Everyone’s a critic these days, Mayor de Blasio moaned Monday.

“In the larger public discourse … nowadays, everyone wants to be offended by everything,” he griped during a press conference.

“It’s just not fair. That’s not what happened at all,” he continued in answer to a question about an intense encounter last week in which a Chinatown bakery manager complained to Hizzoner of plummeting business.

De Blasio walked away from the man while he was in the middle of a sentence, but insisted Monday that “no one was disrespected. They were heard.”

“I listened to everyone and saw that there was clearly a difference between people in the community and I thought it was not productive to end up having a debate between community members there,” he explained.

De Blasio also offered a positive take on why he won’t be at this week’s Democratic National Convention to nominate Joe Biden for president, even though he spoke at the convention in 2016.

New York politicos, including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Gov. Cuomo and Sen. Chuck Schumer, will each get a turn boosting the ex-veep.

“This for me is not a time for politics at all,” de Blasio said, though he’s had an election-countdown marker on his desk every day at recent press conferences. “I really have not been interested in being involved in political work right now.”


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