the variants coming and he thought Harris’ statement “was taken a bit out of context,” adding he believed she was referring to “the extraordinary number of mutations … particularly with omicron. No one had expected it that much but we were well-prepared and expected that we were going to see variants.”
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So, are we up to 8 masks—6 vaccines—4 boosters—and social and economic hibernation?
Let’s just forget about flattening the curve—let’s just round the corner.
“President Joe Biden prepares to issue “a stark warning of what the winter will look like” for unvaccinated Americans.”
I am in doubt about the credibility of this corrupt puppet president F. Joe Biden and the treasonous socialist Democrat Party.
If these traitors are so concerned about the spread of COVID and diseases, then why is “Let’s Go Brandon” and the treasonous, socialist Democrat Party ruled Congress, encouraging, importing, supporting and secretly transporting multi-millions of disease infected, unvaccinated illegal immigrants around our country and against the will of our citizens??
WITH hwo they are going, the ‘curve’, will NEVER get flattened. THEY WILL KEEP making more and more absurd laws… TILL WE BY FORCE, stop them.
I call it as i see it filthy..
Why do the variants so furiously rage together?,
Why do the Fauci’s imagine of vain things”,
The Kings and their spooks rise up,
And their rulers take council together,
Against the Lord, and his anointed,
“Let us break their bonds asunder. And cast away their yokes from us!”
Smart Americans no longer fooled ,can see the biggest Chinese yet created variant coming too,,,scheduled to arrive right before the next election
Fitting it is that Joe and Fauci announce their Big Top tent, Big COVID plan of the year on December 21st, the winter solstice, and the darkest day of the year with the least enlightenment, when the evil in America is strongest. Once he and his Fauci fraud puppet master that pulls this mouth strings are out of office, raging dark things by raging people of dark intent can only get brighter for the USA.
“Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country’s leading infectious disease expert”? Since when is one man “the leading infectious disease expert” in the nation? Dr. Fauci should be strapped permanently to a chair in his house, the Fauci candles with Fauci’s St. Fauci image on it (Fauci has these candles on the shelf of his bookcase) should be placed in front of Fauci and Fauci can worship his St. Fauci candles, with twenty masks on, since Fauci is the “leading infectious disease expert”.
“Let me be clear”, fauci is the “leading infectious disease funder & spreader”. He’s also a punk….
That’s why i firmly believe, THEY WILLINGLY WAITED TO TELL US about it, TILL it had already spread INTO AMERICA..
Time for Fauci and the Covid to disappear from the news. Let the virus do what it needs to do and go through our population. We’ll get used to it better than getting used to the higher inflation we have been feeling.
TIME for him to disappear from reality!
You got that right Mike… I just witnessed my wife’s cousin killed by the liberal hospital system here in Michigan.. as we all know ran by evil Libtards… not protected by useless RINOs. He was unvaccinated, drove himself to the hospital not feeling well. They admitted him and DID NOTHING.. wouldn’t let ANYONE contact him and the hospital would only speak to his girl friend as a contact for the family. He managed to get to a cell phone called his father and told him was really scared he was getting worse and they did nothing to help him. His father heard them grab the phone and tell him they were going to force a ventilator on him as he told them no he didn’t want it. 2 day’s later he was dead… with no contact in the family or girlfriend.
I HOPE you SUE THEIR butts off, for medical malpractice and GROSS negligence..
The ‘free citizens’ of America, do not care what CNN Fauci has to say about anything. Looking forward to his incarceration…
Hey, Dr. Fauci…
If our INITIAL lockdowns we SUPPOSED to be to not overwhelm our hospitals’ ICU units, WHY do we need to be concerned with the Omicron variant, if people who get the variant, have VERY MILD symptoms (not requiring hospitalization at all)?
How does “the science” justify your current mandates?
WHAT science.. MOST STUDIES have proven masks DON’T DO JACK SQUAT. YET he still ‘believes’ they are worth mandating..
I believe nothing Fauci or his ex-boss say. They are all in on this scam to subjugate the America people. Something that has never been mentioned since the start of COVID-19 is that the common cold can be a corona virus infection. From WebMD “The coronavirus is the cause of about 20% of colds.” From what I’ve read, this new “variant”. omicron has symptoms more like the common cold than a COVID 19 infection. I do not trust any of them.
Why is Anyone in this country listening to this Lying Little POS??? To get a True picture of this piece of excrement, read RFK Jr’s book about Fauci/Gates, and their direct ties to Big Pharma. Remember when President Trump touted Hydroxychloroquine? That and Ivermectin are inexpensive and proven drugs used to fight the affects of COVID. They have been used successfully in numerous countries, and have the data to prove it. Since Fauci and Bill Gates have vested interests in the companies manufacturing “Expensive” vaccines, other remedies HAD to be eliminated in our country . They are now banned from use in America to push a vaccine that is NOT working, but IS lining their pockets. RFK Jr’s investigation has uncovered alarming statistics. If those two drugs were used during the initial phase of the virus, 500,000 lives would have been saved. Fauci is not only a Liar, he’s a Murderer!!!
What a bunch of Chicken Littles these jokers are. SQUAWK the sky is falling SQUAWK SQUAWK !!!
Does anyone besides the misleadia take them serious anymore?
With a little luck, Fauci and the rest of the dummycrats might catch the new covid and die.
I’d certainly not shed a tear, if EVERY DAMN ONE of them, up and croaked tomorrow..